Despite the fact that regrettable is an adverb associated with the noun “sorrow”, sometimes it can act as an element of an ironic statement. This will become clear when we get to the proposals. In the meantime, let's keep a serious tone and tell first about the meaning of the word, then we will make sentences and designate synonyms.

Human life, unfortunately, consists not only of joys, but also of sorrows. And sometimes sadness is so strong that the word does not convey emotional intensity and its color turns black. This is how grief is formed. It all depends on the tragedy of the event. If, for example, the death of a loved one, then this is a heavy loss and a domain of grief, and if a beloved actor dies, then such news is sad or regrettable. When something doesn't work, it's unfortunate.
We hope the reader catches the difference between real grief and the phenomenon that occupies her emotional background. Now look at the dictionary data:
- Same as lamentable.
- Scoresituations or actions that cause feelings of grief, sadness, regret.
Explain the first adjective: "Sad, sorrowful." Let's now give a definition to a noun, since it acts as a backbone for our concept: "Extreme sadness, sorrow, suffering." Note that there is a degree expressed by the adjective "extreme." That is, grief is not just sadness, it is real grief.

Even if a person has never opened an explanatory dictionary, he perfectly understands the difference between grief, grief and sadness. There is a difference in the strength of the emotions experienced. Some events and phenomena cause sadness in us, while others cause grief. The good thing is that we are parsing the adverb "regrettable", this will allow us to pick up less gloomy examples:
- We have bad news: no applications have been submitted to our faculty. Yes, it's unfortunate. Perhaps we will be closed altogether, we will fall victims of optimization.
- If a student does not want to study and does not pass exams, it is more unfortunate for his parents than for himself. He will then sink into sadness when he realizes that time has passed in vain.
- You say you love her and will still be with her? Well, that's unfortunate, but don't complain later.
And yet, the trace of the noun “sorrow” that dominates the adverb does not allow making sentences sparkling and cheerful. Let's leave them and move on to the substitutions of the object of study.
If the reader correctly caught the tone of the adverb, then he himself can easilyfind synonyms for "unfortunate". But to save time, we will help him and put together a list of obvious options:
- bad;
- sorry;
- sad;
- sad;
- bitter;
- offensive;
- annoying;
- dreary;
Probably enough. The reader should always have some incentive for their own searches. Believe me: there are still enough definitions. Let this bright prospect console, and we take our leave.