The history of Lysva, a city located on the river of the same name in the Perm Territory, begins in the middle of the 17th century.

A small settlement of Old Believers over the centuries has become the administrative center of the Lysvensky urban district with a population of more than 60 thousand people.
Coniferous water
This is how the name of the city is translated into the language of the locals. There are several beautiful legends about this, but the impetus for the development of the settlement was the fact that these lands were inherited by the daughter of Baron A. G. Stroganov, Princess V. A. Shakhovskaya. Varvara Alexandrovna submitted a petition to the Perm Treasury for the construction of an iron-smelting and iron-making plant, which was approved in 1785. From this day, in accordance with the history of the city of Lysva, its age is being counted.
The blast furnace began to work in 1787, which contributed to the growth of the population and the development of the plant and the settlement next to it. At first, the workers' settlement was called the same as the enterprise - Lysva Plant, later the historical name - Lysva returned.
Unicorn stamp
Big role in the history of Lysva andThe Perm Territory was played by the famous industrial dynasties of the Stroganovs, Shakhovskys and Shuvalovs. The last of the owners, Count Shuvalov, drawing attention to the need to develop not only the plant, but also the settlement, invited people who transformed the settlement to serve.

Since 1898, buildings have been built here, which today are architectural monuments and sights of the city. It was then that a unique regular park was founded, later named after A. S. Pushkin. A school was opened in which the children of workers and employees of the enterprise were trained in the "industrial art".
Thanks to Shuvalov's activities, the quality of products has significantly improved, it has become in demand on the international market. In 1900, participation in the Paris Exhibition brought medals and even greater popularity to the products of the plant, which had a positive effect on the history of Lysva.
The family coat of arms of the Shuvalov family was decorated with a jumping unicorn, which, as a sign of quality assurance of products, began to be depicted on the brand of products. The Lysvensky enterprise still uses such a stigma.
Strike of 1914
At the beginning of the 20th century, a railway line was laid in these parts, which made it possible to increase the supply of the plant's products both within the country and abroad. The number of workers in the region also grew. The events that stirred up the country in 1905 did not bypass the Perm region. In 1914, in the history of the city of Lysva, there was such an event: the workers staged a mass uprising, putting forward certainrequirements.

Soviet historians qualified this event as a protest against mobilization into the army sent to the front of the First World War. More recent studies have clarified that the demands put forward were purely economic in nature. The list included wage increases, a reduction in the working day to eight hours, the abolition of fines, improved working conditions, and so on.
The mobilization announced at this time only added to the list of additional payments for conscripted workers. After partially meeting the requirements, people began to return to the shops.
Soviet history of Lysva
During the revolutionary events of 1917, Lysva, for whose enterprises fierce battles were fought, repeatedly passed from hand to hand. As a result, both the plant and the workers' settlement had to be restored. In 1919, rolling production began to work, the production of dishes was adjusted, and the first open-hearth furnace produced products in 1922.
Lysva became the city in 1926, and the mining plant of Count Shuvalov became the largest enterprise in the industry. During the war years of the 40s, the enterprise was the only one that produced soldier's helmets. In addition, of course, there was a whole list of military products that were manufactured and sent to the front by the Lysvens. For the fulfillment of all state tasks, the plant was awarded government orders.

The well-known enamelware has become a beautiful and useful part of the history of the city of Lysva in the Perm Territory. Issue was started in 1913year, it was sent for export, exhibitions, festivals, presented to honored guests. Today it is an industrial brand of the city. After the war, several more heavy and light industries were opened. Schools, hospitals, cultural institutions were built.
Cultural life of modern Lysva
The Drama Theater, opened in 1944 on the basis of the Ivanovo Theater, evacuated to these parts, deserves special words. Today it is the only professional cultural institution of its kind in the Perm region. Directed by A. A. Savin, the theater significantly expanded its repertoire, began to participate in festivals and tours, and gained fame in the country. Today the theater bears his name.

Since 2009, the program "Lysva - a deposit of culture" began to work in the city, accompanied by the restoration of significant objects. The house of Count Shuvalov, which was in disrepair, is being restored, the Holy Trinity Church, located in the center, landscaping and landscaping work is underway everywhere.
Of several city museums, the most interesting and unusual ones should be noted. These are the Museum of Helmets and the Museum of Enamelware.
Sights of Lysva
The history of Lysva and photos of its significant objects speak of the deep roots of this city. The monument to Count Shuvalov, erected in 1908 on the initiative and at the expense of the workers and employees of the plant, was created by the architect L. V. Sherwood. A self-confident man stands leaning on a stone and looking around in a businesslike way.

After the revolution, the figure of the count was taken down from the pedestal and drowned in the pond. A statue of V. I. Lenin was installed on an empty pedestal. An exact copy of the monument to Shuvalov, which reappeared on the old pedestal, was made by sculptor I. I. Storozhev in 2009.
Regular city park, founded at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of a wasteland, today is one of the favorite places for the citizens to relax. Schoolchildren, students of vocational schools and local residents took part in tree planting. Supervised the work according to a strictly marked plan A. V. Zanuzzi, senior forester of Lysva.

The opening of the park was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. Over the years, the park has changed, arbors, statues, billboards with visual propaganda appeared and disappeared here. In 1937, a bust of A. S. Pushkin was erected, and the park was given his name. Today it is a monument of regional significance, which has preserved the layout created by A. V. Zanuzzi.
Factory dam
The history of Lysva is closely connected with factory production, and any mining plant in the 18th century used the energy of falling water to operate its mechanisms. So he needed a dam. In 1787, such a structure blocked the bed of the Lysva River, and water began to accumulate in the pond. Four windows were left in the dam: two for the discharge of excess water, two for factory needs. Water was supplied to the bellows through a wooden pipeline.
Today the pond and the dam are monuments of regional importance, located in the city center. There is a children's park on the shore of the pond, and fishermen andvacationing townspeople.