The Third Reich (German for "empire", "state" and even "kingdom") is the German Empire, which lasted from 1933 to 1945. After the National Socialist Party came to power under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the Weimar Republic fell and was replaced by the Third Reich. Secrets, mysteries and secrets of its rulers still excite the minds of mankind. Consider some of the features of this empire in the article.
Third Reich

It was generally accepted that the Third Reich is the Third Rome, and the Germans living in it are the descendants of the great Romans.
The First Reich was a state in Europe - the Holy Roman Empire, which included many of the European countries. Germany was considered the foundation of the empire. This state existed from 962 to 1806.
From 1871 to 1918 there was a period called the Second Reich. His decline came after the surrender of Germany, the economic crisis and the subsequent abdicationKaiser from the throne.
Hitler planned that the empire of the Third Reich would stretch from the Urals to the Atlantic Ocean. The Reich, which was prophesied for a thousand years, fell after thirteen.
The Fuhrer dreamed of the greatness of Germany and its revival as a world power. However, the Nazi Party became a product of bitterness and chaos.
Already from the very beginning, all Hitler's speeches were filled with the spirit of violence and hatred. Strength was the only power he recognized. For the Germans, the new order meant, above all, the return of the national dignity that had been lost in 1918. Hitler managed to combine humiliation and the desire to rise, giving these feelings a new monstrous meaning.
The birth of the Nazi ideology. Aryan race
For outsiders, one of the secrets of the Third Reich was the phenomenon of National Socialism. Hundreds of rituals have come out of nowhere and fascinated millions of Germans.
Darwinian theory has confused people. Centuries-old faith in God was undermined. Occult sects and circles sprang up all over the country. Secret societies were created that tried to revive ancient Germanic mythology.
They drew knowledge from the writings of Guido von List, an Austrian esotericist who claimed to have discovered the ancient knowledge of the German people.
Since the end of the 19th century, crowds of seekers of truth have flocked to ancient and mysterious Tibet. Many do not want to believe that man descended from a monkey, and come here in search of perfection and knowledge of the secrets of the world.
One of their travelers was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who createdThe Secret Doctrine. In this book, she writes about how, in one of the Tibetan monasteries, she was shown an ancient manuscript that tells about the secrets of the world and reveals the secrets of the past. Blavatsky's books talk a lot about the seven root races, one of which, the Aryan, is supposed to save the world.
The List Society, together with German mythology, skillfully combines the works of Blavatsky. In its charter, it prescribes the laws of the future Aryan people.
Along with List's theory, the science of eugenics emerges, based on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest. She proposes weeding out the weak and sick, giving evolution a chance to create a he althy generation. Increasingly, it is believed that the key to the well-being of the nation is heredity. From Britain, eugenics reaches Germany, where it is called "racial purity" and deeply influences German occultists.
After List's death, Jörg Lanz took his place and, by combining occultism and eugenics, created theosoology - the occult religion of the race.
The history of the creation of the Third Reich is closely connected with the name of Lanz. When Hitler is in power, he, being an ardent admirer of him, by the first law divides the inhabitants of Germany into two parts - pure Aryans and those who will be their subjects.
Secret societies
In his visions of the ancient tribes, Guido von List saw a secret order of priest-rulers, keepers of all the secret knowledge of the German people, and called it "Armanenshaft". List argued that Christianity forced the guardians to go into the shadows, and their knowledge protected such societies as the Freemasons, the Templars and the Rosicrucians. In 1912an order is founded, into which many leaders of the National Socialists enter. They call themselves the "Armanist Assembly".
The renunciation of the Kaiser's power was a terrible blow for the heads of secret societies, as it was believed that the aristocracy had the purest blood and the strongest supernatural abilities.
Among the many groups organizing the counter-revolutionary nationalist opposition is the Thule Society, an anti-Semitic lodge that preaches the teachings of List. This secret society was popular among high society and strictly observed the purity of Aryan blood. The hair of the true heirs of the race of the gods had to be blond or dark blond, the eyes were light, and the skin was pale. In the Berlin branch, even the jaw and head size were measured. In 1919, under the auspices of the Thule, the German Workers' Party was founded, of which Hitler became a member, and then the leader. Later, "Tulle" is transformed into "Ahnenerbe", another of the secrets of the Third Reich. The swastika becomes the symbol of the party, the exact shape of which was chosen by Hitler himself.
The Mystery of the Swastika

