What is courage? Definition and examples from cinema

What is courage? Definition and examples from cinema
What is courage? Definition and examples from cinema

What is courage? This question is primarily of concern to boys, since it is a cornerstone in the problem of their self-identification. A man must be brave - this is the first quality that first comes to mind when we think about the strong half of humanity. In our article we will try to answer the question of what courage is.

Definition is the first place to start.

Definition of courage

Courage in its most general form can be defined as the ability to be. Imagine educating a person. It is invested with specific moral imperatives (ideas about what should be), according to which it is worth living. Then he finds himself in an environment where his ideas enter into a decisive and irreconcilable contradiction with the general way of life. So, to live according to personal rules and norms, you need courage. This is what "ability to be" means. That's what courage is.

Military prowess and courage

what is courage
what is courage

Now let's get to the more obvious stuff. When a person, being in the face of danger, does not give in to it, but fearlessly walksfacing trouble is courage. The most impressive image of courage that Hollywood has given us over the past 20 years must be recognized as the proud Scotsman William Wallace and the film "The Brave Heart" (1995). Even harsh men cry about his fate when they watch this picture for the first time.

Afraid of the brave?

Of course! But in the mass consciousness there is a myth that the brave is the one who is not in awe of danger. This, of course, is not true. A brave person does not pay attention to their feelings and emotions. In the above-mentioned film, Mel Gibson played in such a way that it is clear that his hero is afraid. It is difficult to say what exactly, but nothing human is alien to him. Hollywood Wallace overcomes himself every time and does not think about fear, because all this has already gone too far.

courage and bravery
courage and bravery

And there is no time to be afraid on the battlefield, you need to fight the British, save Scotland. The film is actually about how personal and highly specialized revenge and bitterness are transformed into a national and universal cause of rebellion against tyranny and lawlessness. And there is no place for fears and doubts. Thus, we have one more answer to the question, what is courage.

George McFly

With warriors, firefighters and rescuers, everything is more or less clear. They have to take risks on duty. What about us ordinary people? Is there a place for achievement in our life? To answer these questions and clearly distinguish between the concepts of "courage" and "courage", it is necessary to turn to another visual material of the "Dream Factory", namely the film trilogyBack to the Future (film one).

what is courage definition
what is courage definition

The main character, Marty McFly, has a father - George McFly. Crispin Glover plays the role of a rogue at the very beginning of the film. George is such a typical American loser. On the one hand, he is an excellent student at school, smart, reads books, even writes science fiction stories (this is found out later). One problem: he lacks the courage to fight back against bullies at school. Then these same bad guys become his colleagues at work and continue to ride it, speaking Russian: he writes reports for them, etc.

Son, Marty, he sees all this, but does not know how to help his father. And then Doc Emmett Brown invents a time machine. Marty does not want to use his friend's find for personal purposes, but it turns out that his father nevertheless muster up the courage and respond to the bullies - "knocks out Biff with one blow."

And his life changes dramatically. 30 years later, when Marty returns to his present from his parental past, George is a famous science fiction writer, not a hard-to-see office employee.

Of course, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale's masterpiece is full of exaggerations, but overall, the film shows how important a decisive act can be in a person's life.

And yes, we promised to tell you what the difference is between bravery and courage. There is no fundamental specificity here, as it seems, this is a matter of taste, terminology and context. The word "courage" is usually used when it comes to military or, if I may say so, combatexploits.

Otherwise, we hope our article was useful to the reader, and he was able to answer the question for himself, what is courage. If so, then we can consider that our task is completed.
