Skin is a nasty word. And it doesn’t matter what meaning we are talking about: direct or figurative. Let's take both. As always with examples, synonyms and interpretation.

The word suggests room for interpretation, so let's expand the fan of meanings:
- The skin of an animal removed along with the outer cover. Bear skin.
- Corrupt man, extortionist. "Here's the skin! He was offered competitors for 10 thousand more, and he ran. Judas!”
- Same as human skin. “He climbed through the bushes and skinned him.”
- Outerwear. Animal fur coat.
- Synonymous with life, prosperous existence. "The scoundrel thinks only of his own skin!"
- Disparaging slang term for a girl and a woman. Usually for someone who pursues a personal interest.
- The same as in the previous case, only here we are talking directly about the prostitute.
Of course, we will not show the skin of the killed bear to the reader, so as not to shock him. Instead, let him look at a live bear. And if suddenly the reader is a hunter, then let him be ashamed of his sinful occupation and give up this unpleasing deed. The previous passage is hardly a joke. Beastsyou really shouldn't kill for fun, even if the skin (what it is, we're sorting it out) would look great in your country house.
The second and subsequent meanings are much more interesting. By the way, they are not very polite. Therefore, we will use the definition as little as possible, and the reader is advised to add the word only to the passive dictionary, and not to the active one. Do not swear, there is so much evil in the world.
After the meaning there are always replacement words - it's almost a tradition. Let's not break it.
The skin is something that is easy to replace if desired. So here are the synonyms:
- clothes;
- leather;
- fur;
- fleece;
- bastard;
- scoundrel;
- extortionist;
- grub;
- hospitable;
- prostitute (and its variations, we leave them to the reader's conscience).
It's easy to spot the system on the list. The first four words refer to either an animal or a person, but both natural and made clothes are meant. The next five words are the moral characterization of a person who is obsessed with self-interest and money. The word closing the list denotes a woman of the most ancient profession. The synonymic series of the last concept could be longer, but we felt sorry for the reader and his eyes. All these definitions refer to the concept of "skin", this is obvious. Moving on.
Is a person who wants money always a scoundrel?

The question is extremely difficult. None of us will work for an idea. But to work only for the sake of silver and gold- stupid. Someone will say: “Depending on how much they offer and what to do!” True, but the work must still bring satisfaction and have some kind of non-material goal, otherwise people can call themselves "selling skins", this is not a very good prospect, but, however, only if a person has conscience. There is a class of people who really do not care what they do, because their only goal is to live well!
Therefore, it is worth distinguishing between concepts. It's one thing when a person goes on promotion and his new job corresponds to his knowledge, experience, he deserves it. Another is when a person goes up in the head and does not care what price he will have to pay for this or that position in society. The reader will easily notice that there is a strong moral and subjective moment. Who is the skin? This is a difficult question.
The paradox of the modern world and the Christian roots of the problem

If you ask people what they think about money-grubbers, they will speak unequivocally and categorically against such subjects. But if someone gets a chance to raise their standard of living, even at the expense of another, each of the respondents will think hard, maybe it’s still worth stepping over your neighbor?
We do not claim that the time has come for moral double-entry bookkeeping, but it is much easier to condemn someone than to resist the temptation yourself. People generally have a complicated relationship with money: on the one hand, we understand that money, like everything material, is low, but on the other hand, it is difficult to live without gold. And when the opportunity arisesearn money, people cling to it, and that's okay. The definition of "skin", the meaning of which we are analyzing, is remembered when a person is chasing profit, despising moral values, stepping on others.
Besides, the image of Judas is deeply embedded in the European. He gradually still believes that it is not worth getting too carried away with money, because this will lead to disastrous consequences. In addition, we must not forget that the symbolism of dreams in relation to money is also unambiguous. Moreover, these are not only Freud's inventions, for popular wisdom in this sense is in complete agreement with the father of psychoanalysis. Don't believe? Open any dream book. It would be interesting, of course, to investigate why money is associated with bowel movements, but that's a completely different story. We are not here for this, but to find out what the skin means.
How to treat "selfishness" as a phenomenon

You can treat as you like, but it must be clearly understood that self-interest is indestructible. It is also impossible to show a person with sermons or in any other way that turning money into a cult is not the best idea. Knowing the essence of the definition of "skin" and its meaning, it is worth coming up with stories with moral content if a person wants to warn someone. What are we talking about, if even personal experience teaches few people?
True, there is one recipe that will help everyone - you need to monitor your own moral character, and then everything will be in order. If an individual person cannot reproach himself for something, then the evil and low beginning can be defeated. At least for this purpose it is possiblestrive.
Moreover, the enemy is known by sight, that is, we know what "skin" means.