A brief history of Primorsky Krai and its settlement

A brief history of Primorsky Krai and its settlement
A brief history of Primorsky Krai and its settlement

The history of Primorsky Krai has a long period, approximately 30 thousand years. This is confirmed by ancient finds of archaeologists. In later Chinese chronicles, one can find information about the population of Primorsky Krai. According to them, this area was quite densely populated. Ancient people were engaged in fishing, gathering, hunting, breeding pigs and dogs. During the Middle Ages, there were their own centers of civilization - the states of the Tungus Bohai, Jurcheni.

history of development and study of the Primorsky Territory
history of development and study of the Primorsky Territory

Monuments of the prehistoric period

The earliest monument of the prehistoric period in the history of Primorsky Krai is the cave of the Geographical Society, located in the rock of the Ekaterininsky massif, which historians attribute to the time of the early Paleolithic, its age is 32 thousand years. It is located in the Partizansky district near the village of Yekaterinovka.

Confirmancient history of Primorsky Krai finds made by archaeologists. The monuments of Osinovskaya culture, located near the village of Osinovka, Mikhailovsky district, and Ustinovskaya culture, located near the village of Ustinovka, Kavalerovsky district, belong to this time. They were opened in 1953.

The Neolithic includes monuments of several cultures, such as Zaisanovskaya, Boysmanskaya, Imanskaya, Vetkinskaya, Rudninskaya. They are represented by finds of pottery and textiles. The most significant are located in the Devil's Gate cave, in burial grounds on the shores of Boysmanovskaya Bay. Representatives of the Zaisanov culture, who inhabited the southern regions of Primorsky Krai, were engaged in agriculture.

The Bronze Age in the history of Primorsky Krai is characterized by the appearance of fortified settlements, which speaks of armed conflicts. Monuments of the Margaritovskaya culture are located in the eastern region of the region, in the bays of Fisherman Sailor, Olga, Transfiguration, Evstafiya.

Age of Iron

With the onset of the Iron Age (800 BC), settlements arose. Their inhabitants are representatives of the Yankovo culture. These are the first ancient people in the history of Primorsky Krai who were engaged in the cultivation of crops. They planted millet and barley, made pottery and metal tools, and were engaged in fishing and gathering.

Almost at the same time, representatives of another culture lived in the West of Primorye - Krounovskaya. These are the Woju tribes.

history of discovery Primorsky Krai
history of discovery Primorsky Krai

First States

About this period of historyPrimorsky Krai can briefly say the following. In 500 years of our era, Primorye was inhabited by sumo moeh tribes, who formed the first state in the history of the region. It became known as Bohai in the 8th century, but did not last long (698-926). This period of history is characterized by the fact that the stratification of society begins, and there are estates, authorities based on legitimate violence.

Qualitatively different forms of management appear in the economy: tillage farming, crafts such as blacksmithing, pottery, weaving are emerging. The first cities appear. At the beginning of the 10th century, the state of Bohai was destroyed by the nomadic Mongolian tribes of the Khitans. The territory was looted and lay in ruins.

As a result of the unification of the heishui moeh, which since the 10th century have been called the Jurchens, a new state of Jin, or the Golden Empire, was formed. Time of existence - from 1115 to 1234. This state pursued a warlike policy. In 1125, she defeated the Liao - the Khitan empire, waged wars with the Chinese Song Empire, as a result of which she managed to subdue Northern China. The decline of the Jin Empire came in the 13th century due to the Mongol invasions. To put it briefly: in the history of Primorsky Krai, the time of ancient cities was over.

The eastern remnants of the empire, which retained their independence, formed the state of Eastern Xia, which lasted until 1233. After the third campaign of the Mongols, it ceased to exist. After the fourth invasion of the Mongols, who forcibly took the male population into the army, and the rest of the inhabitants were resettled invalley of the Liaohe River, making them slaves. Historians did not find the presence of other states on the territory of Primorsky Krai.

history of Primorsky Krai briefly
history of Primorsky Krai briefly

History of the development of Primorsky Krai by Russian pioneers

It is documented that the appearance of Russians in Primorsky Krai dates back to 1655. This is the time of the development of Siberia. The Cossacks moved further to the East across a huge, practically uninhabited territory until they reached the Pacific coast. The first detachment to reach northern Primorye came under the command of O. Stepanov. Gradually, the advance of the Russians to the East became more and more noticeable. Runaway peasants, convicts, adventurers, schismatics made their way here from central Russia, who played a significant role in the history of the development of Primorsky Krai.

The impassable lands were an obstacle. But the establishment of centralized power in Siberia was the reason for the movement of the Russian population to the East. Primorsky Krai was of interest not only to Russian researchers, but also to the French. At the beginning of the 18th century, in 1787, cartographic expeditions from France worked in Primorye.

