Court - what is it: interpretation

Court - what is it: interpretation
Court - what is it: interpretation

What is a court? The word seems to have something to do with Maria Sharapova and Roger Federer. But what exactly does this language unit mean? The article indicates the meaning of the word "court". Determine what part of speech it is. The origin of the word is described, as well as examples of use in sentences.

Part of Speech Definition

Kort is a noun. It is inanimate. The word consists of one syllable. It varies by case: "kortu", "kortom". Refers to the masculine gender.

The plural form is "courts." Here the stress falls on the first syllable, the vowel "o".

Court and seating for spectators
Court and seating for spectators

Etymology of the word

The noun cort is a loan word. The etymological dictionary indicates that it migrated from the English language. There it is written as court. Literal translation: "playground", "fenced area".

The word "court" originated in Latin (cohors). Literally, it can be translated as "yard" or "corral". There is it in French speech (court orcurt). Here this word is translated as "yard". In Russian speech, the word "court" appeared in the twentieth century.

Lexical meaning

The interpretation of the word "court" is given in Ozhegov's dictionary. It is indicated that this is a tennis court. Often it has a rectangular shape.

The surface of the court can be either natural or synthetic. With the help of a stretched net, the court is divided in half. With the help of lines, the court is divided into sections.

"Court" is a common word. It is found in texts of various subjects. Does not have a pronounced emotional connotation.

Tennis players on the court
Tennis players on the court

Sample sentences

To remember the interpretation of the word "kort", it is recommended to make sentences with this noun. They will help consolidate the knowledge gained.

  1. Court is a special place where I rest my soul and get distracted from pressing problems.
  2. Tennis players hurried to the court, the game continues.
  3. There is an artificial turf court in our city.
  4. To play tennis you need a court, a racket and a worthy opponent.
  5. It seems to me that this court is in a deplorable state, the net is completely worn out.
  6. Unfortunately, there is no court in my village, so I had to forget about my passion for tennis, although I like this sport.
  7. A famous tennis player appeared on the court.
  8. There were benches next to the court to rest.
  9. Court is an expensive pleasure, one markup restoration is worth it!
  10. I love working outgo out on the court and pretend to be a great tennis player.

The noun "court" is directly related to sports. To be more precise, with tennis, because this is a special platform for such a noble and interesting game.
