Kronstadt (from the German Krone - "crown", Stadt - "city"), located on the island of Kotlin, was created as a defensive fortress of St. Petersburg under construction.

A brief history of Kronstadt by dates
- 1704 - 1720 The Crown Castle was built, solemnly consecrated on May 7 in the presence of Peter I. In the summer, Kronshlot adequately rebuffed the Swedish squadron, and 15 years later a harbor was added to it, turning it into a pentagonal fort. After 2 years, Peter the Great ordered the construction of the first dry dock in Russia.
- 1722 - 1799 During this period, the construction of the fort "Citadel", the Obvodny Canal, the Sugar Plant began, and the emblem of the city was approved. A Dock Admir alty was established and a steam engine brought from Scotland installed.
1803 - 1817 Over these 14 years, many significant events have taken place in the history of Kronstadt: the construction of the first water supply system, the opening of a steamship line to St. Petersburg with regular passenger flights, the dispatch of the first round-the-world expedition of sloops"Neva" and "Hope" and the consecration of the temple, where for 53 years the holy father John of Kronstadt conducted services.
- 1819 - 1834 The discovery of Antarctica by Russian sailors, the beginning of the construction of a complex of customs buildings, the Naval Arsenal, Gostiny Dvor, the testing of a submarine and the strongest devastating flood.
- 1836 - 1839 A laboratory for the manufacture of preparations against bubonic plague was consecrated, and the first successful heart operation in Russia was performed.
- 1840 - 1847 Regular water level measurements begin and a steamship building plant is established.
- 1854 - 1857 An interesting period in the history of the city of Kronstadt: during the Crimean War, the siege of the fortress by the Anglo-French squadron begins. After several unsuccessful attempts, the assault stopped, and the minefields created according to the B. S. Jacobi, were nicknamed "infernal machines" by foreign sailors.
- 1864 - 1866 The world's first icebreaker was built and the submarine was tested.
- 1872 - 1896 The Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was built in the city, the first telephone connection in Russia was established, Popov invented a radio receiver and an X-ray machine.
- 1905 - 1984 Completion of the construction of the main sea temple of the country and forts "Eno", "Krasnaya Gorka", "Reef", "Grey Horse". Also during this period, an important event took place in the history of the city of Kronstadt: the inhabitants played notthe last role in the crushing of tsarist Russia. During the Second World War, more than 300 bombs were dropped.
- 1999 - 2013 During this period, the restoration of several cathedrals and the opening of an underwater tunnel began.
Pages of history: the rise of Kronstadt
In 1702, Swedish sailors who settled on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, seeing boats with Russian soldiers, fled in panic. And the cauldron of food that remained in their place, as a result, gained fame as a trophy.
The next year, when the Swedish squadron left for the winter, Peter 1 ordered to measure the depth of the bay. It turned out that the passage to the Neva lay through a narrow strait in the south of the island. Then the king decided to build a fortress in the shallow water. Thus, he ensured the impregnability of the defensive structure. By the way, her model was made by Peter himself 1.

On the shore of the bay, soldiers made robes from logs. Then they were filled with stones, the robes sank to the bottom under their own weight and became the foundation for the construction of a 9-corner three-tiered tower.
May 7, Peter 1 went to the island of Kotlin to the new fortress, past which it was impossible to sail unhindered by any ship. It was then that the building was named Kronshlot, and the celebration lasted 3 days.
Over time, according to the plan of the king, a whole system of fortifications was organized on the island and on the forts adjacent to it. At first, one harbor was built for warships, and after the Battle of Poltava, three more were built for the merchant fleet: Lesnaya, Merchant and Srednyaya.
For repairships required the creation of an additional dock and canal, so the architect suggested that the king build a giant lighthouse at the entrance. But the matter was limited to laying the foundation. Construction was completed during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna.
The canal in honor of Peter the Great was opened in the summer of 1752. The launch of the lock mechanisms was made by the Empress herself. In honor of this event, a medal was soon issued with the inscription: "Fulfilling the tasks of her father."

At the end of the story of the creation of Kronstadt, it is worth noting that the tsar was right. The fortress that surrounded the whole city was a defense for it on each side, thanks to which "in St. Petersburg they slept peacefully."
Main Attraction: Naval Cathedral
At first glance, the building resembles the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Light walls and golden domes give the Naval Cathedral lightness and elegance. The interior space is striking in its rich decoration and spaciousness, and on the floor, made of multi-colored marble, you can see images of marine life and birds.

After the war, a club was opened here, the stage of which was located on the site of the altar. But the cathedral, restored in 2002, began to receive parishioners again.
Monument to the cauldron
In 1730, Anna Ioannovna approved the coat of arms. On the right side, the sea, the island of Kotlin and a bowler hat were depicted, and on the left side, a fortress wall and a lighthouse.
Walking around the city, you can see an unusualmonument - cauldron. As conceived by the historian Sergei Lebedev, they decided to install it in the very center of Bezymyanny Lane - after all, it was from this lane that the history of Kronstadt began.

Viewing an unusual sight, city guests throw coins into the cauldron and make one wish - that peace and comfort reign at home.
An interesting landmark of Kronstadt, which can be reached along the pier along the Merchant Harbor. Many tourists believe that the bright and romantic-looking building is a lighthouse. But the navigation maps say: "Rear leading sign of the Kronstadt roadstead".
Built in 1898, the building was restored in 1914. The lighthouse, though reserve, but working. Therefore, with the onset of darkness, tourists and newlyweds like to be photographed against its background.

Italian Palace
One of the main attractions associated with the history of Kronstadt. The majestic building was erected in honor of the associate of Peter I and the first governor of the city - Alexander Menshikov.
Throughout its history, the building has been rebuilt several times. The 4th floor was completed, which was called the "navigator's tower". But the biggest change in the Italian Palace took place in the middle of the 19th century - after the repair work, there was no trace of the Peter the Great Baroque style.

Interesting facts
In May 1854, 125 mines were installed between the forts of Emperor Alexander I and Paul IJacobi. In June, the Anglo-French squadron was forced to go home after two of their ships were blown up by mines.
One of the engineers of the Kronstadt fortifications was Leonid Kapitsa - father of Pyotr Kapitsa, Nobel Prize winner.
In the late 90s, the Fort Dance festival began to be held at two forts. But after 9 years, due to protests from local residents and for security reasons (the event was attended by up to 20,000 people), the festival was canceled.
Our days
The history of Kronstadt developed in such a way that the city with a population of 43 thousand people became the administrative district of the Northern capital of Russia. Every year, measures are taken to improve and transform it: memorials, new monuments are opened, restoration work is underway. Shrines also underwent changes: the chapel of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, the Vladimir and Naval Cathedrals were restored.

The administration is investing a lot of effort so that in the future a clean and comfortable Kronstadt will turn into an international historical and cultural center of tourism, sports, yachting, business and a large ship repair complex.