Riddles are part of human culture. They appeared once as a test for intelligence, but today they are used by parents and teachers to develop logical and imaginative thinking in children.

Guys are very fond of guessing riddles, this process requires active participation in the game, allows you to demonstrate your horizons, ingenuity.
What is the mystery of the riddle itself?
At the heart of any riddle is a metaphor - a hidden comparison. The conceived object is hidden behind the called object, description, characteristic. Various hints are given. Pronouns are often used. Here is a classic example:
Sits grandfather (named object) wearing a hundred fur coats (hint). Whoever (relative pronoun) undresses him (personal pronoun) sheds tears (hint).
Answer - bow (guessed object).
Please note that pronouns are very important in riddles.
3 pronoun riddles for toddlers
For young children, riddles need to come up with simple things that are often used in life. Of course, they should be with recognizable clues.
1. It has four legs, and on the back is soup and spoons. (Table.)
This riddle uses a personal pronoun (for him) that refers to the hidden object.

2. He is so puffed up, they beat him with a hand, a foot.
He doesn't cry because of this, he just jumps and jumps. (Ball.)
The hidden object is hidden behind personal pronouns (he, him). There is also a demonstrative pronoun (of this).
3. I knock on wood, I want to get a worm. (Woodpecker.)
In this riddle, the hidden object is called the pronoun "I".
5 riddles with pronouns for the lesson on the topic "Professions"
Thematic classes are held in kindergartens. Topics can be very different, "Professions", for example. Occupation riddles often use interrogative pronouns and are themselves interrogative sentences.
1. Who will teach the kids to write and read, to learn everything about the big world? (Teacher.)
2. Who will build a new house for people to live in? (Builder.)
3. Who gives the goods and the check? What kind of person is this? (Seller.)
4. Who cooks a very tasty salad, meatballs and cabbage soup? (Cook.)
5. Who is the best pilot? It is safe to fly with it. (Pilot.)

Riddles for the lesson on the topic "Animals"
It can be a lot of fun in classes dedicated to the animal world. And riddles at such events will create an even more lively atmosphere. In these classes, it is advisable to useriddles with personal pronouns.
1. She wags her tail, She is toothy, but does not bark. (Pike)
2. He has a bright red beret, Jacket black, satin, He doesn't look at us, Everything is hammering on wood. (Woodpecker.)
3. She flies everywhere, Buzzing, annoying. (Fly.)
4. She's wearing a yellow jacket and stripes, Honey and wax are very rich. (Bee)
5. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring.
In the snowy hut he rests in winter. (Bear.)

6. He is a vislogub and a hunchback, Proudly looks at the guys. (Camel.)
7. She deftly jumps on the Christmas trees, And hides nuts in the hollow. (Squirrel.)
8. Lies a ball - prickly side.
He hunts mice at night. (Hedgehog.)
These riddles with pronouns and answers will surely help to make a children's event interesting and useful.
Riddles for the lesson on the topic "Pets"
Pets are usually talked about with warmth and riddles with possessive pronouns.
1. My watchman barks loudly, but he won't bite you. (From both sides.)
2. My Khavronya has a patchy nose and a hooked tail. (Pig.)
3. Our general with spurs, he has a tail with patterns. (Rooster.)
4. Our birds lay eggs every day. (To the chicken.)
5. Our rooftop hunter
Walks quieter than any mouse.
He sees everything at night, as during the day, He lies and licks his fur coat during the day. (Cat.)
6. livesour Glasha is in the barn, eating hay and grass. (Cow.)
7. My friend is mane, Ride a lot.
Slightly spurs behind, Will carry away to distant lands. (Horse.)

8. Our baby with a beard was born, No one was surprised. (Kit.)
These riddles with pronouns and answers are good to use in drawing classes, for this you need to give the children the task to draw the answer.
Riddles about the world around us
The development of children is a very responsible matter, but this does not mean that it should be boring. Be sure to try in every possible way to diversify the process of knowing the world around us. For this we use riddles with a variety of pronouns.
1. Some master put on the windows
A pattern of blades of grass and white roses. (Frost.)
2. In the morning, diamonds sparkled on the field, But in vain we were looking for them for so long later. (Dew)
3. She grows upside down, Never blooms, And spring will come, Cry and die. (Icicle.)
4. This pole is growing out of the roof, Rising higher, Grows to the sky, And then completely disappeared. (Smoke.)
5. On a black scarf
Sprinkled with peas.
The cockerel came, But I couldn't peck. (Stars.)
6. He walked in the sky
Yes, I fell into the water.
But didn't drown, I didn't even stir the surface. (Month.)
7. If you leave the threshold, You will see the road, It is not visible during the day, Only at night there is it. (Milky Way.)
8. Someone in the morning this ball
Inflates slowly.
When he gets out of hand, Everything around will light up. (Sun.)
9. She runs in the summer, She sleeps in winter.
And spring will come, He will run again. (River.)
10. Young rowans look into it.
Fixing their colorful kerchiefs.
Slender birch trees look into it, Admiring their curly hairstyles.
The moon and stars are reflected in it.
What is this mirror called? (Lake.)

11. I'm running, running, running
And I can't be silent.
I was born in the spring, All the snows run with me. (Stream.)
12. He can't be idle
Just go all day like this.
He will paint pure white
Roofs, branches and wattle. (Snow.)
13. He grabbed dust from the road, Spin and spin, And then I gained strength
And swirled up to the sky. (Tornado)
14. A mare walks in the open, Flies everywhere like a white bird.
And the wind subsides - and falls asleep, Lets down on the field like a fluffy cat. (Snowstorm.)
15. Flashed, thundered, Washed everything, flew away. (Thunderstorm.)
16. Everyone tramples on her.
And she keeps running in front of us. (Road.)
Riddles with pronouns can not only arouse interest in the world around them, but also develop love for their native language.
10 logic puzzles
Developing riddles are needed for childrenolder. They help to form the ability to compare, reason, classify and generalize. These skills will be useful to the child in his educational activities. Usually, interrogative pronouns are used in such riddles.
- My dad is celebrating his eleventh birthday. How old is he? What is the date of his birthday? (44 years. February 29.)
- The boy lives on the tenth floor, in the morning he takes the elevator from his floor to the first. In the evening he rises from the first floor to the seventh and then goes on foot. Why? (Does not reach the button with the number 10.)
- How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)
- Which word has forty vowels? (Magpie.)
- What is your favorite shoe food? (Porridge.)
- The bigger they are, the less they weigh. What is it? (Holes.)
- Who doesn't get their hair wet in the rain? (Bald.)
- Can a chicken call itself a bird? (No, she doesn't talk.)
- Who can fly deep in the ocean? (A fly in a submarine.)
- Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Chocho, Chuchu. What is the name of his fifth daughter? (Mary.)
Logical riddles with pronouns are closely related to grammar and speech development. They contribute to the development of curiosity and at the same time improve the speech competence of the child. Thus, the readiness for successful cognitive activity is instilled in children in a playful way.