Flattered - what is it?

Flattered - what is it?
Flattered - what is it?

"Very honored madam!" Quite often we can hear an expression of this kind in films describing the events of past years, not even years, but past centuries. But even today the word “flattered” is used in our lives, it can be found more often in literary works than in colloquial everyday speech. So let's consider what it is - flattered.

flattered what does it mean
flattered what does it mean

Tribute to courtesy?

The word can be interpreted as follows. This is a person brought into a pleasant mood, that is, satisfied with something flattering for himself. The meaning of the word "flattered" can be understood as "to be pleased with praise, feedback about the person himself or his deeds."

"I'm flattered," says a woman when she's been complimented. A man can also be flattered not only by a compliment made to him or a pleasant review of his work, but he can use this word, say, at the moment of meeting an outstanding person who, for one reason or another, arouses admiration and respect in him. It should be remembered that, say, armor or skin is different for everyone,and if you heard the cherished: “I am so flattered,” then it may just be an empty sound, and the phrase was uttered more out of politeness.

Action chain

"I'm flattered!". That's what women say sometimes. What does flattered mean? The answer is obvious and simple: it should be understood that the interlocutor, friend, acquaintance managed to bring the lady into a pleasant mood. Moreover, an answer of this kind can be heard only in one case - you were not suspected of coarse or subtle flattery, your words were found sincere, moreover, perhaps it was a compliment, the meaning of which became incredibly pleasant and somewhere deep down it was found rightly noticed. But in this case, we can definitely assume that your lady friend is happy. Precisely satisfied, not excited, not embarrassed, not in love, and quite unexpectedly. In other words, being flattered is being content.

the meaning of the word flattered
the meaning of the word flattered

Temptation and advice

Of course, in situations of this kind, temptation is quite possible. What is the temptation, you ask? There is a fine, and quite possibly a shaky line between being flattered and being flattered. Perhaps this is an attempt to get something out of you.

To be able to see the difference is your task, which at first glance only seems simple. Think for yourself how bad it would be to offend a person who sincerely expressed his feelings to you, taking them, say, for flattery. But the temptation may also be that a flattered person will not be able to resist the advice that your interlocutor will definitely resort to. After all, it's no wonderin his eyes you are the embodiment of the ideal! Just then, be vigilant, think before you advise something, since you should know that your interlocutor will definitely listen to this advice. So there is another side of the coin here, being flattered is not only being in a great mood for what was said to you, but it is a kind of responsibility for, say, satisfaction delivered to you.

what does flattered mean
what does flattered mean


Summing up what has been said, it can be noted that a flattered person is a satisfied person, but you should know that from this very moment you can be a piece of plasticine in skillful hands, who will mold whatever they want. So sobriety of mind and strength of spirit will be very useful in this situation. But still, being flattered is very nice, it's nice to realize that other people recognize and admire your work or your beauty.

A person needs feelings of this kind, they inspire, inspire, perhaps become an incentive for further achievements. Let it be like a bright flash, so beautiful, light, fleeting, which forever remains in the memory of a person. Flattered - this is satisfied, and this, undoubtedly, is one of the pleasant moods, this is the risk of being in an ambiguous situation, the consequences of which can be very deplorable. So, as we mentioned above, it is worth remembering that there are always two sides to a coin!