Christianization of Russia from Byzantium provided ample opportunities for the development of culture and art. However, fundamental knowledge in any branch of science in the XII century. Russian people could get only in Constantinople. Therefore, there are not so many true thinkers, philosophers and theologians of the level of Kliment Smolyatich, who are able not only to appreciate the serious political and religious trends of their time, but also try to influence them.
History of Russia XII century
The centralization of power in Kyiv was provided only by the first Rurikovich, due to the small number of their heirs. Later, Russia fell into a long period of civil strife, caused by the traditions of succession to the throne (it happened according to seniority in the family). The sons of the Grand Duke could not hope to reign in Kyiv, except perhaps through the murder of their uncles and their own brothers. The feuds within the state practically did not stop, because the number of Rurik's descendants increased every year, so the system of succession to the throne required revision.
In 1146, Izyaslav, the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh through his eldest son Mstislav, came to power in Kyiv. He wasa supporter of the church independence of Russia from Byzantium.

The need for the autonomy of the Kyiv Metropolis is ripe for the following reasons:
- The church was considered by Izyaslav as a link supporting the centralization of power. Therefore, “his” metropolitan had to manage it.
- Church dependence on Byzantium sometimes for a long time left the Church of Russia without head control.
- The metropolitans appointed by Constantinople (Tsargrad) prevented the establishment of a new system of succession to the throne - from father to eldest son. They actively conducted political intrigues in favor of the princes that were beneficial to them.
Therefore, Izyaslav proposed to the regional bishops in 1147 to elect Clement Smolyatich as metropolitan, without the approval of this decision by Constantinople.

Byzantine influence
The former Metropolitan of Kyiv Michael II (Greek) fled to Constantinople during the seizure of power by Izyaslav (1145). He ruled over the Russian church from 1130, simultaneously supporting the internecine strife between the princes. Before his ordination by Constantinople, the Kyiv cathedra was empty for 5 years, respectively, after his departure - for another two years.
From the very beginning of the Christianization of Russia, Byzantium controlled church power in it, sending its metropolitans. The Greeks participated in political intrigues, as this increased church fees in favor of Constantinople.
Having taken the throne and started a church schism by affirmingKliment Smolyatich as the Metropolitan of Kyiv, Izyaslav made a challenge not only to his relatives. He aroused the discontent of Byzantium, which Yuri Dolgoruky (Uncle Izyaslav) took advantage of, starting a war for accession to Kyiv.

Written sources of Russia of the XII century
Despite the difficult situation, the century turned out to be rich in cultural heritage. At this time, a large number of churches were being built in the Vladimir-Suzdal lands and in Veliky Novgorod. And the following should be attributed to written sources:
- Chronicle of "The Tale of Bygone Years" by monk Nestor - in 1110
- Manual of Vladimir Monomakh called "Instruction" - in 1125
- "Epistle to Presbyter Thomas" by Kliment Smolyatich - in 1147
- List "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - in 1185

Church strife
Kliment Smolyatich is known as the second, after St. Hilarion (1051-1055), primordially Russian metropolitan. Izyaslav called him to Kyiv from the schema, which he kept in the Zarubsky monastery, to participate in the cathedral. Ten bishops were also invited from all the episcopal sees that existed in 1147. However, only five showed up. The reasons for the non-appearance of the rest are:
- unwillingness to support the separation of the Russian Church from Constantinople;
- Prohibition of specific princes on the participation of bishops in the cathedral.
Bishop of Smolensk Manuel wrote to the Patriarch in Constantinople that he was disgustedrun in front of Clement, and the Novgorod hierarch Nifont refused to even mention the name of Clement in the liturgy. Since both were Greeks, their position reflects the Byzantine churchmen's disregard for the Russian bishops and the actual usurpation of religious power in Russia by Byzantium.
Nevertheless, five hierarchs voted in favor. The most influential of them, Onuphry of Chernigov, found a strong argument about the possibility of ordination of his Russian metropolitan through the use of one of the two shrines that Russia had for this purpose:
- the head of the Pope St. Clement (a disciple of Peter and Paul), whom Byzantium did not revere, kept in the Church of the Tithes;
- the fingers of John the Prelate.
Since it was the head that was chosen in the end, we can conclude that the Russian bishops deliberately provoked a schism with the Greek Orthodox Church.

Metropolitan's milestones
The chronicler Nestor did not consider it necessary to attend the solemn ceremony of ordination of the new metropolitan, which took place on 1147-27-07, thereby expressing a protest against the cathedral. There were many who disagreed - not only in the church, but also in the secular environment.
Little is known about Kliment Smolyatich's biography. It is believed that he comes from Smolensk, Rusyn. His good knowledge of the works of pagan philosophers (Aristotle and Plato), as well as his excellent command of allegorical techniques in the presentation of thoughts, speak of an excellent education, apparently received in Byzantium.
Then he lived inZarubsky monastery on the Dnieper, as mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle. There he accepted the schema, was a monk and was silent for three years.

