Hochma is Meaning and synonyms

Hochma is Meaning and synonyms
Hochma is Meaning and synonyms

Hochma is a funny joke. This is the definition that comes to mind first. It is also worth noting that the term refers to vernacular. In this article we will consider the etymology and history of the word "Hochma". Consider its lexical meaning. Let's pick up synonyms and examples of usage.

Etymology and history of the word "Hochma"

mom and girl laughing
mom and girl laughing

According to one version, this term comes from the ancient Hebrew language. This word meant "wisdom, knowledge, wisdom".

Besides, it is close to the English term Chokhmah. It also meant Jewish wisdom.

Why, then, in Russian did this term take on the meaning of a joke? There is an opinion that the wit of the Jews was called their wisdom. And other nations perceive their worldly knowledge as a joke.

The word "hochma" could also come from the verb "to laugh" from the Proto-Slavic "laughter". And also from the Church Slavonic "laugh". It was used in the meaning of loud laughter. From here and in the old Russian "grohotati" - to laugh out loud.

The lexical meaning of the word"hochma"

laughing man
laughing man

In the dictionary of the Russian language A. P. Evgenyeva, this concept is considered as a very funny joke, a witty statement.

The word "hochma" is associated with violent laughter. This is such a funny joke that causes loud merry laughter. It can also be a prank or a prank on someone. Hochma is unbridled fun, which can have not only a positive color when it is funny to everyone, but also a negative one when someone is making fun of another.

The concept under study is in the thieves' dictionary. Hochma is jargon which means "focus".

Synonyms and examples of usage

There are several words that are similar in meaning to the one being studied. Here are some of them:

  • joke;
  • pungency;
  • fun;
  • humor;
  • loud laughter;
  • taunt;
  • red word;
  • rzhach;
  • prank;
  • tip;
  • joke.

The funny word "hochma" became closer after we gave synonyms. But its use will be even clearer when we compose phrases with it. Here are the following sentences with the studied word:

  1. What a joke it was when Aglaya fell into the snow.
  2. Local grandfather Ivan constantly told some joke.
  3. What are you making a joke of yourself!
  4. I thought you wouldn't understand. I shouldn't have told you this joke.
  5. The feast was successful, everything was: laughter, jokes, songs.

Thus, we found out thatThe word is originally of Hebrew origin. In Hebrew, it means wisdom. But already in the Proto-Slavic language it migrated in the sense of a joke. Or maybe Jewish wisdom from the outside sounds witty? And so it happened. Only in the modern sense "Hochma" carries little wisdom.
