Masaru Emoto and his experiments

Masaru Emoto and his experiments
Masaru Emoto and his experiments

This Japanese, who became famous for his experiments, which became a real sensation at the end of the last century, is called a pseudo-scientist who misled thousands of people around the world. He stated that water carries important messages and human life is closely related to its quality. Masaru Emoto spoke about his discovery made during his research work: thought, word, music affect the molecular structure of life-giving moisture. He even captured on film all the changes that occurred with the water crystals, and photographs taken with a special camera caused a great resonance in society.

Why was the experimenter accused of scientific ignorance and called him an ordinary charlatan? Let's try to understand our article.

How did interest in the properties of water begin?

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in 1943 and founded his corporation in Tokyo. Having completed a course in international relations, hegoes into politics, but is interested in the work of a magnetic resonance analyzer and devotes himself to the study of water. In 1992, in Calcutta, where he studied for only a year, the Japanese received a doctorate in alternative medicine, and with it a permit to practice medicine.

masaru emoto
masaru emoto

It is believed that his interest in the properties of water arose after meeting an American biochemist who treated his wife for a long time, who suffered from a rare disease. The doctor tried various medicines, but he saw how his beloved wife was fading before his eyes. Having staked on the fact that water occupies the bulk of a person's weight, he passed it through a magnetic field, "informing" the liquid information useful for the woman's body. A miracle happened - the beloved recovered, and the result impressed Masaru Emoto so much that he immediately began to study the healing properties of water, which "hears" and "understands" everything.

Japanese experiments that made a splash

Exploring water in different parts of our planet, he excited the public with the statement that she has a memory and presented photographic evidence of many years of work. "Every word has vibrations, and beautiful words create beautiful nature," alternative medicine doctor Masaru Emoto, whose experiments are very simple, told the press.

masaru emoto photo
masaru emoto photo

Over cups of water, people expressed their emotions, swore, prayed, said nice words in different languages of the world. Pictures were shown to a transparent liquid, it was affected by fields fromworking TV and immediately frozen between the glass plates. Such a speed was very important, since the purity of the experiment was that the water molecules would not rearrange into the usual structure of ice, but retain the arrangement obtained under external influences.

The pictures of the frozen crystals amazed everyone: it was seen that the structure of the liquid was distorted when swear words were spoken or aggressive heavy metal sounded. And vice versa, when classical music was playing, beautiful pictures were shown, then the molecules had a perfect shape in the photo. Masaru Emoto captured the "emotions" of water absorbing human energy, both negative and positive.

New experiences

Japanese doctor conducted another experiment that lasted more than a month. He poured three glass cups filled with rice with ordinary water so that it completely covered the cereal culture. Every day, the scientist spoke pleasant words in one container, cursed in another, and ignored the third. At the end of the study, Masaru Emoto found that the rice in the first vessel remained snow-white and exuded a pleasant aroma, the cereal in the second glass turned black, and in the third it rotted.

Revealing the secrets of water, the Japanese concluded: it turned out that indifference is the worst thing. In his opinion, it is very important to treat children correctly and be careful when choosing words when talking to them. The experiments of Emoto Masaru, very beautiful in artistic terms, made it possible to say that there is a memory of water. The Japanese compared the liquid with a flash drive froma computer that accumulates and stores information in molecules.


Physicists from California, who carefully studied Masaru's research, smashed his conclusions to smithereens. If the source of all life really had a memory, then our whole life would be very tragic: rivers and oceans contain a huge amount of decaying remains. Fertilizers, heavy metals, radioactive waste get into the water in which people drown.

emoto masaru experiences
emoto masaru experiences

Therefore, Emoto's conclusions were called absurd, and the inhabitants were explained the difference in the appearance of frozen crystals. The thing is that the Japanese chose beautiful and ugly from thousands of photographs, but in fact, when frozen, water takes on different forms, regardless of any influences, since it is an element, and not a living organism capable of "remembering". Ugly snowflakes are obtained even in an ordinary refrigerator, and symmetrical ones can be found on windows during the first frosts. In addition, all crystals are colorless, and a successful businessman photographs them through special light filters.

japanese scientist masaru emoto
japanese scientist masaru emoto

In 2003, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto was offered one million dollars to conduct a so-called blind experiment, when neither the observer nor the subject knows all the data of the study with positive results. However, the lucrative offer was ignored.

And experiments with cooked rice, which was influenced by the word, were set both in Russia and abroadoverseas, but no experiment has produced the same results as Emoto.

Scientist or successful businessman?

The Japanese, who has published several books where he talks about his findings, does not publish the results of research in the scientific press, although this is one of the mandatory requirements for a person who considers himself a scientist. But this did not prevent him from starting a successful business by advertising his own products. Masaru Emoto, who founded the Hodo Corporation, made a huge fortune. Now he sells photos of the "correct" crystals, which require glasses, musical records and even jugs with printed designs.

Besides, everyone will be able to buy "perfect" water at a price of $35 per bottle (like a good cognac), which the master himself said nice words about. As the manufacturer promises, if you mix it with ordinary distilled water, the latter will turn into a real cure for all diseases and will remain healing for a month.

masaru emoto experiments
masaru emoto experiments

This is a great business! According to scientists, a Japanese man who made his fortune on water with zero cost of raw materials is speculating on human needs - the desire to be he althy, which has become a fashion trend.

Or an original thinker?

However, there are those who call the enterprising Masaru Emoto an original thinker who has received evidence that water responds to signals that a person sends to it. She "perceives" all our feelings and thoughts, emotions and words. The Japanese idolizes water, considering it the maina source of beauty and a symbol of purification from all ailments.

Who knows, perhaps this is true, because cave paintings are known, which depict people who healed wounds with life-giving moisture, and Indian scientists who keep ancient Vedic knowledge even prescribe to use it for medicinal purposes. Even Christ used water to perform miracles.

masaru emoto studies
masaru emoto studies

Controversial issue

Which position to take is a very controversial issue. If you rely only on scientific facts, then the Japanese can hardly be called a real scientist, but there are too many inexplicable phenomena in our life. And devoted fans of the author of several best-selling books sincerely believe that water is the link between matter and spirit.
