What fun the holidays bring to any adult (and even more so to a child)! Preparation for them, anticipation and excitement - even more emotional thrill. In Russian schools, students prepare not so many matinees. But the Harvest Day holiday (especially since it is almost the first holiday at the beginning of the school year) children are looking forward to!

The roots of this holiday
Finding the roots of this holiday is no longer easy. However, our ancestors organized such festivities in the fall, rejoicing at the end of field work, the harvest of a rich harvest. The main thing for them was to "thank" the natural forces for their help, to appease them before future work on earth. To do this, at the edge of the field, rituals were held for knitting the last sheaf with obligatory "labor songs", rituals were performed with this sheaf: they walked around the field, knelt before arable land, carried the sheaf to the barns, hung it in a conspicuous place, as if proclaiming the primacy of bread in the household.
Is the holiday alive?
Such traditions have sunk into oblivion. Butthe very fact that the holiday is beautiful and cheerful, remained. Modern schoolchildren are happy to celebrate the holiday, however, according to their own rules.
Now students are interested in creating interesting works from natural material on the theme "Autumn Harvest". What kind of crafts we will not meet here:
- Giant-sized vegetables (bizarre shapes, resemblance to the world of animals and people).
- Various natural material and thousands of crafts on the theme of "Autumn Harvest". You can make them yourself even with first graders or kids who go to kindergarten.
- Application "Autumn Harvest" is not so common and loved, but it also has a place to be (especially from straw).
- You can find crafts on this topic from other material: "Sunflowers", "In our garden", "The very best …" (s alt dough, clay, paper, wood).

In a word, it will not be possible to list all the diversity in one article.
What's next?
Crafts "Autumn Harvest" are ready and … what's next? And then the holiday itself in specially designed and decorated halls.
Quiz, fairs, rituals, songs, dances and even essays! You are not mistaken. How many topics for writing essays exist now! Children, especially those living in the city, have difficulty understanding how to grow and harvest autumn crops. An essay on helping adults, knowledge about how garden crops grow, how they are harvested and what is then done with them, is now often asked in gymnasiums, lyceums and schools. Which, in general, is correct. Knowledge andskills have never harmed anyone.
Bright colors
I especially want to dwell on this kind of celebration as the autumn harvest fair. To create a craft with your own hands, arrange it properly, and now also present it to the viewer's judgment is trembling. But just putting the work on the counter-table is one thing, but selling a creation, and not just, but unusually, is not an easy task. But the guys can handle it too. Some of them put on traditional Russian costumes, thereby already drawing people's attention to the fact that a difficult action is taking place here. Other guys, having composed in advance or using ready-made material of barkers, begin to attract "honest people" to their "shop" with wonderful and necessary souvenirs.

One can imagine how elegant, fun and colorful such fairs are. Well, if you also earned money, then this is aerobatics!
A holiday for the mind
One of the points of creating a Harvest Day holiday can be quizzes. Here expanse for tasks:
- environmental issues;
- knowledge of fruits and vegetables;
- knowledge about growing and caring for crops;
- recognition of vegetables and fruits by tactile sensations (feeling them blindfolded);
- cultivating love for nature, etc., etc.
For this type of work, you will only need to take into account the age and hobbies of the guys.

And now the autumn games. Do you think there are none? There you aresample list:
- "Guess" - guess a vegetable, berry, fruit according to the lexical description.
- “In our shop there is …” - some fabulous creature (Baba Yaga, Mermaid, Goblin) “sells a medicinal plant” (plantain, nettle, mountain ash), you need to know which of the herbs helps with that or other illness.
- "Compose a fairy tale …" - you can invite children to compose a story about the appearance of a vegetable, describe its useful properties, color or shape, in a word, fantasize.
- "Lay out a picture" - from seeds, or you can lay out any picture from fruits, a puzzle, everything that fantasy tells.
- "Dance the way you could dance (cucumbers, turnips, dill…)."
- Staging "What does a plant feel when… (it is watered, torn, stroked….)".
- “Cook…” (salad, borsch, dessert of vegetables, berries, fruits).
- "The story of friendship-love between …" - essay-story, dramatization.
Well, and finally, besides musical breaks and dances, of course, a photo shoot.
Later it is worth making a whole film about how a school, kindergarten or other children's educational institution celebrated Harvest Day. There are special programs that will help you combine photos, music, text into a full-length, exciting and memorable film. This film can then be included in the disc, which is being prepared for the graduation party or the last call.

Dramatizations and theatrical performances are of great help in holding the "Autumn Harvest" holiday. Here you can even use anyfairy tales, in which there are any vegetables and fruits, starting with "Turnip" and ending with "Cipollino".
Singing competition can also be included in the Autumn Harvest holiday. These can be songs about autumn, about the weather in autumn days, about vegetables, berries and fruits.
Dance variations on the theme of autumn, of course, is also a very suitable idea. Let your imagination run wild, and you will have “rainy” sketches, “vegetable dance”, “berry fields w altz”, “gallop of peas in garden beds” and, in a word, gush with ideas, the holiday will only benefit from this!
Involving parents
Parents are rarely or even not invited to the harvest festival. It is believed that on holidays dedicated to mothers, and on May 9, it is worth inviting relatives of adults. Why not change traditions? Close students can also, if desired, dress in costumes of Mouse, Pea, Cherry and no worse show themselves in the role of a fruit or other character suitable for the holiday scenario.

Children can be invited to ask their parents to dance the dances that they danced in their youth. It is hard to even imagine how pleasant it will be for them to remember their youthful years, it is even more fun to pass on the basics of “neck, boogie-woogie, rock and roll” to their children. Know and remember that working together will improve relationships far more than anything else. And when the holiday ends and some time passes, with what pleasure both children and adults will remember the wonderful moments of communication and fun! It's worth it.
So, the autumn harvest festival at school is a great event that will not only help diversify school days a little, but also introduce children to traditions.