America is presented to contemporaries as an integral and unified state with a developed economy and equal rights for all segments of the population. It is hard to imagine that this independent country was once just a colony of the vast British Empire, and the year of the formation of the United States as a state is not at all a date that is many centuries away from today. After all, the United States is considered one of the youngest states in the world, which can be associated with a teenager who is just starting his life path.
America is the greatest discovery in human history
Although America was discovered by the Vikings long before the Spaniards landed on these shores, the entire educated world considers the date of discovery of America to be 1492. Christopher Columbus, who landed in the Bahamas, marked the beginning of the colonization of the continent by the Spaniards. Already in fiftyFor years, several very fortified Spanish settlements existed on the American shores, which firmly settled on these lands.

The English came to America only in 1607, having founded Jamestown. It is worth noting that the settlement grew very quickly, new colonists constantly arrived from Britain, who successfully settled in a new place. America attracted settlers with vast expanses, natural we alth and great prospects. Many moved with their families, paying for their own travel by ship. But there were other categories of settlers who set off on a journey with the blessing of the British crown. England did its best to gain a foothold on the American shores, the country's government saw in these free lands the basis for the rapid economic growth of Britain.
Birth of the Mayflower Agreement
If we consider the formation of the United States briefly, we can say with confidence that the year 1620 was a landmark in the history of the country. It was at this time that the ship "Mayflower" arrived on the shores of America, which brought with it the families of Puritans fleeing the persecution of the British authorities. Here they established their Plymouth Colony, hoping to build a free society. Paradoxically, the Puritans, who themselves miraculously escaped, brutally suppressed any dissent in their ranks. They strictly adhered to their religious dogmas and expelled from the community anyone who could express their opinion. Nevertheless, the Puritans managed to establish contact with almost all Englishcolonies through the Mayflower Agreement. In it, the colonists included clauses about freedoms, democracy, and the separation of church and state. It is believed that many points of this agreement later became the basis for the US Constitution.

Development of English colonies on American soil
To understand when the US was formed as a state, it is necessary to trace the development of the colonies that grew rapidly on the American coast. In the seventy-five years since the first landing of the British in America, thirteen colonies have already appeared, which numbered tens of thousands of people.
People moved to the New World by the thousands, each new ship brought settlers hoping to find their happiness in America. Some succeeded, stories about ordinary people who earned themselves a fortune through hard and honest work went from mouth to mouth. This idea became the basis of American culture, until now every American considers himself the lucky one who can achieve the highest social status in this country.
American industry developed rapidly, which did not suit the British authorities. By the end of the eighteenth century, the colonies were fully self-sufficient in raw materials and consumer goods, shipyards allowed the colonists to trade with India. All this strengthened the positions of the settlers, but at the same time caused dissatisfaction with the British Parliament. Britain did its best to limit the independence of its colonies:
- constantlytaxes increased;
- bans were introduced on trade with other countries;
- export of goods was allowed only on English ships;
- all goods and raw materials had to be imported from Britain;
- to maintain order in the territory of the colonies, English soldiers were constantly lodged.

Every year the dissatisfaction of the colonies with the British government increased.
Start of the War of Independence
If you look at US education briefly, about the main thing, then you should definitely mention the project of Benjamin Franklin. In 1754, he brought to the attention of the English Parliament a project for the creation of colonies with partial independence from Britain. According to this document, the head of the North American colonies should be a president appointed by the government of England. This document provided for a lot of freedoms and privileges for immigrants, but did not declare the colony absolutely independent. This project was very innovative and could relieve tension in American society, but was immediately rejected by the British Parliament.
The unrest in Boston and the refusal to consider the resolution of the First Continental Congress, which was the joint work of fifty-five delegates from almost all states, finally showed the intentions of the British authorities. In response, England sent its warships to the shores of America, which forced the colonies to unite in the face of a common enemy.
The Year of the Formation of the United States as a State: Stages of the Military Campaign 1775-1783years
Having learned about the approach of the British military, the Americans decided to enter the war and resolutely defend their rights and freedoms. The war for the independence of the American colonies and the formation of the United States became the most heroic stages in the history of the country, which showed the world that the unity of the people can change any situation.
It is worth noting that even before the war, the colonies were quite competently managed by local organizations. They served as the basis for the creation of the army and other branches of government. In 1776, at the Second Continental Congress, the delegates announced the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which stipulated the basic principles of the young state. During the same period, General Washington was appointed to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. Now the date July 4, 1776 is celebrated as the Independence Day of the United States, that is, the year of the formation of the United States - a new state on the world map.
Until 1777, American troops were defeated by the British along the entire front line. This was due to the poor provision of the army and terribly trained soldiers, because ordinary people who had never held weapons in their hands went to the army. The colonists were secretly supported by the French, who also had their own colonies on the American coast. Only after the first major victory of the Continental Army at Saratoga did France conclude a support pact with the Americans. As a result, French ships and soldiers began to enter the army. The war has passed its tipping point.
In 1781, the British troops suffered a crushing defeat from the army of the colonists, and Britainhad to start negotiations with the rebels. For two more years, fighting continued in many colonies, but the war had already come to its logical conclusion. In 1783, America's independence from the English crown was officially recognized.

Year of the United States: the history of the adoption of the Constitution
Americans are very sensitive to all the historical stages of the formation of their state. They honor all the documents without which the formation of the United States would not have been possible. The Constitution of 1787 is considered the first and most significant document of the young state.
The very history of the adoption of the Constitution is surrounded by a mass of rumors and interesting facts. For example, many Americans still doubt what date to consider as the year of the formation of the United States. According to some sources, this is 1776 - the year of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, when the creation of a new state based on independence and equality was first announced. According to other sources, the year of the formation of the United States is identical with the adoption of the Constitution.
It is interesting that this landmark document was created without the use of special knowledge. The delegates wrote the Constitution, taking as a basis various legislative acts adopted in individual colonial settlements. The result was the shortest constitution in the history of mankind, and to this day it has hardly undergone any significant changes.

Ratification of the US Constitution
Surprisingly, only two states initially adopted the Constitution, which meant that itcould not be considered a legal document to which the country's leadership could refer. Benjamin Franklin, actively working on the creation of this document, secured the scheme for the adoption of the Constitution by signing nine out of thirteen states. This provided the young state with unprecedented opportunities at that time, because democracy became not just empty words, but the basis of the country's most important document.

Basic Provisions of the US Constitution
The creators of the US Constitution brought into it all their most revolutionary ideas, for the first time the states had such extensive rights, not limited by the pressure of centralized power. Thanks to the joint work of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, the states gained a certain independence in resolving their internal issues. All power was divided into three branches:
- legislative;
- executive;
- judicial.
This approach made it possible to preserve the freedom of the individual and respect the rights of each individual citizen of the country.

US Constitution Amendments
In the year of the formation of the United States, the Constitution seemed to be a perfectly adjusted document, but after three years it became clear that it needed some additions. Since then, amendments have been made to the Constitution, but so far their number is the smallest in the history of such documents.
To date, only twenty-seven of the eleven thousand proposed since 1791 have been adopted. This isindicates that the document was once far ahead of its time and is still relevant.
The history of the United States is replete with heroic events, but still its brightest page is the creation of an independent state and the formation of branches of government that are successfully operating to this day.