The East Coast was surveyed by the famous French traveler Jean La Perouse. Their research has left a significant mark on the history of development and study of the Primorsky Territory. Maps compiled by the French were used by Russian pioneers for a long time.

In order to officially secure the territory of the Primorsky Territory, the Russian government decides to legalize it, forming the Primorsky Region. It included seasidelands of Eastern Siberia, including Kamchatka. A year later, in 1857, the Amur Region separated from the Primorsky Region.

Inclusion of Primorye into Russia

The sovereign territory of any state has borders. After Primorye was incorporated into Russia, the border with China was legally formalized by the Treaty of Aigun (1858) and confirmed and expanded by the Treaty of Beijing (1860). The territory defined by the treaties became practically the same as at present. I would like to note that the Chinese consider the treaties unfair and are confident that sooner or later the territory, including Vladivostok, will pass to them.

Foundation of Vladivostok

The main central settlement was the city of Nikolaevsk, which is currently part of the Khabarovsk Territory. The Pacific Fleet was based in this area. Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N. Muravyov-Amursky in 1859 examined the coastal area on his ship in order to choose a convenient bay for the construction of a port. He found it - this is the protected bay of the Golden Horn. Exactly one year later, a military post was set up here, and later the city of Vladivostok was built. He turns 158 this year.

history of the seaside region
history of the seaside region

Foundation of Ussuriysk

One of the largest cities in the Far East is the city of Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai. The history of its formation is one of many similar stories of other settlements in Primorye. Initially, the settlement founded by settlers was called Nikolsk in honor of Nikolai Ugodnik. It was founded in 1866.settlers from the Voronezh and Astrakhan provinces.

Subsequently, immigrants from Ukraine were resettled here. The largest garrison was based here. After 30 years from the date of foundation, the number of inhabitants was more than 8 thousand people. Initially, the city was called Nikolsk-Ussuriysky, until 1957 it was called Voroshilov. Currently it is Ussuriysk.

Settlement of Primorsky Krai

The most significant role in the history of the creation of Primorsky Krai was played by the Cossacks. It was they who created the first villages and military posts in the bays of the Sea of Japan. The government set them two most important tasks: to settle on new lands, build new settlements and guard their territory.

The pioneers were the detachments of the newly formed battalion of the Cossack troops of the Ussuri district of the Amur region. In the summer of 1889 they were forcibly resettled from other Cossack parts of Russia. According to the order received, those who were to leave their homeland forever were determined by casting lots. Therefore, the Cossacks perceived the resettlement as a link. It lasted four long years - from 1858 to 1862

The government of the Russian Empire developed and published special Rules that determined the procedure for settling Russian citizens and foreigners in the Primorsky and Amur regions, open for settlement. The history of the discovery of Primorsky Krai shows that the resettlement to the Far East stirred up the whole of Russia. There were many applicants, but not quite enough for a huge empty territory. From 1861 to 1917 to Primorsky Krai269 thousand people were resettled. The process itself can be divided into three stages.

History of Ussuriysk Primorsky Krai
History of Ussuriysk Primorsky Krai

Three stages of settlement in Primorsky Krai

The first stage includes the resettlement of the Cossacks and the military, as well as peasants from the central regions of Russia and Ukraine. People set off on a journey with their families, and sometimes whole villages moved to the East on foot, on carts loaded with belongings acquired over the years.

The inefficiency of this method forced the government to organize a sea route, along which people reached their place of permanent residence in a few months. In 1882, a regular flight Odessa - Vladivostok was opened. In this way, residents of the Ukrainian provinces traveled to a greater extent. The percentage of Ukrainian immigrants ranged from 70 to 80% of the total. The history of the villages of Primorsky Krai can be traced by their names.

The completion of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1901 reduced travel time to 18 days. This path worked until 1904. The outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War stopped the resettlement. But later it continued until 1917

Reason for resettlement

The history of the formation of Primorsky Krai is an interesting material for research. Hundreds of thousands of people were torn from their permanent place of residence and moved to the East. Some went of their own free will. The Cossacks and the military were forced to move. There were several reasons why the government was interested in this issue.

  • First, most important, is the small number of people who lived on a hugeterritory. Plus the lack of settlements: cities, villages. After all, it was with the arrival of immigrants that the history of the development of Primorsky Krai began. There were large and small settlements. Virgin land was plowed up, workshops appeared, commercial fishing and mining began, trade intensified.
  • The second reason is the abolition of serfdom, which caused the appearance of thousands of landless peasants who began to move to cities, where even without them the situation became more tense. This was facilitated by the difficult economic situation, the revolutionary mood of the people, the deplorable results of the Russo-Japanese war.
  • The strategic importance of access to the Pacific Ocean. The strengthening of Russia's position on the Pacific coast was impossible due to the sparsely populated territory, the great distance from populated and economically developed regions, and the lack of transport routes.

