Education is the process and result of personality formation

Education is the process and result of personality formation
Education is the process and result of personality formation

Sometimes it is difficult to give an unambiguous definition of the most common words. For example, education is both a process (obtaining knowledge, skills, personality formation) and its result. By and large, it is continuous, if we are not talking about the formal organizational side, but about the essence. From the point of view of sociology and cultural studies, education is an important area of public life, consisting in the transfer and assimilation of traditions, knowledge, norms and heritage accumulated over the centuries.

education is
education is

A person is formed in an environment of his own kind. He receives information from the outside world and people even before he learns to read and write. From this point of view, education is a holistic and complex system that includes both knowledge and relevant skills - for example, hygiene, building relationships, communication norms, and professional activities. But the whole structure of information about the world and man is not rigid, given once and for all. It is constantly being modified, supplemented, changed. A person studies all his life, his eruditionis constantly expanding, and the skills of activity in various spheres of being are being improved. Family, kindergarten, school, technical school, vocational school, academy or university are organizational components. But we get knowledge from everywhere - from books, films, trips, conversations with other people. Therefore, education is a process of personality formation.

ways of education
ways of education

Formally, it is also an important part of public life. This concept includes all organizations and institutions that are directly involved or contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. And here we can distinguish preschool, school, vocational education, as well as higher and postgraduate education. At each stage, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of human development, the forms of transferring knowledge to him and their content differ from the previous ones. For example, a preschooler learns everything in the game, while for students and graduates of the university, the methods of education include, first of all, independent work with sources, seminars, listening to lectures.

The functions of the learning system are not only the transfer of skills and knowledge. They imply a comprehensive development of personality.

professional education
professional education

Consequently, education also performs educational and teaching functions. However, the most important is the highest goal - the socialization of the individual, preparing him for existence in society as a full member. Of course, both the content and methods of education in our time are strikingly different from those onwhich it was founded a hundred or two hundred years ago. For example, in modern society, it is almost impossible to fully function without mastering modern technologies. Consequently, the content and teaching methods are based on the achievements of informatics not only at the university or high school, but also in kindergarten - let's take, for example, educational disks for preschoolers. At the same time, the prestige of education is still high: it is it that allows a person to improve his social status, reach out to people and take a place in society.
