In the history of human development, scientists consider the emergence of statehood to be one of the most important stages. This process practically brought people out of the period of prehistory to a new leap in development, bringing them closer to such a concept as "civilization".
However, one should not forget that before the first state was formed, the society went through the stage of chiefdom, or proto-state. This is a very important period in which the main features of statehood were formed. But historians do not always consider it necessary to consider in detail the pre-state forms of social management, although it is they that make it possible to fully reveal all the stages of human development.
It is noteworthy that in different territories this process proceeded in its own way. For example, the proto-states on the territory of Russia arose in the VI century, and in the East they appeared several centuries earlier. But let's notrun ahead. Today we will tell you in detail what a proto-state is.

The definition of a proto-state can be found in many dictionaries and historical reference books. But this term is not always described in an accessible and understandable language. But if we discard unnecessary details, then the proto-state is a political structure for managing society, ensuring the order and stability established by the head.
Quite often, the proto-state is also called such a term as "chiefdom". The head of the society is usually the leader, uniting several settlements under his authority. The entire management structure was based on close associates of the leader, many of whom were his relatives.
Despite the apparent simplicity of the chiefdom as a system of governing society, the process of formation of proto-states should not be underestimated. After all, they are positioned in many history textbooks as a transitional stage from tribal relations to military democracy, preceding the creation of an early state.
Stages in the development of the organization of human civilization
Before the proto-state, humanity went through several stages, which became a kind of prehistory for it. Scientists argue that only with the advent of the chiefdom can one speak of civilization in the broadest sense of the word.
In general, there are five stages of development:
- herd or ancestral community;
- tribal community;
- neighborhood community;
- tribe;
- union of tribes.
Nexta step is a superunion of tribes, or a proto-state.

Short description of the protostate
The first proto-states were formed at different times, so it is difficult for historians to say exactly when this political structure first appeared. Regardless of where they appeared, all chiefdoms were almost identical, so they are fairly easy to describe.
Most often, proto-states are a combination of several settlements. They could be located quite far from each other, but always obeyed the central village, where the leader lived with his entourage. Based on this, a hierarchical ladder was built, based on kinship relationships, which so far were a very important component of the management structure.
The proto-states had very strong military support. This was due to necessity, because usually several chiefdoms were formed in a relatively small area in one period of time. They instantly began to compete with each other, the community that could defend its territorial borders won. Often, a strong proto-state did not wait for the attack of its neighbors, but began to pursue its aggressive policy.
In the chiefdom, great importance was given to religious rites and cults. They became the cementing composition that united society and at the same time subordinated it to itself. In the center of the proto-state, temples and other religious buildings were built, which amazed with their luxury and beauty. Gradually thisthe structure moved away from society and became a layer of the elite. This process in the chiefdom could not be considered complete, but it was quite clearly visible at each of its stages.
Proto-states are characterized by emerging social inequality. Of course, it is not yet based on class division, but gradually an elite was formed in the community, which had much more benefits than ordinary residents of the villages.
Protostates: characteristics
Don't confuse the proto-state with tribal unions and developed statehood, although this administrative structure combines some features of both listed political entities.
The main characteristic of the proto-state is the strong power of the leader, spreading over fairly large territories. It was based on a powerful army, consisting of a large number of warriors. Each of them carried out his service for a reward, which, as the proto-state developed and expanded, became more and more significant.
The chiefdom is characterized by the unification of people on a territorial basis. Most often, tribes living in neighboring territories were part of one association and obeyed the leader.
In the proto-state, for the first time, the administrative apparatus begins to form. It does not yet look like an ordered structure with a clear division into branches of power, however, persons responsible for certain events within the chiefdom are gradually being singled out. First of all, relatives of the leader were nominated for these posts, but over time, blood relations lose their significance.
Powerbecomes more public and detached from society. The leader no longer serves the people and does not try to earn his respect with all his actions. He maintains his power with the help of an army and the emerging nobility, if you can call it that.
Prosperous representatives appear in society who live in the central settlement of the leader. It is known that the population in it reached six thousand people. Such settlements could not yet be called cities, but they were no longer simple settlements of the period of tribal unions.

