Fundamentals and signs of primitive society

Fundamentals and signs of primitive society
Fundamentals and signs of primitive society

The first society in the history of mankind is considered to be primitive, or pre-state. It has replaced the great apes. What was different about the new organization? What are the characteristics of a primitive society? Does it have the prerequisites of the state? We will try to answer.

signs of primitive society
signs of primitive society


Signs of primitive society:

  • tribal organization;
  • teamwork;
  • common property;
  • primitive tools;
  • equal distribution.

The above signs of primitive society affect economic life, as culture has just begun to take shape. The only thing that can be distinguished is fetishism, the deification of nature. But the last point, roughly speaking, is conditional. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, also worshiped nature - the sun (Yarilo), lightning (Perun), Wind (Stribog). However, this does not give reason to speak of them as primitive. Therefore, as signs of a primitive society, it is precisely economicaspects (labor, tools, distribution, etc.).

signs of primitive society and civilization
signs of primitive society and civilization

The concept of a polygamous family

The basis of the clan in primitive society was a polygamous family. It was assumed that members of society entered into sexual intercourse for procreation only within their own community. She formed a tribe as it grew, and a tribe formed a union of tribes. That is, in fact, they were all relatives to each other. Hence the concept of "genus" in the meaning of "one's own." "Strangers" were not allowed into such families. The union of tribes is the prototype of the first nations with distinctive features.

If we analyze the above signs, we will see that with such a system of economic model, the emergence of social inequality is impossible. The tools were primitive, everyone was engaged in the same labor in order to preserve their kind, there was a distribution of products, since everyone worked collectively.

What will we not attribute to the signs of a primitive society? The presence of a coercive apparatus. This is understandable. The presence of a coercive apparatus is associated with the emergence of property inequality, which appeared later, during the division of labor in the period of "military democracy". We will talk about this a little later.

Signs of primitive society and state

The signs of a nascent state from a primitive society include:

  • Monogamous family.
  • Division of labor.
  • The emergence of private property.
  • signs of primitive society and state
    signs of primitive society and state

Social division of labor

Over time, laborstarts to get complicated. Many historians attribute these changes to climate change. Life has become harsher. Therefore, traditional hunting and gathering had to move away towards the cultivation of the land. Man himself has now begun to create food. This, according to scientists, is the beginning of social stratification.

signs of a primitive society the presence of an apparatus of coercion
signs of a primitive society the presence of an apparatus of coercion

However, a person could not perform several operations at the same time. The result was:

The first major division of labor. Agriculture separated from animal husbandry

Over time, people begin to improve their agricultural implements. Society is moving from primitive hoes and stones to new tools that can no longer be made by oneself without special knowledge and skills. A category appears that is better than others in making agricultural implements. Gradually, this layer became isolated and led to the second major division of labor.

Separation of handicraft from agriculture

The two divisions of labor have resulted in manufacturers producing different goods that each class needs. The farmer needed tools, animals, the craftsman needed bread, etc. However, the exchange was hampered by employment. If the farmer takes the time to exchange his produce, he will suffer more losses. Everyone needed a mediator. Let's remember how our society struggled with speculators. However, they helped to develop society. There was a separate category that made life easier for everyone. The third division of labor has taken place.

Appearance of merchants

All this has led to social inequality, stratification. One had a poor harvest, the other found a product at a better price, etc.

Naturally, when stratified, a clash of interests begins. The old tribal community could no longer control all this. In its place, a neighbor's room appeared, where people were strangers to each other. A new organization was needed. As such, political power acted. Proto-state relations began to take shape. This period was called "military democracy". It is with the creation of full-fledged elites that a real state begins, that is, civilization. More on this later.

signs of primitive society
signs of primitive society

Signs of primitive society and civilization

The period of "military democracy" is the time when all members of society are still equal. No one stands out for luxury or poverty. This is a time where the future of not only one's own, but also one's descendants depended on personal merits. With property stratification, constant wars for we alth began. One tribe constantly attacked another. Society could not live differently. Attacks led to the enrichment of the most successful warriors. Naturally, those who were at home were left with nothing. This is how knowledge began to take shape. In all nations, political elites were formed precisely from warriors. Having obtained money and fame in battles, people began to look for a way to consolidate this state of affairs. Transfer your privileged position to your heirs. This is how states were formed with a hierarchical caste structure of a closedtype. This time is considered the beginning of civilization.
