Air is vital for all creatures on Earth. But what kind of vital processes does it affect and why is it so necessary for the normal functioning of the body? In the modern world, with the development of industry, there are more emissions into the atmosphere that pollute the air. Therefore, people began to pay more attention to caring for the environment. So what is the significance of air for certain groups of living organisms? And why is it so important to take care of the environment?
For plants
The importance of air for representatives of the flora is simply enormous. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the main components for plant growth. They need oxygen for breathing and carbon dioxide for food. By saturating leaves, roots and stems with oxygen, plants are able to germinate normally.
Of course, they need air for photosynthesis - one of the important processes in the environment. When they consume carbon dioxide, they release oxygen. One of the meanings of air for representatives of the flora is that it is needed for the implementation of allnecessary microbiological processes in the soil. They contribute to the formation of the necessary elements for normal growth and functioning.
Special importance of air for plants that are terrestrial. It plays an important role in the formation of tissue that protects them from UV rays.

For animals
Air is vital for animals, their body is very sensitive to lack of oxygen. If its concentration is low, then the process of oxidation of all important elements (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) ceases to occur. Because of this, there is an accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
Oxygen is needed to saturate the blood and tissues of animals. If there is little oxygen, then the animals' breathing quickens, blood circulation accelerates. Decreased muscle tone may also appear. The value of air for animals is to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the environment.

For human
Air is one of the vital factors for a person. It is necessary to saturate all organs and tissues with oxygen. It is thanks to the air that heat exchange occurs between the human body and the environment. It is also needed in order to reduce the concentration of chemicals to safe levels.
By breathing, the human body also generates energy. When a person exhales, he releases much less oxygen and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Oxygen alsoremoves carbon dioxide from the body, which contains various toxins. The value of air for a person is the maintenance of the normal functioning of the body and the performance of protective functions. Therefore, people need to walk as much as possible so that the body receives sufficient oxygen saturation.

How to improve the environmental situation?
The importance of air for all living creatures on the planet is simply enormous. Thanks to him, it becomes possible to carry out all the processes necessary for life and maintain normal functioning in the body. But with the development of industry, more and more harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere.
Also, car emissions and mining also affect the state of the atmosphere. Of course, some natural phenomena also have an adverse impact on the environment - these are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and floods. Therefore, people began to develop various ways to improve the environmental situation.

For example, in many countries people do not buy cars, but use bicycles or walk. Also, people are trying to build more parks and alleys, especially in megacities. Scientists are developing options for obtaining alternative energy, and residents of some countries are already actively using solar panels. The enterprises install various treatment facilities to reduce the concentration of chemicals, and try to maximize production.environmentally friendly.
Air is one of the important components of the environment. It is thanks to him that most of the vital processes for organisms occur. Therefore, it is important to take care of the environment and make the air cleaner, which is important for the environment.