The Nazi Party adopted the swastika as its emblem in 1920. It spread everywhere - on buckles, sabers, orders, banners, being a symbol of the occult and esotericism.
Hitler personally developed a sketch of the flag of the Third Reich. Red is social thought in motion, white represents nationalism, and the swastika is the symbol of the Aryan struggle and their victory, which will always be anti-Semitic.
The swastika was a symbol of basic dogmathe Nazis, who claimed that absolute will would triumph over the forces of darkness and chaos. In the world of social-nationalism, the Aryan race was the bearer and distributor of order. Before the swastika became a symbol of the Nazi party, Austrians and Germans began to use it in the form of amulets. This was back in World War I and had its roots in the teachings of Blavatsky and Guido von List.
Elena Petrovna was shown seven symbols, the most powerful of which was the swastika. In Tibetan mythology, the swastika is a solar symbol meaning the sun, as well as the fire god Agni. The swastika was a manifestation of light, order and fortitude.
Guido von List, traveling into the past, discovers the secret meaning of the runes. Ancient signs, according to List, were the most powerful energy weapons.
The Nazis used runes everywhere. For example, the "Sig" rune - "victory", was the emblem of the Hitler Youth, the double "Sig" - the trademark of the SS, and the death rune "Man" replaced the crosses from the monuments.
Photo of the flag of the Third Reich in the hands of Nazi soldiers still instill fear in thousands of people.
Among all the strange symbols, Liszt, like Blavatsky, put the swastika above all. He told a legend about how God created the world with a fiery broom, a swastika that symbolized the act of creation.
A lot of documentaries have been shot about the swastika and other secrets of the Third Reich. They provide facts and evidence about the secret symbolism that Nazism was filled with.

Black sunThird Reich
One of the secrets of the Third Reich was the elite units of the SS, keeping many mysteries and secrets. Even members of the Nazi Party did not know what was going on inside this organization.
Initially, they were the Fuhrer's bodyguards, and then, led by Hitler's personal bodyguard - Henry Himmler, became a mystical elite. It was from their ranks that a new super race was to emerge.
People were seen as ideal samples of the purest Aryan blood. Getting there was not easy. Even one seal blocked the way to this select detachment of the Third Reich. True Aryans had to prove the presence of German ancestors since 1750 and study the racial biology and esoteric destiny of the Aryans.
SS has become a secret occult order dedicated to building an empire. The Aryans were supposed to subjugate all peoples. According to Nazi mythology, it was believed that there were two suns in the solar system - visible and black, something that can be seen only by knowing the truth. It was the symbol of this sun that the SS detachments were supposed to become, the secret decoding of which was translated as “Black Sun” (German: Schwarze Sonne).

In 1935, the historical society "Ahnenerbe" - "the heritage of the ancestors" was created. His official task was to study the historical roots of the German people and the spread of the Aryan race throughout the world. This is the only organization that officially de alt with magic and mysticism with the support of the state. By 1937 it becomes a research departmentSS.
The Ahnenerbe scientists had to study history and rewrite it so that the Aryans, the blue-eyed and fair-haired Nordic race, bringing light to the rest of humanity, became the progenitors of all mankind. All the discoveries were made by the Germans, and it was they who created the whole civilization. The Nazis recruited philologists and folklorists, archaeologists and engineers. Special Sonderkommandos were sent to the occupied territories to search for ancient treasures.
Specialists gathered around the world de alt with astronomy, mathematics, genetics, medicine, as well as psychotropic weapons and methods of influencing the human brain. They studied magical rites, the occult sciences, the paranormal abilities of people and experimented on them. The goal was to contact the higher minds of ancient civilizations and alien races to gain new knowledge, including high technology.
But above all, the Ahnenerbe scientists were interested in Tibet.
SS expeditions to Tibet
In the thirties of the XX century, Tibet was practically unexplored and difficult to access, and therefore full of mysteries. The legend was passed from mouth to mouth that the mythical Shambhala, a country of goodness and truth, is hidden in the Himalayas. There, in deep caves, lived the guardians of our world, who knew great secrets.
Interested in the secrets of Tibet and the Third Reich. The Nazis tried several times to enter the country.
In 1938, the Austrian biologist Ernst Schaeffer went to Lhasa under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe.
In addition to the mythical Shambhala, Schaeffer had to forge ties with the Dalai Lama and the Prince Regent. Germany promised to help Tibet in the fight against the British. Schaeffer intended to smuggle weapons for the Tibetans to attack British posts on the border with Nepal.
After Schaeffer, the Nazis made many expeditions, taking out ancient texts written in Sanskrit. There is a version according to which "Ahnenerbe" got to Shambhala and came into contact with powerful spirits. The wise men agreed to help Hitler and provided magical support for a long time.
It is said that the gas chambers in the concentration camps and the people who were burned in them were sacrifices to the gods of the Nazis.
However, the dark gods did not hear the Nazis' pleas for world domination, and the light gods turned away, not recognizing violence and bloody sacrifices.

