Sports are not only a great pastime, but also big business. Now actors and athletes are respected in about the same degree, because these professions have become prestigious and highly paid in our time. Let's talk more about professional and amateur sports.

We haven't done any specific research on this, but it seems that "sport" is the most international word imaginable. We will have a special section to confirm this obvious truth. But enough foreplay.
The word was borrowed from English in the 19th century. Initially, the word disport existed, but in the course of the inexorable passage of time, it was reduced, and a well-known sport remained. By the way, according to the omniscient and omniscient etymological dictionary, in Old French there was a word desporter, that is, “that which distracts from work”, and disport is in the broad sense of “fun”, “entertainment”, “game”.
In some countries, time not busy with work is still listed under the gener althe name of the game. As evidence, we can refer to the novel "Tokyo Bride" by Amelie Nothombe, which, despite its artistry, contains some very interesting cultural observations about the Land of the Rising Sun.

Putting aside the etymological dictionary, we pick up an explanatory one. In any case, the main thing is accuracy. Therefore, in order to answer the question about the meaning of the word "sport", you need to stick to the letter of the dictionary. So, in our constant companion, the following meanings of the object of study are written:
1. An integral part of physical culture is a set of physical exercises for the development and strengthening of the body, competitions in such exercises and complexes, as well as a system for organizing and conducting these competitions.
2. Gambling passion for something, some occupation.
It is striking that there is, so to speak, a moral difference between the meanings of the object of study. If in the first case, sport is good, then in the second case, gambling is more likely to be disapproved.
In general, the portable characterization of sport as a lifestyle to other areas does not find understanding among others and society. For example, when a businessman turns money into an object of obsession, it becomes a little scary for him. Someone collects books, and someone collects cars. We will keep silent about more exotic or, conversely, prosaic souvenirs. The smart reader will understand. But, in principle, you can collect anything, and this is a sport.
Translation tomajor European languages
Remember, at the beginning we said that sport is the most international word? Of course, we will not give variants of all languages, but the relationship of the European version of this noun will be obvious. So the list is:
sports (in French);
sport (in German);
sport (in English);
sport (in Italian);
deportes (in Spanish).
As you can see, only Spanish stands out against the general background. But it is still noticeable that the Spanish version is consonant with the original English word disport. If the reader thinks that we are deceiving him, then he may well check it himself. But we affirm: sport is what connects people around the world. It's not just about money, it's about the universal language of human achievement. True, in practice it turns out that you still need to learn the language of the country where you play. There is a language barrier, it's not a myth. But still, the translation of the word "sport" is the least demanded by people, it, like the Olympic motto, is understandable to everyone almost without additional explanations.
Professional sports as the right guide

There is an opinion that any work is now done at the limit of human capabilities, that is, if you want to achieve something, you need to make every effort, and such a philosophy should become a lifestyle. Limiting revolutions as a necessary, but not sufficient basis for human accomplishments, it is still necessary that chance favors. In other words, sadly, but the efforts may not be justified. Examplesas much as you want both in life and in sports.
But let's move on to the main thing. The Russian government has a task - to show how good and wonderful it is to be athletic, fit and hardy. But a perspicacious person knows that professional sports are hard work and results.
At one time, the world was flooded with reports of the death of famous football players (Foe, Feher, Puerta). Now, sometimes, sad news also comes, but athletes do not die during the match, but because of the stress in training. Whether to connect this with an oversight of doctors or the carelessness of the person himself is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing is to think carefully before devoting your life to professional sports. However, there is a safer alternative.
He althy lifestyle

There is nothing wrong with being an amateur in sports. Yes, in the wonderful book "Thanatology - the science of death" it is said that no common connection has been revealed between centenarians, except for good genetics. But if a person systematically destroys himself with cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, then it is very likely that he will not live to be 90 years old. True, there are still accidents, but we take only the normal course of life without disruption.
Regarding a he althy lifestyle, there are two opposing points of view: some stand up for it with all limbs, others also vehemently reject it. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. A reasonable attitude towards your body has never harmed anyone. But the main thing is to take the burden on your own, so as not to fall when walking, that is, you cannot followsomething just because it's trendy. There are also injuries in amateur sports, so no fanaticism.
We talked about the origin of the word "sport", its meaning, and even touched on the topic of amateur and professional sports.