At first glance, it's hard to tell if a child is hyperactive or just active. Only a specialist in certain symptoms will be able to determine the condition of your baby. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that this is the nature of the child. Where is the truth anyway? What is hyperactivity? What is your baby? What to do with the activity of the crumbs in this case? You will learn about this and many other things now.
What is childhood hyperactivity?
Children cannot be similar to each other: one is active, the other is calm - they are all individual. Many mothers argue: they say, if their baby is too mobile, then he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is a person's overexcited behavior that is accompanied by too much activity.

This state is typical for him all the time, even at night. He cannot sit in one place, walk slowly - too. Everything is done very quickly and not always deliberately. However, you never know what to expect.hyperactive person in the next minute. He makes all decisions spontaneously. It is believed that such a child is not given enough attention. So he comes up with new pranks. Hyperactivity is ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder. It brightly begins to express itself at the age of two, and by the school age it gains momentum, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: it ceases to fully comply with discipline, shows its aggression, is rude to adults. There is no authority for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some issues have been resolved, but not all. There are many books and advice about this.
What is the difference between being active and being hyperactive?
Active children are very nimble, they are fidgets who constantly want to know everything. They know the world thanks to their restlessness. But at the same time, they listen to adults, they can be carried away for some time with an interesting activity. For example, modeling, applique or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. Excessive emotions are rarely shown in them. If nothing bothers active children, they are not hungry and not sick, then only their laughter is heard. Mobility often manifests itself only at home - at a party or for a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modestly and quieter. An active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, he will give back without hesitation. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energy, obedience. During the day, the child gets very tired, so he sleepsat night very good.

Hyperactive children can also be captivated, but not more than 10 minutes. They do not have a calm state. The kid demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. He speaks quickly, jumping from topic to topic. Asks a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, he asks further. It is noticeable in the speech that he does not finish the endings, he wants to say something so quickly. Sleeps in constant anxiety, spins, falls out of bed, nightmares are possible. Emotions and behavior are unmanageable and uncontrollable. Physical activity quickly develops into aggressiveness. In a company, hyperactive children often conflict with everyone.
Hyperactivity in children: symptoms
Your child can't sit still in one place? No need to immediately run to the doctors and think that he has childhood hyperactivity. First, pay attention to your baby's activity patterns:
- restlessness and impulsiveness;
- carelessness;
- aggression, nervousness and endless tantrums;
- problems in communicating with peers and adults;
- learning resistance;
- clumsiness, inability to bring things to an end;
- indiscipline.
All of the above signs characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms you found should alert you. It may be worth taking some measures to improve the behavior of your child. After all, hyperactive children show aggression too often andexpressly.

Any parent will get tired of fighting this behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with friends, as a result, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communicating with such personalities. If they have received a task, they will never be able to complete it completely, as they are too overexcited, inattentive and may forget about the serious work entrusted to them. Pay attention to hyperactivity in children. Their symptoms may vary. After all, as already mentioned, each child is individual.
Nutrition for hyperactive children
Everyone knows that the nutrition of each child should be complete and balanced, and most importantly - useful. If parents allow ordinary children to eat chocolate or candy, then such a product should be excluded from the diet of hyperactive children. At the end of winter - beginning of spring, it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as the first vegetables and fruits begin to appear on the gardens and trees, be sure to include them in your daily menu. And in general, they should always be present on your table.

Fish once a week, and preferably two, should be present in your baby's diet. The same applies to all products where there is magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the child should not even see pastries, cakes, sausages, purchased dumplings. They are harmful not only to he alth in general, but also to the behavior of the child. This has been proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it must be remembered that children withhyperactivity, it is necessary to give food exclusively on time. Many do not believe that the behavior of the baby depends on the diet, but science has proven that this is so.
Why hyperactivity appeared
Where did this behavior come from? Maybe inherited? Many parents think so. However, the causes of hyperactivity must be sought elsewhere. Think about how your pregnancy went. Perhaps the mother was a lot of nervous, sick or taking drugs that later affected the baby. It even happens that a woman led an overly active lifestyle, thanks to which the baby began to get used to it even in the womb. Difficult labor can also cause hyperactivity in the baby. In addition, quite often the cause may be a lack of attention from others. Perhaps the relatives of the child do not communicate enough with him or play. Then the kids try to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.
Factors causing hyperactivity
Parents are happy if their child is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when a baby wakes up aggression and incomprehensible behavior, adults do not understand what provoked this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not being kind enough to him. This behavior is possible if the child often eats food that contains pesticides. It has a very harmful effect on the baby. Soda water is also on the list of banned foods.

