Prince - is it a title or an image of an ideal man?

Prince - is it a title or an image of an ideal man?
Prince - is it a title or an image of an ideal man?

For a little girl to become obedient and sweet, it is enough just to inspire her that she is a princess, and when she grows up, the Prince will come for her on a white horse and take her to his Kingdom, where they will live happily ever after. So, in today's publication, we will look at who the prince is. Is this the image of the "ideal man"? Or maybe not…

prince is the definition
prince is the definition

Meaning of the word

In Latin, “prince” means “first”. And in our real world, princes exist to this day. Prince is one of the highest titles among representatives of an aristocratic family. In a number of European countries, such as Germany, England, Denmark, princes are representatives of the direct descendants of the monarch. A prince is a definition of belonging by birthright, that is, by blood, to the throne through the male line.

Folk element

In fairy tales there is always the image of a prince, the image of some ideal man. Parents, fairy tales, films and cartoons reinforce the image, and the girl begins to imagine herself a princess. Well, if in time the illusion will disappear,preferably in adolescence, and the girl will begin to really perceive the world.

But miracles happen in real life, for example, on April 29, 2011, the wedding of the English Prince William and Catherine Middleton took place. Today she is a happy wife and mother of three charming children, but the press from time to time recalls the period of William's courtship, while caustically calling Katherine "waiting for Katherine", because she has been waiting for the moment of marriage proposal for ten years! With no less interest, the world is watching another couple - Prince Harry and his wife Megan. One careless step and the press makes a fuss!

I would like to note an interesting feature: a prince in the modern world is an ideal man with a well-groomed appearance, which is more important to him than, say, human qualities of character, such as courage, honesty, courage. But the prince is still a positive hero who will definitely save the girl from the monster.

who is the prince
who is the prince

A bit of irony

In modern Russian, the word "prince" has an ironic meaning: this is usually said about a person who tends to behave in communication or, on the contrary, to be emphasized officially. Nowadays, there is a parable about an elderly and lonely woman who has been waiting all her life for the ideal prince. People asked her: “Have you met such a person?” The woman replied, "Oh yes!" But people did not let up: “So what?!” The woman sighed and replied: “He was looking for the perfect woman…”

Waiting for a miracle misses the opportunity to change lives, build relationships with a real man andlearn to be happy in our far from ideal world.