The number of resettled people amounted to 269 thousand people. It would have been more effective, but this was prevented by the First World War and the 1917 revolution.

First settlements

In 1859, the first Cossack settlements of Princely, Ilyinsky, Verkhne-Mikhailovsky and others appeared, which later became villages. In 1861, the village of Fuding was built - the first in the history of resettlement. The list of villages in Primorsky Krai was replenished every year - the village of Voronezhskaya, the villages of Vladimiro-Andreevskoye, Razdolnoye, Astrakhanka, Nikolskoye, which later became the city of Ussuriysk.

In Southern Primorye, on the Khanka River, the Cossacks created 10 settlements. Gradually people settled downvillages were developing. An example is the history of Ussuriysk in Primorsky Krai, which has become one of the largest cities in the Far East.

At the initial stage of settlement, people were engaged in crafts: logging, fishing, hunting, picking berries, mushrooms, ginseng. Whaling appeared in Vladivostok. The history of cities, settlements, villages in the Primorsky Territory was replenished with a number of significant events. At the beginning of the 20th century, the world was struck by a crisis. In Russia, this was exacerbated by political instability. This did not go unnoticed in Primorye, as it affected the construction of railways, the number of immigrants, the reduction in investment, and subsidies. Primorsky enterprises reduced the volume of work.

The outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the inhabitants of Primorye. The lack of food and essential goods, high cost, morale after a crushing defeat in the Russo-Japanese war, isolation from the main territory of Russia made the situation of the inhabitants of Primorye depressing. Improvement came only by 1908. But a new war, this time the First World War, brought new disappointments and hardships.

history of cities, settlements, villages in Primorsky Krai
history of cities, settlements, villages in Primorsky Krai

Primorsky Krai in 1917-1922

After the Bolsheviks came to power, a decree on peace was promulgated and an armistice was concluded with Germany. This did not suit the Entente countries at all, which took retaliatory measures - intervention against Russia. In the Far East in 1918, the British landed, who would be in charge there until 1922.

The lack of guarded borders opened the way for foreign migrants who freely passed into the territory of Russia. The Koreans formed their settlements here, the Chinese also flooded the border areas, freely passing inland. The political life of the region continued, on 1920-08-04 the creation of the Far Eastern Republic (FER) was announced, which included the Primorsky Region.

In May 1921, in the south of Primorsky Krai, as a result of the overthrow of Soviet power, the Amur Zemsky Territory was formed, which existed until the capture of the city of Vladivostok by the FER army in 1922. The history of the districts of Primorsky Krai continued, experiencing more and more new events.

the history of the discovery of the Primorsky Territory
the history of the discovery of the Primorsky Territory

Soviet period

The Far Eastern Republic became part of the RSFSR in 1922. Having come to power, the Bolshevik government faced the same problem as the tsarist government - the sparsely populated region. Estates were abolished, and this led to the fact that tens of thousands of acres of land of the Ussuri Cossack army ended up in local government bodies, the owners of which died or fled abroad.

From 1926 to 1928 in Primorsky Krai, immigrants from the Volga cities that survived the famine arrived, who were sent to develop the Khanka Plain. It was they who formed the backbone of collectivization. Another part of the migrants are demobilized soldiers who remained after serving in the Primorsky Territory. There was a reason for them to stay here.

The fact is that in 1932 passports were introduced. At that time they were received in the USSRonly townspeople. Passports were issued to rural residents by decision of the village councils, which gave their consent in exceptional cases. Formally, the inhabitants of the villages were assigned to a certain place. But the passport was issued to military personnel at the place of demobilization. Therefore, many decided to stay in Primorye in order to receive a document, first for a year, then for five years.

A large number of young and he althy guys created another problem - the lack of female population. And then Major Khetagurov's wife appeals to all the girls in the country with an appeal to come to the Far East. Five thousand young girls responded to it.

Districts of Primorsky Krai

The region was formed by the government of the USSR in 1938. Its administrative center is Vladivostok. The history of the regions of Primorsky Krai is also interesting. Their development depended on climatic conditions. Most of them are located in the temperate monsoon zone. Most of the population lives here. Four districts belong to the regions of the Far North. The region is home to 2 million people. In 1922, the total population was about 600 thousand people.

Development of the Far East

During the Great Patriotic War and immediately after it, life in the Primorsky district came to a standstill. But in 1950-1960, the government of the USSR developed a number of measures for the development of the Far East region. These were effective measures that made it possible to attract and retain a large number of volunteers there, the number of which tripled the number of people living in Primorye. The main task was to create comfortable working conditions andresidence, which we managed to do.

The defense, fishing and construction industries developed in the region. The government provided a number of benefits. People moved here for permanent residence. In the 1990s, a radical change occurred. Benefits were abolished, the defense industry practically ceased to exist. Factories and industrial enterprises were closed. This provoked a reverse outflow of people, which has not been stopped to date.
