Socialism, liberalism, conservatism are the most popular philosophical and socio-political currents in modern science. During the 20th century, anarchism and Marxism were also very popular, but now they are finding fewer supporters.
At the same time, it is necessary to know and be able to distinguish all these socio-political currents in order to understand philosophy, sociology, social science and jurisprudence.
Liberal teachings

Socialism, liberalism, conservatism are socio-political trends, the representatives of which today are the most in the parliaments of countries around the world. Let's take a closer look at them.
The liberal current gained great popularity in the 20th century. Liberalism unequivocally stands for the rights and freedoms of any person, regardless of his nationality, religion, beliefs and social status. At the same time, he puts these rights and freedoms above all else, proclaiming them the main value. Moreover, under liberalism, they represent the basis of economic and social life.
The influence of church and state on public institutions is strictly controlled and limited inaccordance with the constitution. The main thing that liberals want is permission to speak freely, to choose religion or to refuse it, to vote freely in fair and independent elections for any candidates.
In economic life, socialism, liberalism, conservatism stake on different priorities. Liberals are in favor of complete inviolability of private property, free trade and entrepreneurship.
In the field of jurisprudence, the main thing is the rule of law over all branches of government. Everyone is equal before the letter of the law, regardless of social and financial status. Comparison of liberalism, conservatism, socialism helps to better remember and realize how each of these currents differs from each other.

Socialism puts the principle of social justice at the forefront. As well as equality and freedom. In the broad sense of the word, socialism is a social stand that lives according to the above principles.
The global goal of socialism is to overthrow capitalism and build a perfect society in the future - communism. This social system should finish the prehistory of mankind and become the beginning of its new, true history, the founders and ideologists of this movement say. To achieve this goal, all resources are mobilized and applied.
Socialism, liberalism, conservatism differ in their main principles. For socialists, this is the rejection of private property in favor of public property, as well as the introductionpublic control over the use of natural bowels and resources. Everything in the state is perceived as common - this is one of the fundamental principles of the doctrine.

The main thing in conservatism is adherence to traditional, established values and orders, as well as religious doctrines. The preservation of traditions and existing public institutions is the main thing that conservatives stand for.
In domestic politics, the main value for them is the existing state and public order. Conservatives are categorically against radical reforms, comparing them with extremism.
In foreign policy, adherents of this ideology focus on strengthening security when influenced from outside, allow the use of force to resolve political conflicts. At the same time, they maintain friendly relations with traditional allies, treating new partners with distrust.

Speaking of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism, it is impossible not to mention. It is a political philosophy based on absolute freedom. Its main goal is to destroy any possible way of exploitation of one person by another.
Instead of power, anarchists propose to introduce mutually beneficial cooperation of individuals. Power, in their opinion, should be abolished, since it is based on the suppression of all others by rich and status people.
All relationships in societyshould be based on the personal interest of each person, as well as on his voluntary consent, maximum mutual assistance and personal responsibility. At the same time, the main thing is the elimination of any manifestations of power.

In order to thoroughly study conservatism, liberalism, socialism, Marxism, it is also necessary to know and understand. This teaching left a serious imprint on most public institutions of the 20th century.
This philosophical doctrine was founded in the 19th century by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. At the same time, later different parties and political movements often interpreted this doctrine in their own way.
In fact, Marxism is one of the varieties of socialism, they have much in common in all areas. Three components are of key importance in this theory. Historical materialism, when the history of human society is understood as a special case of the natural historical process. Also the doctrine of surplus value, when the final price of a commodity is not determined by the rules of the market, but depends only on the efforts expended for its production. In addition, the basis of Marxism is the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Comparison of scientific theories
In order to thoroughly understand what each of the theories means, it is best to use questions for comparison. Liberalism, conservatism, socialism in this case will appear as clear and distinct concepts.
The main thing to be sorted out is the role of the state in economic life in each of these teachings, the positionto solve social social problems, and also, in what each system sees the limits of the personal freedom of a citizen.