Modern Indo-Europeans - who are they?

Modern Indo-Europeans - who are they?
Modern Indo-Europeans - who are they?

In this article we will pay attention to the Indo-Europeans - the historical roots of the Slavs, as well as the ancestors of other peoples, who presumably originated from the territory of the northern Black Sea region and the interfluve of the Volga and the Dnieper. Here we will consider questions about their origin, the introduction of the term into speech, the belonging of ancient tribes to modern states, and much more.

Meet the Indo-Europeans

Indo-Europeans are native speakers of languages of Indo-European origin. As a noun and adjective, the word began to be used in the ethnographic and ethnolinguistic literature of Europe in the early nineteenth century. Currently, Slavs, Germans, Greeks, Thracians, etc. are classified as Indo-Europeans. For a long time, the word was not used in speech, as it led to confusion based on the presence of modern persons of European nationality - such as the Portuguese, British, etc. but born or living since childhood on the territory of the countries of the Indian subcontinent or on the Indochinese peninsula and nearby islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans. This is also due to the fact that these territorieswere colonies of the major powers of Europe.

Post-war decisions

The historical roots of the Indo-Europeans penetrate incredibly far into the depths of time. The concept of "Indo-Europeans" in the period from the beginning to the middle of the twentieth century had a limited range of applications in any literature, academic and journalistic. The Second World War, which began in 1939, made it possible for this term to enter into scientific circulation. This was driven by the need to change early terms such as "Aryan tribe" or "Aryan people" and the discredited frequent use by followers of the Nazi Reich to argue for the logic of a set of doctrinal provisions. Until 1950, the concept was still little used. The expression was introduced into the academic community by Arnold Toynbee.

Indo-Europeans are
Indo-Europeans are

B alts and German peoples

Let's consider what peoples can consider themselves descendants of the Indo-Europeans.

In accordance with the place of residence of the ancient communities of nomadic tribes, it can be said that representatives of modern Latvians and Lithuanians are B alts, and they also include assimilated subjects of the Prussians, Latgalians, Yotvingians, Curonians, etc.

Indo-Europeans historical roots of the Slavs
Indo-Europeans historical roots of the Slavs

The German people of modern times are represented by Austrians, English, Danes, Dutch, Icelanders, Germans, Norwegians, Swedes, Frisians and merged Goths, Vandals and other ancient Germanic tribes.

Indo-Aryan people include Hindustanis, Bengalis, Rajasthani and probably Meots,Taurians and Sinds.

Information about Iranians, Italics and Greeks

The roots of the Indo-Europeans can be traced back to Iranian descent, which includes Persians, Tajiks, Pashtuns, Tats, Talysh, Yaghns, Dards, Obts, Pamir peoples and assimilated Tochars, Hephthalites, Scythians, Sakas, Sarmatians, Cimmerians, etc..

Indo-Europeans Slavs
Indo-Europeans Slavs

Anatolian peoples include Hittite, Luwian, Lydian, Lycian, Palaian, Carian and other tribes, as well as Armenians.

The Italics are composed of Oscans, Umbrians, Piceni, Sabines, Falisci, Equi, Vestines, Siculs, Lusitanians, Veneti, Samnites and some other nationalities.

The Greeks were close to the material culture belonging to the Phrygians and Macedonians.

Exploring the people of the ancient Celts, it can be determined that they include representatives of the Scots, Irish, Bretons, Welsh, as well as the merged Gauls, Galatians and Galvets.

From Slavs to Thracians

The historical roots of the Slavs are the Indo-Europeans. These include modern representatives of Belarus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, part of the peoples inhabiting Russia, as well as Serbs, Poles, Lusatians, Slovenes, Ukrainians, Czechs, Croats. At present, the roots of the Slavs are Indo-Europeans, tribes that lived and roamed the territories of many countries, such as Ukraine or Russia.

Indo-European roots
Indo-European roots

Illyrian descendants are most likely represented by Albanians, Romanians and Moldavians.

All of the above listed peoples of these three paragraphs of the article refer todifferent type of European race. According to one of the theories, which was supported by the linguist of Russia and the USSR S. Starostin, the Indo-European set of languages should be attributed to the Nostratic languages.