Underground cities of the Third Reich
Keep the secrets of the Third Reich underground SS cities and military factories. Some of these objects are still classified by special services.
Underground factories of the Third Reich have become one of the largest projects of mankind. When Allied aircraft began to strike at military factories, Armaments Minister Albert Speer suggested in 1943 that they be moved underground.
Thousands of prisoners were driven to concentration camps and forced to work in inhuman conditions.
In the town of Nordhausen, underground tunnels are located in the rock, where one of the secret developments of the Luftwaffe - the V-2 rocket - was made. From here, rockets were delivered to launch points via the underground railway.
An object is hidden in the dense forest on the territory of Falkenhagen"Zeyverg", which is still partially classified. The Nazis planned to produce a terrible weapon there - the nerve gas "Zarin". Death from him came within six minutes. Fortunately, the plant was never completed. He continues to keep the secrets of the Third Reich. SS underground cities are located not only in Germany, but also in Poland.
An underground plant with secret tunnel branches, codenamed "Cement", has been built near Salzburg. They were going to manufacture intercontinental ballistic missiles there, but the project was not launched in time.
Under Fürstenstein Castle near Waldenburg lies one of the biggest secrets of the Third Reich. This is an underground complex in which a complex system of shelters was created for Hitler and the top of the Wehrmacht. In case of danger, the elevator lowered the Fuhrer to a depth of 50 meters. There was a mine, the ceiling height of which reached 30 meters. The structure was given the code name "Rize" - "Giant".

Treasures of the Third Reich
After Germany begins to lose, Hitler gives the order to hide the gold that the Nazis confiscated in the conquered territories. Wagons loaded with treasures are sent to the untouched lands of Bavaria and Thuringia.
In May 1945, the Allies captured a fascist train with untold riches, and chests full of silver and gold coins were found in the Merkers mine. After that, rumors spread about the new secret of the Third Reich. Where are the treasures of Hitler, many seekers wanted to knowadventure.
In total, the Nazis confiscated more than 8 billion gold from the occupied countries, but, as it turned out, this was not enough for them.
In the concentration camps, the Sonderkommandos collected gold from the crowns of murdered prisoners, as well as rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry confiscated during searches. According to some reports, by the end of the war, about 17 tons of gold had been collected. The crowns were melted down at a factory in Frankfurt, made into ingots, then taken to a special account of Melmer in the Reichsbank. When Germany lost the war, the gold was still in the deposits, but when the Russians entered Berlin, it was not there.
From the underground residence of the Fuhrer - "Rize", only a part of the drawings remained, so there were rumors that not all tunnels were found. It is said that a freight train filled with gold is hidden somewhere underground. The dimensions of the structures indicate that they were built, including for transport.
The legend of the "golden train" says that in April 1945 the train left for the city of Wroclaw and disappeared. Scientists say that this is impossible, since by that time the city was surrounded by Soviet troops, and he could not get there in any way. However, this does not prevent treasure hunters from continuing their search, and some claim to have seen wagons standing in the dungeons.
It is known that most of the gold was hidden in the Merkers mine. In the last days of the Third Reich, the Nazis carried the rest of the treasures throughout Germany. They lowered gold into mines, drowned it in rivers and lakes, buried it at battlefields, and even hid it in death camps. Secret of the ThirdReich, where Hitler's treasure is located, has not yet been unraveled. Perhaps he lies and waits for his master.

Nazi bases in Antarctica
In the summer of 1945, two German submarines from the Fuhrer's personal convoy moored to the coast of Argentina. When the captains were interrogated, it turned out that both boats had repeatedly been to the south pole. So it turned out that he hides many secrets of the Third Reich and Antarctica.
After the discovery of the mainland in 1820 by Bellingshausen and Lazarev, it was forgotten for a century. However, Germany began to show an active interest in Antarctica. At the end of the thirties, Luftwaffe pilots flew there and staked out the territory, calling it New Swabia. Submarines and the research vessel "Schwabia" with equipment and engineers began to regularly go to the shores of Antarctica. It is possible that important people and secret industries were transported there during the war. Judging by the documents found, the Nazis created a military base in Antarctica, which had the code name "Base-211". It was needed for the search for uranium, control over the countries of America, and so that in case of defeat in the war, the ruling elite could hide there.
After the war, when the Americans began to recruit scientists who worked for the Wehrmacht, they found that most of them had disappeared. More than a hundred submarines were also lost. It also remains a secret of the Third Reich.
The fleet sent by the Americans to Antarctica to destroy the Nazi base returned with nothing, and the admiral spoke about incomprehensible flyingsaucer-like objects that jumped out of the water and attacked ships.
Later, blueprints were discovered in German archives, which indicated that scientists were indeed developing disk-shaped aircraft.
To better understand the events in which Germany took part from 1939 to 1945, the documentary "Third Reich in Color" will help. It contains unique footage from the lives of ordinary people, ordinary soldiers and the Nazi elite, the country's public life in the form of parades, rallies and military campaigns, as well as its "dark side" - concentration camps with a monstrous number of victims.
We are used to watching all the horrors, mysteries, secrets and mysteries of the Third Reich from TV screens and book pages. May these stories of Nazism remain in the memory of people and, left in the past, will never be repeated.