Valery Fadeev: biography and photos

Valery Fadeev: biography and photos
Valery Fadeev: biography and photos

The life of a journalist is always exciting and interesting. The masters of the pen go their way together with a million readers, and it is they who make them truly famous. Valery Fadeev, now a well-known journalist, host of programs on central television and a public figure, is no exception.

Career path

Fadeev Valery Alexandrovich was born in Tashkent on October 10, 1960. In 1983, he received a diploma of higher education from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in the direction of "management and applied mathematics." Since 1988, he has been engaged in scientific activity for four years. From 1992 to 1995, it developed in two directions: journalism and science. First of all, Valery Fadeev is an expert and scientific editor of the Kommersant publishing house, as well as deputy. director of the RSPP Expert Institute. Since 1995, his dynamic career growth in the field of journalism began. He gained particular popularity in 2014, becoming the host of the socio-political talk show "The Structure of the Moment". As for his political career, he took part in the development of the law "On the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation", in 2012 he was registered as a trusteeVladimir Putin. An important stage in his development was the start as the host of the TV program "Time" on Channel One.

valery fadeev
valery fadeev

Family matters

The current star of Channel One is in no hurry to share information about his personal life. As you know, Valery Fadeev is married and has three children. As his wife, he chose the red-haired Tatyana Gurova. As you know, the spouses are co-owners of the Expert holding. Tatyana is the first deputy editor-in-chief. As for children, it is known that their adult daughter graduated from a prestigious educational institution - the Higher School of Economics.

valery fadeeva books
valery fadeeva books

Moment structure

Starting from October 2014 and ending in June 2016, Valery Fadeev shone on the television screens of the audience of Channel One as the host of the show "The Structure of the Moment". The socio-political show was released every week. Guests and participants of the studio discussed controversial topics related to the problems and difficulties of life in Russia. Public figures suggested possible solutions, which were also commented on by the permanent presenter Valery Fadeev. "The Structure of the Moment" was held in the format of a round table. Karen Shakhnazarov, Alexei Venediktov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Leonid Slutsky and other public figures were guests of the presenter. As part of the show, such topics as “Referendum on the UK’s exit from the EU” or “Does Ukraine and the Minsk Agreement have a future” were de alt with. Often, the guests did not come to a consensus, allowed themselves harsh statements asideeach other, but Valery Fadeev, whose biography helped him learn how to act in such situations, was always tactful and competent in resolving conflict situations. Now you can watch only archived episodes of the program, because after Fadeev was transferred to another program, the "Structure of the moment" ended its existence.

fadeev valery
fadeev valery

In place of Zeynalova

As you know, since 2012 Irada Zeynalova has been the host of the Channel One news program Evening Time. The viewer got used to her style and enjoyed watching new news releases with her comments. It seemed like it would be like this forever. But in September, as the host of the evening news program, the viewer saw a new face for this program. The new presenter was Valery Fadeev. What these permutations are connected with is not known for sure. One of the opinions suggests that the ratings of Irada Zeynalova fell, and they decided to replace her. From other sources, there is information that Zeynalova was tired of the quiet life of a news anchor and wished to return to the life of a correspondent with a variety of business trips. Whatever the reason, Valery Fadeev, a person close to power, a liberal and former host of the socio-political show Structure of the Moment, is now hosting the news program.

Fadeev Valery Alexandrovich
Fadeev Valery Alexandrovich

Not Dmitry Kiselev, not Dmitry

"Sunday" on the "First Channel" intersects in time with the "Vesti Nedeli" on the TV channel "Russia". In this regard, channels have to not only divide the audience, but also compete inratings. The host of Vesti Nedeli, Dmitry Kiselev, as you know, was ahead of Irada Zeynalova in all indicators. Perhaps this was the reason for the introduction of a new face on Channel One. The newly minted news anchor Valery Fadeev, according to viewers and experts, is the exact opposite of Kiselev. The format of Fadeev's presentation is not characterized by statements about spies, a global conspiracy, a fifth column, so beloved by the audience and fans of Dmitry Kiselev. But perhaps the first channel is guided by the fact that the time of Kiselyov, like Zeynalova, will pass sooner or later, and then Valery Aleksandrovich will receive his peak of popularity.

Valery Fadeev biography
Valery Fadeev biography

Say what you think and you'll be right

Love and respect of the audience is most valuable for Valery Fadeev. Reviews of his work are not always unambiguous. This is due to the fact that he always has his own opinion, which sometimes does not coincide with the vision of the audience. But they listen to him, listen to him and discuss him. So, for example, he notes: “A journalist works in order to be in the place where an interesting and significant event took place. His duties are to find out the details, communicate with eyewitnesses and then convey this to the public, preferably without deception. But, despite this, every journalist should have his own position and at least some worldview. Of course, you can write political articles and defend your personal opinion in them, but you can no longer call it journalism. This is just a statement of the position of the publication or a particular person. But what Fadeev saysValery regarding foreign media: “If you do not take into account political correctness, then, in comparison with ours, the Western media are, of course, stronger and more powerful. For comparison, I would like to bring the attendance of the Spiegel magazine from Germany. There are no entertainment topics, everything is about politics, but on business. The discussion of the state budget of Germany simply tears up all possible ratings, since everything is set out clearly and distinctly - for whom the changes are good and for whom they are not. They do not attribute the lack of popularity to the lack of interest of the people, they try in every possible way to captivate the people. And, as a result, they get a return.”

valery fadeev expert
valery fadeev expert

Expert's view of the Russian economy

In the framework of the "Synclit in VIAM" Valery Fadeev spoke about the Russian economy, the difficulties of its development and ways to solve them. In his reflections, he came to the conclusion that the main problem is the most severe monetary policy, namely, recommendations for a sharp reduction in the money supply. In his opinion, in order to create the basis for the development of the country's economy, it is necessary to forget about patterns and highlight really significant landmarks. To do this, it is important to discuss the real economic situation, and not spend all the time creating "mythical assumptions" about it. According to Valery Fadeev's acquaintances, he does not write books, but conveys his opinion through meetings with interested people and political broadcasts. At the synod, he singled out such a problem as lowering interest rates in mortgage lending. He stated that the cost of mortgage housing in our country could be 5 times less. Answering questionsguests, Valery focused on the missing innovations, the production of a meager range of goods and the degradation of the economy.

A heart-to-heart with Dmitry Medvedev

On the air of the final program "Sunday" Valery Fadeev managed to talk and ask questions to Dmitry Medvedev. Answering important economic questions, Dmitry Anatolyevich noted that negative trends will completely exhaust themselves in the near future. The reason for this will be government measures and the desire to improve the country. According to the Prime Minister's forecasts, next year GDP growth will be observed. Subject to improvement and other macroeconomic indicators. As for the rise in prices, according to Dmitry Anatolyevich, this will happen only within the framework of inflation. And, according to his forecasts, it should be insignificant, which means that it will not hit the pockets of Russians hard.

valery fadeev structure of the moment
valery fadeev structure of the moment

Journalist=civil servant

When Valery Fadeev was asked about the idea of equating journalists with civil servants for the purpose of publishing and declaring income, he responded with indignation and bewilderment. In his opinion, this is overkill. The desire to get into the pockets of journalists is understandable, especially on the part of the opposition, but, according to Fadeev, this will only lead to the development of "black accounting". And no one will ever know the true state of affairs anyway. And the appearance of journalistic salaries "in envelopes" will only further aggravate the economic situation of the country.