Ancient Indo-Europeans

Indo-Europeans historical roots
Indo-Europeans historical roots

There are Asian and European models that determine the origin of the Indo-Europeans. Among Europeans, the Kurgan hypothesis is considered the most common, which is recognized by most archaeologists and linguists. By hypothesis, they are trying to prove to us the assumption that the territories lying within the Northern Black Sea region, as well as the lands between the Volga and Dnieper rivers, were the ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples. Initially, semi-nomadic communities inhabiting the territory of the modern east of Ukraine and the southern parts of Russia lived there from the 5th to the 4th millennium BC. e. Indo-Europeans are a population characterized by the Samara, Sredny Stog and Yamnaya cultures.

After the people living in these territories mastered the technology of melting bronze and domesticating horses, the tribes began to migrate in a large number of directions. This led to a sharp difference in the racial-anthropological type between representatives of modern Europe.

The Age of Discovery allowed Indo-European languages to migrate to America, South Africa, Australia, etc. due to extensive colonization.

Indo-Europeans roots of the Slavs
Indo-Europeans roots of the Slavs

Hypotheses of the origin of the roots

Anatolian hypothesis is one of the alternativeways to describe the origin of the Indo-Europeans.

Another position dictates that the ancestral home of this people is localized in Turkey, formerly Anatolia.

The hypothesis put forward in 1987 about finding the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans claims that it is concentrated on the territory of the Chatal-Hyuyuk settlement. Briton Colin Renfrew was the one who suggested it.

They tried to position the Anatolian hypothesis as a glottochronological study. This statement was published in 2003 and published by Nature.

The Armenian hypothesis, analogous to the Anatolian one, believes that the Proto-Indo-European language probably appeared on the territory of the Armenian Highlands.

Due to the fact that the Indo-Europeans are tribes that began their history from an exactly unknown place, there are currently other hypotheses. Another such assumption is the Balkan hypothesis, which suggested that Proto-Indo-European speech arose in the vastness of the Balkan Peninsula and was, initially, within the existing list of cultures of the Balkan Neolithic era.

In the Early Neolithic, circa 5000 B. C. BC e, there was a thin border between the contact zones of the Indo-European languages and representatives of the Ural, North Caucasian speech. This information generates another hypothesis postulating this assumption, operating with a number of linguistic models. The archaeological point of view believes, due to the uniformity of the cultural development of the manufacture of band-linear ceramics, that this may be sufficient reason to put forward a new hypothesis.

This hypothesis findsits supporters among the group of people who are supporters of the "center of gravity" - the principle that states that the central point of dispersion of oral speech is in the area where the diversity of languages \u200b\u200bis highest. This is also argued by the fact that the peripheral region has a high percentage of uniformity. This principle was noted as a result of an attempt to determine the origin of a large number of language mixtures.

Regarding the issue of the location of the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans, this principle tries to show that the dispersion of language units was concentrated in the South-East of Europe.

Genetic marking

modern Indo-Europeans
modern Indo-Europeans

Indo-Europeans are a community of linguistic type. Representatives of this nationality are not connected with each other by anything except speech. mtDNA markers and their distribution are weakly related to the pathway of language distribution. Prior to 1960, evidence of an archaeological type pointed to cultural changes, which were constantly interpreted to confirm that the migrations of peoples were very large. Data provided by the new archeology that emerged between 1960 and 1970 disproved such an assumption, due to the likelihood of the inculcation of a new culture, through trade, etc.

Some Facts

It will be interesting to note that the Basques are the only people in Western Europe who speak a language that does not belong to the Indo-European group.

Another interesting fact is that the oldest people of the Middle East are consideredHittite tribes and Luwians. The process of their separation began in the nineteenth century BC. e.

Summing up

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that modern Indo-Europeans do not have a significant national relationship and are based only on the linguistic similarity of origin. The question of the origin of the Indo-Europeans in the present time remains open, since there are many hypotheses about their place of residence and the appearance of this nation, but these are only hypotheses. Now the reader can also appeal to the data on the origin of various modern peoples.
