Thomas Cromwell is a Tudor statesman, a star of the first magnitude in British domestic and foreign policy of the sixteenth century. Several decades of his de facto rule put forward the island of England among the most influential European countries. Unlike his mentor and friend, Cardinal Wolsey, he was neither a royalist nor a clergyman. Thomas Cromwell was a lawyer and in all his undertakings showed a sober and rational character.

Childhood and youth
It is known that in 1485, in one of the most dubious places in London, Thomas Cromwell was born. The biography of this figure begins in Putney, where at the end of the fifteenth century all the dregs of the English capital gathered. His father was a brewer and innkeeper, distinguished by a violent temper and a bad temper, and did not disdain petty fraud. It is not surprising that Thomas Cromwell left his family early and began to lead an adventurous life both in England and on the Continent. It is known that for some time he served as a French condottiere in Italy, distinguished himself in several military campaigns. But the soldier's life was not to his liking. Deserted from the armyCromwell was hired as a simple employee in the banking house of Frescobaldi. Thanks to natural ingenuity and knowledge of languages, he becomes a confidant of the banker. Gradually, Cromwell is trusted with the most sensitive transactions - for example, all relations between the bank and the administration of the Vatican passed through his hands. After some time, Cromwell held a similar position in Antwerp, and then in Calais, which at that time belonged to the British crown. Having accumulated the initial capital, Cromwell decides to return to England. The 16th century begins, and with it the next stage of his life.
Life in England
After crossing the English Channel, Cromwell settled in London. At first, he traded a little in wool and various fabrics. Having come to the conclusion that the life of a merchant was not to his liking, Thomas Cromwell received an education and became a lawyer. His natural intelligence and gift for eloquence quickly made him one of the most successful lawyers in London.
In the mid-20s of the 16th century, she met Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, one of those people who made politics in the kingdom. T. Cromwell takes the place of secretary to the cardinal.

They were very similar in appearance and ambition. As time has shown, such a similarity of aspirations and characters played a special role - both were ambitious and smart, both sought to bring down the creaky medieval bureaucracy, and for quite a long time were close advisers to the volatile Henry VIII.
According to contemporaries, Cromwell was distinguished by frivolity and broke many women's hearts. But officially hemarried only once. During his time as a banker, he married Elizabeth Wykes, with whom he had three children. Daughters Anna and Grace died young, and the son became one of the royal courtiers. Supported Thomas Cromwell and his nephew Richard. Subsequently, he would become the great-grandfather of the famous Oliver Cromwell. Thus, Thomas Cromwell and Oliver Cromwell are indeed relatives and statesmen who at different times changed the history of their native country.
Beginning of the Reformation
It is important to understand the environment in which Cromwell began his public service. England in the time of Henry VIII was a country of young people, many of whom were not even twenty years old. The English culture and society of that time were saturated with the spirit of youth. Hunting, tournaments, duels, and glorious warfare are the main occupations of the Tudor youth. And Henry himself was young at the time.

He gladly joins the golden youth, constantly leaving his pious wife Catherine, who was a devout Catholic. At the same time, the king meets (or is introduced to) the young Anne Boleyn, who shares the tastes and passions of the monarch. Such a fun life required huge financial investments.
Sprouts of Protestantism
At this time in distant Germany, the young priest Luther King began his crusade against the papacy. It cannot be said that the religious worldviews of the distant preacher had a decisive influence on the king; the monarch's letters are known in which he strongly condemned the new trend. But Henry VIII soonrealized the attractive aspects of the new heresy and saw in them a chance to solve their painful problems:
- break the marriage with Catherine of Aragon;
- redirect the cash flow from the pockets of Catholic priests to the royal treasury;
- cancel the influence of the papacy in your own kingdom.
The refusal of Pope Clement to annul the marriage to the queen forced Henry VIII to take decisive steps, the consequence of which was the English Reformation. The king ended his marriage to the queen and married his unapproachable lover Anne Boleyn.

Thus, the holiness, the infallibility of papal authority in the English kingdom was seriously shaken. In response to the anathema issued by the Vatican, Henry proclaimed himself the head of the Anglican Church. An order was issued to secularize the monastic estates that occupied vast areas of the island. Of course, there were many supporters of the Catholic Church who did not recognize the divorce of the king and lost their heads because of their beliefs. This fate did not escape Thomas Wolsey. He was stripped of his Lord Chancellorship and subsequently executed.
But the Reformation movement was gradually gaining momentum. Supporters of Catholicism have repeatedly tried to restore their influence in English society. But the Reformation took place, and English Protestantism gradually spread throughout the kingdom.
Cromwell's desire for power was exceptional, and it coincided in time with the moment when Henry needed a loyal and influential minister. IntroductionCromwell's civil service dates back to 1530, from which moment his career takes off rapidly.
The thirties of the sixteenth century were a period of great reforms and transformations concerning the destruction of the old English way of life. Cromwell came to power as a supporter of Anne Boleyn. Wolsey could not change his mind and refused to recognize the new wife of Henry VIII as the Queen of England. Therefore, he was removed from office and replaced by his own protégé. Cromwell's nomination was one of the most successful in the personnel policy of the English crown.
Cromwell's Achievements
Among the most significant projects of this politician were:
- The dissolution of the monasteries and the establishment of a royal dominant in all secular and ecclesiastical matters. Cromwell persecuted Catholic priests and supporters of Catholicism, liquidated monasteries, expelling monks from the lands for their subsequent transfer to the Crown. For his intransigent policy, Cromwell earned the nickname the Hammer of the Monks.
- Developing and promoting the adoption of new land laws, recalculation and secularization of land, which simplified their taxation and leasing.
- The expansion of the influence of royal power in Northern England, Wales and Ireland. These actions angered large feudal lords and led to unrest, which were brutally suppressed.
- The use of the printing press for issuing decrees, secular and religious literature. Thomas Cromwell is credited with publishing the Bible in English. This isthe event took place in 1539.

Court realities
As a shrewd and prudent courtier, Cromwell noticed the slightest nuances in the king's behavior in time and often turned his convictions in the opposite direction. For example, in relation to Anne Boleyn, he initially acted as her most devoted supporter. But as the monarch's feelings cooled, Cromwell changed his attitude towards Anna. In the end, he joined the majority, which confirmed the fact of Anne's betrayal, and was an ardent supporter of the execution of Boleyn and the monarch's remarriage.
Awards and positions
The King praised Cromwell's loy alty. It is rare for a politician to always be able to stay afloat and follow the course of a changeable and mobile monarch. For loy alty, Henry showers Cromwell with a hail of state awards and appointments. Here are the highlights of his royal service:
- 1531 - Member of the Privy Council.
- 1533 - Chancellor of the Exchequer of England.
- 1534 - Royal Secretary and President of the Court of Appeal.
- 1536 - Lord Keeper of the Small Seal.

- 1537 - Knight of the Garter and Dean of the University of Wales.
- 1539 – chamberlain.
At the end of his life, Cromwell was granted the title of earl. True, the Earl of Essex was able to use the new title for only a few weeks. Not having time to once again change his beliefs, Thomas Cromwell was suspected of royal treason. During the meetingPrivy Council, he was arrested, and after a short trial, he was executed in the Tower at the age of 65.