Prerequisites for the creation of a proto-state
We have already mentioned that the first chiefdoms arose in the East, and this is no coincidence, because these territories had all the factors for the development of this process. In fact, there are few of them, but they play an important role in the formation of the proto-state:
- Environmental. In a warm climate, society develops much faster. A chiefdom can arise only when tribal associations grow to a certain number and settle over vast territories. At this point, land cultivation begins to bring a significant amount of products. A small percentage of the received members of the community gave as a tax to the leader and his entourage.
- Success in military affairs. Conquest plays a decisive role in the creation of a proto-state. Only a strong leader, who has many victories on his account, can become the ruler behind whom people will be safe. For this they are ready to pay taxes and obey, because otherwise their lands will beconquered by another, more enterprising and successful leader.
Historians mention that depending on the territories, the process of forming a proto-state stretches for a different period of time. For example, in the East this happened in the third century BC, and some African tribes are still at this stage of development.

Protostate: features of development at different stages of existence
Usually historians do not divide the chiefdom into stages, but in fact, scientists have long developed a method to trace the development of this administrative structure:
- The initial stage is characterized by a strong influence of clan ties. It is on them that the leader relies, gradually shifting his priorities towards the army. Most of the issues related to the judicial or executive power were decided by the ruler himself. He controlled the collection of tribute, which had no specific amount. Persons who were appointed by the leader to certain positions could only exist at the expense of extortions.
- The transitional period is characterized by the formation of a management system. It includes not only the blood relatives of the leader, but also close associates who have achieved his respect. There is such a thing as "salary". Those who were appointed by the leader to important and responsible posts received from him compensation for their services, which could be expressed in goods or counter services. The administrative apparatus is steadily growing and acquiring its own characteristic features. He is increasingly moving away from the people and takesa clear position outside of society.
- At the final stage, it is already clearly noticeable how lost the positions of family ties are. They play a role only when it comes to the most responsible posts near the leader. The first laws and the likeness of the bureaucracy appear. You can also talk about taxation. Each inhabitant of the proto-state knew what percentage of his activity he should send to the central settlement. This process was controlled and the calculations were made by specially assigned people.
It is the last stage that becomes the link that connects the chiefdom with a full-fledged state, being a transitional stage between them.
Distinctive features of the proto-state
Of course, the chiefdom is a complex system, but thanks to its clear structure, it is quite easy to identify its distinctive features:
- The leader relies on the army and elected members of society. With their help, rudimentary authorities are formed and all aspects of the activity of society are regulated.
- In the proto-state, the hierarchy of settlements is clearly traced. The centralization of power plays a very important role in maintaining the power of one person.
- The formation of the first aristocracy begins, which was divided into priestly, military and managerial.
- The proto-state is characterized by religious support. Over time, the personality of the leader enters the stage of deification, which excludes any resistance to the power of the ruler and his activities on the part of the people.
The listed features vividly characterize the proto-state and do not giveconfuse it with other political systems of government.

The role of war in the formation of a proto-state
At the beginning of the last century, a scientific theory was put forward that war was the determining factor in the development of society. Today, historians are sure of something else: the proto-state was created as a result of social transformations. However, it could not exist without military conquest.
First of all, they rallied society around a strong center. In addition, the war provided an opportunity to enrich themselves. At the stage of the chiefdom, it was not possible to get we alth by cultivating the land or as a result of handicraft activities. These industries were not very developed and were constantly exposed to serious risks, and the war always brought income and allowed a certain layer of the elite to form.

Formation of proto-states on the territory of Russia
Historians believe that each nation has a proto-state with unique features and characteristics. But they themselves do not like to single out this stage in the history of Ancient Russia as a separate period, so it is quite difficult to find information on this subject.
It is believed that the first proto-states on the territory of our country arose in the sixth century. Then there were communities under the control of the prince. He was a military leader and relied on the squad. The development went rapidly, so they quickly acquired a certain form and division by seniority.
The veche helped the prince to manage the people,which included princes from numerous settlements of the proto-state. Other chiefdoms on the territory of Russia were formed according to the same principle.

How is a proto-state different from a state?
If you carefully read our article, then it will be quite easy to answer this question. So let's highlight the main differences:
- Size. The state is always much larger than its predecessor. It has a more complex and heterogeneous structure.
- Ethnic composition. The proto-state is mainly represented by one people, but in a state built on conquest, the composition of the population is wider.
- Complication of the hierarchical ladder. Due to the large number of people, the administrative apparatus became more complicated, the hierarchy was built on three levels: the highest level, regional and local.
- Urbanization. Large cities are emerging and such a thing as “monumental construction” is coming into use.
- The emergence of duties and forced labor. In the state, the division between different social strata of society is increasing. The lower ones were obliged to support the higher ones and were often completely subordinate to them.
Instead of a conclusion
Historians around the world agree that the proto-state is a huge breakthrough in the development of mankind, which arose as a result of natural transformations and complication of the structure of society.