Countries of the East. Japan… Sounds amazing. History, the beauty of nature, the isolation of the country and the courage of people cannot leave even the most indifferent person indifferent. More than one and a half thousand years of history, full of feudal wars, aggressive foreign policy and a strong connection with the Celestial Empire in certain periods of development. The only empire in the world. This is such a multifaceted country. Japan is the epitome of technological modernity and a mysterious past.

Geographic location of the country
Japan is an exotic destination in tourism, however, it is in certain demand among tourists. Therefore, the question of what continent Japan is on is not uncommon. Tourists not only want to know more about the chosen destination, but are also concerned about the increasing frequency of earthquakes and the risk of tsunamis.
SoWhere is Japan on the map? Nippon (one of the ancient names of the country) is an island nation located east of the coastline of Asia and occupying the territory of the Japanese islands, Nampo and Ryukyu. The total area of the island state is 378 thousand square kilometers and consists of several thousand islands (6852) in the Pacific Ocean. Hokkaido, Kyushu, Honshu and Shikoku are the largest Japanese islands. In terms of area, Japan is a small country and quite a bit larger than such a European country as Finland. And yet, despite the small territory, tourists come from all over the world, as evidenced by the frequent question of which continent Japan is located on. The Land of the Rising Sun has always amazed and will continue to amaze people with its greatness.

Japan: continent, coastal borders of the country
As you can see, Japan does not have a direct connection with the continent, which, however, did not prevent it from gaining its place in world trade. This, by the way, is the answer to the question of what continent Japan is on. Another advantage of the island position is self-isolation, which allowed to preserve their traditions and culture. The country of Japan has a heavily indented coastline. The proof of this is the greater extent than the length of the coast of the African continent.
A huge number of natural bays and bays helped the state to create large ports, three of which are the largest in the world. This helps Japan a lot in trade.

Relief of the country
The relief of Japan consists of plains and mountains. Plains are located along the coastline and mountain slopes. The largest plains are located along the Ishikari River (Hokkaido Island), along the Tokyo Bay is the Kanto Plain. The main part of the territory of Japan is occupied by mountains that stretch from north to south. Hokkaido is known for the mountain range of volcanic origin, which begins on the territory of the Russian Federation. The mountains of Japan are as beautiful as the Alps, so they are called the Japanese Alps.
Mount Fuji, at 3,776 meters, is the country's highest peak. Japan has approximately 188 volcanoes, of which 40 are active. The inhabitants of the country are adapting to a life in relative danger due to the possibility of a volcanic eruption, earthquakes or tsunamis. Therefore, houses are equipped with minimal amenities and a set of furniture. The whole design is simple and light. The unspoken rule is the location of things in the house: nothing heavy should be located above a person’s head in order to avoid injury during seismic activity.
The largest cities in the Land of the Rising Sun are Tokyo, Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto and Nagoya. These cities are very popular among tourists, so it is not uncommon for them to ask: “What continent is Tokyo on?”. Japan attracts a huge number of tourists every year, despite the danger of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Geological features of the country
Pacificthe seismic belt is known for its constant geological activity. It is in this zone that Japan is located. Therefore, it is not surprising that about 3,000 earthquakes occur in Japan every year. Often these earthquakes are practically not felt, but there are also those that cause catastrophic destruction and can cause a tsunami, which is especially dangerous.

Tsunamis are giant waves whose height can reach several tens of meters. These waves are gaining tremendous speed just near the coast, in the open ocean they reach only a few meters. The main reason for their occurrence is the seismic activity of the sea shelf. By the way, the word "tsunami" that is commonly used is Japanese.

Impact of tropical typhoons on the country
A tropical typhoon is a maritime hurricane that originates in the Pacific Ocean and is accompanied by strong winds and precipitation. A "path" of tropical typhoons crosses Japan, which is often accompanied by severe flooding. Approximately 10 such typhoons sweep across the country a year.
Relations with neighbors
Geographical position cannot but affect relations with neighbors, and Japan's isolation from the continent has complicated everything even more. Japan's past cannot be ignored. For a long time, the Land of the Rising Sun fought for leadership in the east of Asia, not shunning military means. The main rivals of Japan in the past were the USSR and the PRC. During World War II Japanseized part of Chinese territory and carried out harsh repressions against the Chinese people. The memory of those atrocities affects the current Sino-Japanese relationship. After the end of World War II, the dispute between Japan and the Russian Federation regarding the South Kuril chain, which includes four islands, remained unresolved. Other countries in Southeast Asia are also in no hurry to improve relations with Japan.