The largest country in the world by population. Features of the demographic policy of the most populous states

The largest country in the world by population. Features of the demographic policy of the most populous states
The largest country in the world by population. Features of the demographic policy of the most populous states

The largest countries by population - where are they located? How many people live in them? You will find answers to these questions in the article. In addition, we will also talk about how they are trying to solve the problem of overpopulation in specific states.

Global overpopulation

The world population is about 7.2 billion people. It was this figure that Ban Ki-moon announced at the beginning of 2014. The population of our planet is growing at a tremendous rate, because at the end of the twentieth century its number barely reached the mark of 6 billion. But a hundred years ago, no more than two billion people lived on Earth at all.

Some scientists and analysts argue that the world's population is growing so fast that humanity can no longer do anything substantial about it. No, even the most radical demographic policy measures, according to Australian researchers, will no longer be able to stop this growth. Therefore, progressive scientists advise focusing attention and strength not on containmentpopulation growth, but on the development of environmental management methods.

largest countries by population
largest countries by population

Another global problem is the uneven distribution of the world's population. So, almost 65% of all inhabitants of the planet live on 15% of its territory (land). And the largest countries in the world in terms of population are located mainly in one region - in South and East Asia. From here, by the way, "legs" are growing for many global environmental and social problems.

Largest countries by population (list)

About 60% of all inhabitants of the Earth live in only ten states (recall that there are more than 200 countries in the world). Next, we bring to your attention a list of the 7 largest countries in terms of population. Near each of them is the number of inhabitants in millions:

  1. China (1373, 6).
  2. India (1280, 9).
  3. USA (321, 3).
  4. Indonesia (257, 6).
  5. Brazil (203, 3).
  6. Pakistan (191, 2).
  7. Nigeria (182, 2).
largest countries in the world by population
largest countries in the world by population

The largest country in terms of population is China. Every fifth inhabitant of the Earth lives here. China is located in Asia. In the same part of the world there are three more states from this list.

China's population policy

In the People's Republic of China, they are trying to solve the problem of overpopulation under the loud slogan: "One child per family!" The introduction of this program began in the late 70s of the last century. For thisAt the same time, the birth rate for one woman in China has decreased from 5.8 to 1.8. Thus, China's population policy can be assessed as successful.

Under Chinese law, families in this country are only allowed to have one child. A second baby is allowed to be born only in rural areas, and even then - if a girl was born first. How are violators punished in China? First of all, they are fined. Forced abortions and sterilizations are also common. It should be noted that these measures do not apply to some national minorities.

China's "agitation industry" is also working to reduce the birth rate in the state. Appropriate posters and slogans can be found on the streets, on television and even on residential buildings.

7 largest countries by population
7 largest countries by population

Most recently (in October 2015), the Communist Party decided to allow Chinese families to have a second child.

Indian population policy

If the world's largest country in terms of population effectively fights the problem of overpopulation, then in India this problem is given much less attention. True, the family planning program in this Asian state was approved even earlier - in 1951.

Population policy in India runs under a similar motto: "A small family is a happy family." However, as statistics show, it does not go beyond beautiful slogans. At the end of the 20th century, the family planning program in India was refined. Now she actively encourages citizens of the country to have no more than twochildren in families. The goal of the program is to achieve zero annual population growth.

largest country in terms of population
largest country in terms of population

India's population policy provides for administrative, propaganda and medical measures. Special centers distribute modern methods of contraception among the population, conduct regular sterilizations. According to statistics, at least five million citizens are sterilized in India every year.

It is worth noting that the fight against overpopulation in India is not as effective as in the same China. This is also evidenced by the "dry" figures. The population of India is growing three times faster than the population of China. In addition, according to the forecasts of many scientists, by the middle of the 21st century, the world's largest country in terms of population will cede this championship to India.

In conclusion…

The world's population is growing at a tremendous pace: today over seven billion people live on our planet. And by 2100, according to demographers, there will be about 11 billion of them.

The most populated countries in the world are China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil. They solve the problem of overpopulation in different ways. For example, the largest country in terms of population - China - is pursuing, as already mentioned, its demographic policy under the slogan "One family - one child!". And it bears fruit. At the same time, little attention is paid to the problem of the population explosion in India.
