The personality of Christopher Columbus is still shrouded in riddles. Scientists until our times have not decided on the date and place of his birth. 14 cities claimed the role of the motherland. But the process of litigation is not over yet, the struggle continues. But the main advantage of the great navigator is what Columbus discovered, the son of a simple Genoese weaver, who devoted his life to identifying new and shorter trade routes.
Noble causes

Young Christopher was very well-read, interested in astronomy and geography. He took part in many sea voyages, acquired the skills of a pilot, captain.
Having married the young beauty Felippa, Christopher became a relative of the famous navigator, who in his youth was part of the retinue of Henry the Navigator. Father-in-law suggested that Columbus study some documents. They reflected reliable facts from the life of the Portuguese navigators who plowed the Atlantic, which caused Columbus toan unbearable desire to devote his life to the discovery of new sea routes. For many years he had to beat up the thresholds of the authorities, the crowned persons of Portugal, England, France, receiving widespread refusals, before the first expedition to India was equipped. Christopher believed that the Earth was round, but he was sure that the size of the planet was small, and it was possible to reach the shores of the country of India in a shorter way. When considering the question of what Christopher Columbus discovered, the answer must be sought by studying a brief chronology of his journey.
Historic decision
Help came from Spain, whose financial situation was on the verge of collapse due to the war with the Arabs. To replenish the empty treasury, the country needed new lands to sell. The richest nobles were left without a livelihood, and all they could do was wage wars of conquest. The Spanish royal family was ready to send them anywhere to get rid of the restless hidalgos. In addition, the goals and calculations that Columbus revealed to the Spanish king made it possible to conquer new countries and enslave even more natives. In the 15th century, the route to India along the African coast was closed for the Spaniards due to poor relations with the Portuguese, which prevented normal trade.

To make a final decision, the king was forced to coordinate the project with the Catholic Church. Given the new expansive opportunities, the church elite approved the travel project. The king and the Catholic Church concluded an agreement with Christopher Columbus - capitulation. According to the document, Columbus received the rank of admiral and became the king of the new lands he discovered.
Mistake that brought glory and honor
The expedition went to sea on August 3, 1492. The flotilla consisted of three caravels heading southwest. After the passage of the Sargasso Sea, sailors wandered among the thick algae, not finding a shore. A mutiny was brewing on the ships, and in order to avoid bloodshed, Columbus changed course again to the southwest, and on October 12, the sailors saw the shore. The team members and Columbus decided that this is one of the islands of Japan. Moving on, he discovered another island and named it Hispaniola - today Haiti.
After studying the climate and the appearance of the natives, the team realized that what Columbus discovered was not at all like the lands previously discovered and described by travelers. There were no traces of gold mining on the island, the natives walked naked, with no signs of interference in their lifestyle by other cultures. The island was rich in gold, which captured the imagination of the sailors. Near the coast of Haiti, Columbus lost his largest ship and left the crew members on the island, building a fort fortified with cannons, gunpowder, with large supplies of food. It was the first Spanish fortress on Novaya Zemlya, with the name Navidad - Christmas, in which the first settlers remained.

Life after discoveries
When returning to Spain, the admiral was greeted as an honorary citizen, but the lands discovered by Columbus haunted the Portuguese crown. The Church played a significant role in the settlement of this issue.through which the historic negotiations took place. Part of the eastern lands was given under the rule of Portugal, and the western ones from the Azores - under the rule of the Spanish crown.
The next three trips opened the islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, Puerto Rico, the Lesser Antilles and others to the Spanish court. -India.
Recognition from ordinary people
In recent travels, the Admiral was very hard on the conquistador nobles, and they accused him of abuse of power and cruelty. Having imprisoned Columbus in shackles, the authorities met the indignation of ordinary citizens and was forced to release the admiral, returning to him all the titles won by hard work. The common people were grateful for what Columbus discovered. Many were happy to move from Spain and own their piece of land in the West Indies.