The article talks about what continents are, how they formed, what they are now and what, according to scientists, they were before.
Ancient times

Ever since time immemorial, people have been interested in the size of our world. Various travelers tried to discover new lands and lands, but due to the complexity of this process, only since the Middle Ages did the widespread development of new continents begin. Especially this process began to occupy people from the moment of the final confirmation that the planet is round, which means that on the opposite side of the Earth, there may be other continents that no one has yet reached. So what are continents? How many of them are there, how do they differ, and have they always been the same as they are now? We'll figure it out.

According to the official encyclopedic definition, a continent is an array of the earth's crust, most of which is above the world level of the ocean, the so-called dry land. In addition to it, islands can also be attributed to the continents. This is the name given to a piece of land that is surrounded by water on all sides. But this is true only if they are on the periphery of the mainland. AndBy the way, the mainland and the continent are the same thing, it is correct to use both of these definitions. What are the continents we have analyzed, but what are they?
The largest continent on the planet. It is located in two hemispheres (northern and southern), but most of it falls on the southern. It is washed by four oceans at once, conditionally divided into Asia and Europe. Differs in the diversity of natural areas, population and culture.
North America
This continent is located in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific. It is separated from its southern "neighbor" by the Panama Canal. It is also distinguished by a large number of natural zones, ranging from the arctic (in Alaska) to hot deserts (in the south) and the tropics. Its widespread settlement began in 1492, although there is evidence that the first Europeans who visited there were the Vikings.
South America
Located in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere. Surrounded by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the mainland also includes many islands that belong to one country or another. For example, the Caribbean. This mainland is distinguished by a tropical climate closer to the south and arid to the north; the largest Amazon river also flows on it. The population mainly consists of descendants of the first colonizers and ethnic Indians.

Describing the continents of the world, one cannot fail to mention this continent, the second largest after Eurasia. It crosses the equator and is the only one originating in the northern subtropicalzone and ends in the southern subtropical. Due to the lack of mountain glaciers and aquifers, its central part is mostly arid and there is natural climate regulation only near the coast. It is washed by the Mediterranean and Red Seas, as well as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the southern part there is one of the largest islands called Madagascar. Separated from the main continent millions of years ago, it is rich in its fauna, which still attracts scientists and naturalists.
The fifth continent, located in the southern hemisphere (its eastern part). It is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean and Indian. A part of the world called Oceania is also located near this continent.
The map of the continents also includes Antarctica, a cold and inhospitable continent. Its study began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A distinctive feature is that it is located at the very south pole, which is why the whole is covered with a thick layer of ice, and the minimum recorded temperature was 89.2 degrees below zero Celsius. Officially, this area is considered uninhabited, but there are a number of research stations from around the world.
So now we know what continents are.