The development of speech is one of the most important tasks of a teacher when teaching a native language. One of the most effective methods for developing the speech of schoolchildren is writing an essay. This speech exercise increases the level of not only literacy, but also the creative activity of students. Writing an essay provides an opportunity to combine the knowledge gained and the personal experience of each student. At the same time, preparation for writing an essay helps to enrich the active vocabulary, develop writing and speaking skills. Writing an essay requires drawing up a plan, the ability to highlight the main idea and build the text in a specific composition. Therefore, the composition contributes to the development of logical thinking and memory.

School essays are divided by genre into narrative, description and reasoning. In this series, the essay-description is the most emotional genre that allows you to clearly show the individuality of the author. This is especially true in elementary school.
One of the most frequently used tasks for primary school students is an essay-description of nature or landscape. The development of speech in this exercise is combined withdevelopment of aesthetic perception, intellect, observation.

One of the first tasks for schoolchildren is the description of autumn. On the one hand, the academic year traditionally begins in autumn. On the other hand, autumn, with its variety of colors and lyrical mood, is richly reflected in painting, poetry, and music. That is why the essay-description of autumn can be based on the creations of great masters. One of these options is a description of autumn based on the paintings of I. I. Levitan.
In grades 4-5, the educational and educational success of an essay largely depends on the work of the teacher. Pre-conducted extra-curricular activities (a walk in the autumn park with a discussion of what they saw, a competition of drawings or crafts from natural material collected on the excursion) will help create the necessary emotional mood among the students. In this case, the picture of the great artist presented by him and the topic of the lesson “Autumn. Essay-description will cause only positive emotions.

Musical works (for example, “The Four Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky), poems by Pushkin, Tyutchev, Yesenin, and other poets will help the teacher to arrange a lesson in preparing for writing an essay. The description of autumn, expressed through the lips of the classics, will help children to understand and express their feelings. The picture presented for description, correlated with my own observations of autumn, will inevitably arouse interest in painting. Thus, the description of autumn in a school essay may not bea tedious exercise in the development of speech, but a bright event that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Such complex events can be held on different topics repeatedly during the school year. Such lessons, in addition to performing the main educational function, help students to feel the works of art, perceive them as a refined reflection of reality and connect them with their own experiences.