The struggle for succession to the throne in Kyiv, with a military confrontation between the Grand Duke Izyaslav and his uncle Yuri Dolgoruky, lasted from 1147 to 1154. During this time, Izyaslav left the city three times. Together with him, Kliment Smolyatich left and returned. In November 1154, Izyaslav died, and Yuri Dolgoruky finally reigned, finally expelling the metropolitan from the city, having previously deposed him. Until 1164, Clement lived with one of the sons of Izyaslav - in the Galicia-Volyn principality. The date of the Metropolitan's death has not been established.
Main works
In view of the difficult times experienced by Russia in subsequent centuries, not much of the written heritage of the outstanding theologian of his time, Kliment Smolyatich, has survived. At least four works are known:
- "Message to Prester Thomas". The oldest source dates back to the 15th century. It was copied by the monk Athanasius and provided with his interpretations. -for referring to the works of Plato and Aristotle. He also insists on the right of any person to symbolically interpret the Holy Scriptures. In the second part, Clement explains biblical thoughts. The work itself was the result of the ongoing political struggle around the elevation of Clement in the Kyiv metropolis.
- "Answers to the questions of Kirik of Novgorod" -this work was written by Clement during his tenure as metropolitan following a conversation with Nifont of Novgorod. Bishop Nifont was deliberately kept in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra by Izyaslav, as he was traveling at the invitation of Yuri Dolgoruky to Vladimir.
- “A word about love…” - parting words to believers, is in handwritten form in the Resurrection Monastery.
- “On Cheesefare Saturday…” - a work-sermon, located in the Rumyantsev Museum.
The authorship of the last two works has not been fully proven, but not refuted either. All works are written in a very lively and beautiful language.

Theological thoughts
The main philosophical idea of Kliment Smolyatich's message to presbyter Thomas was the idea of the possibility of an allegorical interpretation of the Bible. This fact gives an idea of the Metropolitan as a rational and thinking person, able to combine the spiritual and material understanding of life.
There are other interesting thoughts:
- God is not knowable, but the study of each creature reveals the secrets of the universe.
- Man is endowed with freedom from God, as His beloved child, therefore he is free to choose his own path.
- Nevertheless, freedom is within the Providence of the Lord, which is pointless to resist - one must be grateful for the opportunities to comprehend Him.
- Salvation is worthy of all who believe in God.
- True freedom is possible only with the renunciation of property, because its burden interferes with the improvement of the spirit.
Artworkexpresses the ideas of creationism and anthropocentrism - everything that exists is created by God, and the best creation is man. Therefore, a person comes to know God through the world in which he lives. The novelty of the ideas is undeniable, because the clergy in those days were forbidden to think - they had to understand the truth of the Lord literally written and pray without reasoning.
The significance of the theologian's ideas for early Christian Russia
In the XII century. Russia was at the stage of formation of feudal relations: the princes transferred the land and the right to collect taxes to the churches and boyars. The clergy, as well as the secular authorities, began to accumulate land and other material goods. For the sake of these blessings, it departed from its destiny, starting to serve the princes.
Naturally, under such conditions, the ideas of renunciation of property, scheming and hermitage shifted to the background. The Church set foot on the path of corruption - she collaborated with the nobility and the state, participating in political games and military strife. The philosophy of Kliment Smolyatich is a reflection on the need to protect the church from material decay. Clement was an idealist. He believed that spiritual fathers should be pure in thought and have ascetic views. In this, his thoughts echo Vladimir Monomakh's "Instruction" on the public good.
Human history, according to Clement, has three periods of development, to each of which God gave parting words:
- The covenant was given to Abraham as a prophecy of the future.
- The Old Testament was sent through Moses to the Jews for survival.
- The New Testament is the truth given forsalvation of all people.

Therefore, theologians must master the secular sciences, learning through them God's Providence.
The entire epistle of Clement expresses one single thought: the right of the Russian Church to choose its own path. For the Lord gives opportunities to people, according to His Providence. But Clement failed to convince his contemporaries of his thoughts.
At the end of the XII century. Kyiv ceased to play the role of the political center of Russia, giving way to Moscow. And feudal fragmentation eventually led to the inability to confront the Mongol-Tatar horde. The Russian Church actually received autonomy only after the fall of Byzantium.
Briefly about Kliment Smolyatich we can say the following: he was an outstanding thinker of his time, the first theologian and a native Russian metropolitan, who nurtured the ideas of the independence of Russian Orthodoxy and the centralization of the state. His face combined high spirituality, deep mind and education. Contemporaries could not appreciate these qualities of the Metropolitan, passing this right to descendants.