So try to avoideating junk food. Relationships in the family, in kindergarten, inattention to the child - all this affects the state of the baby's nervous system, remember this.
What doctors say
Expert opinions are divided. Some are sure that hyperactivity in preschool children is a normal phenomenon, others say it is a serious disease. The pediatrician refers the patient to a neurologist and a psychiatrist. European scientists believe that there is no such disease as hyperactivity. It’s just that the child is very smart and restless, and over time he will definitely outgrow it. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of the little ones. In addition, it turns out that the age of the children also matters. The study showed that schoolchildren's behavior changes by the second or third grade. They become more calm and balanced. If the child is too nervous and inattentive, perhaps he has a mental disorder. However, according to European doctors, it is not necessary to stuff children with psychotropic and other drugs. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child will no longer be able to feel normal without medication. This further affects his psyche. It is better to achieve the normal behavior of the fidget with affectionate words and conversations. You must always remember: all the achievements or problems of the child are the fault of the adults themselves and the environment.
Games with hyperactive children
Any child needs to be able to lure. Games for preschool children are offered to a greater extent active. So the kids will use their energy for good. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game: "Do it the other way around." The adult lowered his right hand - the baby raised his left. The adult closed one eye, and the baby closed the other, etc. Play the Edible - Inedible game with the child. Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby does not get bored. For example, you voice the names of furniture - the child catches the ball, say another word that is not related to the subject - beats. Work with children with increased activity is carried out regularly. So they will feel that they are given enough attention, and will behave energetically, but without unnecessary, unnecessary emotions. Play noisy and emotional games with your little ones from time to time.

Thanks to them, kids develop dexterity, thinking, and the ability to communicate. Mobile children love the game "Silence - chant." An adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic light. Show the baby red, at this time let him run, scream, knock, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child should talk and do everything very quietly. Green color means that you need to shut up and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each "session" time increases. The next mobile, but quiet game will captivate children for a while. This "The Sea Worries Once" is a fun that has been known since ancient times. It forms obedience and fantasy in fidgets. There are interesting games for all ages. Parents and caregivers interested in downgradinghyperactivity of the child, they must learn to make noise, scream, run and jump with him. You'll see how the baby will change.
Advice to parents
In case of hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They need to feel constant attention from others around them. Organize your child a clear daily routine. Try to get him to eat and go to bed at the same time. Be sure to listen to the child's opinion, do not ignore him, even if it seems to you that he is saying absurd things. If you think that the baby is wrong, prove your point of view, but not harshly. The child will believe reliable facts, find and give examples. Try to formulate your request clearly, without shouting, in a friendly tone. When a child begins to act up or hysteria, try not to punish or beat him, but to distract him with a game.

Even a banal kiss will calm a raging baby. If no requests and persuasion work, leave him alone - you'll see, when he realizes that there is no one to throw tantrums, he will calm down. It is undesirable for a child to often say the word “no”. It is necessary to formulate the ban in such a way that it looks like a request. If you forbid him to put an object in the socket, try to explain why it is dangerous. A punishment incomprehensible to a child will provoke a terrible hysteria and scandal. It is also not necessary to order, it is better to just calmly ask. If the child does not want to apologize, it is not necessary to force him, because once again everyone's nerves will be member.
As mentioned above, games for preschool children should be a compulsory activity, and they should play both with other children and with adults. Hyperactive children should not be given several tasks at the same time: after completing the first one, such a child will still forget what to do next. It is better to ask to complete a particular task in stages. Do not give a sedative to the baby - it negatively affects his general condition. It is better to provide regular good nutrition instead of medicines, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. Firmness in education should be present, but only without negative emotions. Achieve from the baby the ability to bring things to the end, not stopping halfway. Every child has different symptoms of hyperactivity. Affectionate and kind attitude will change his behavior.
In the case of hyperactive children, remember that you need to apply specific parenting and play techniques if you want to achieve the desired result. Parents and teachers should work together with these kids. A kindergarten teacher or a psychologist should explain to parents that the family can only have a quiet and calm environment so as not to provoke tantrums of the crumbs. From the very birth of a child, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the proper tone: not be rude or rude. Hyperactive kids are not very different from active tomboys. A little perseverance - and you can communicate with them quite normally. Just everyoneThe little man wants constant attention. The sooner teachers and parents start working on a child's hyperactivity, the more effective the result will be.