Green fruits: list, description, photo

Green fruits: list, description, photo
Green fruits: list, description, photo

Eating a variety of green foods will help provide the human body with all the beneficial nutrients. Fruits get their color after ripening from an excess of chlorophyll. It is he who gives the green fruit its color.

Green vegetables and fruits contain indoles, which reduce the risk of cancer and help prevent vision problems. All are high in common nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K, and folic acid. And most importantly, they are not only he althy, but also surprisingly tasty, allowing you to pamper yourself with a truly perfect and refined taste.

Green Diet

Green fruits are not very common all over the world. This refers to those that remain green after ripening. Although in appearance these fruits may not be as attractive to humans as, for example, red, yellow or orange fruits, they have many useful properties. Green foods get their pigment from a compound called chlorophyll. It is similar to hemoglobin and contains magnesium instead of iron. Hisoften referred to as the "blood" of the plant. This compound, which allows the plant to magically convert light into energy, is a powerful green food antioxidant.

Benefits of chlorophyll found in green fruits:

  1. Combines with potential carcinogens to make them less dangerous.
  2. Used in the absorption process.
  3. Promotes the production of liver enzymes used in detox pathways.
  4. Prevents the spread of infections and speeds up wound healing.
  5. Promotes satiety and stable blood sugar, potentially leading to weight control.

Here are some types of green vegetables and fruits that are popular with the inhabitants of the planet:

  1. Avocado.
  2. Amla.
  3. Broccoli.
  4. Jackfruit.
  5. Durian.
  6. Guava or guava (farang) is a green pear-like fruit.
  7. Green pear.
  8. Green apples.
  9. Zucchini.
  10. Kiwi.
  11. Cabbage.
  12. Cucumbers.
  13. Pomelo, a green grapefruit-like fruit.
  14. Greengage Plums.
  15. Spinach.

Product vitamin complex

Food vitamin complex
Food vitamin complex

Fresh green fruits are not only tasty, but they are also rich in nutrients, which is especially valuable for children's nutrition. They contain a storehouse of vitamins such as:

  • A;
  • C;
  • E;
  • folate.

Vitamin A, or rather itthe plant form, called provitamin A or beta-carotene, is a very powerful antioxidant that protects the human body from harmful free radicals and thanks to it, green-colored fruits have the following benefits:

  1. Protecting your eyes from advanced macular degeneration.
  2. Reduces bone fragility, promotes bone strength.
  3. Promotes good dental he alth.
  4. Improve immune cell function.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  6. Prevents the formation of urinary stones.
  7. Speeds up regeneration, improves its quality, promotes wound healing when eating green fruits.
  8. Reduces inflammation in the body.

Vitamin C is best known as a very powerful antioxidant that protects the body from harmful free radicals and has the following benefits:

  1. Improves the absorption of iron by the body.
  2. Reduces high blood pressure.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels. This is best handled by a green grapefruit-like fruit - sweetie.
  4. Good for he althy skin, hair and nails, delays the aging process.
  5. Improves wound healing processes.
  6. Stimulates collagen production.
  7. Helps prevent cancer.
  8. Helps in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  9. Keeps eye he alth with green fruits.

Vitamin E is an essential substance for humans. It also has a number of advantages:

  1. Promotesskin he alth and collagen production.
  2. Protects eye he alth.
  3. Helps treat Alzheimer's.
  4. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Helps support vascular he alth and prevent blood clots.

Folate is a natural form of vitamin B9 that helps the body get rid of free radicals.

This vitamin also helps people:

  1. Reduce the risk of birth defects and promote fertility.
  2. Minimizes the risk of depression.
  3. Promotes the he alth and function of the brain, heart, liver, bones and protects against cancer.

Very valuable qualities of green fruits for diabetics, especially when the disease occurs due to excess sucrose or sugar.

"Crocodile pear" - avocado

Crocodile Pear Avocado
Crocodile Pear Avocado

Avocado or Aquacate Avocados (the so-called green fruit in their homeland) ripens from August to February. It is a large green fruit that is low in carbs but high in he althy fats. The Florida avocado has a rich, almond-shaped flavor. The fruit is believed to have originated in South America, Mexico or Peru, and was first referred to in English under the name "crocodile pear". There are three different types of fruit:

  1. The most common variety is Fuerte. Pretty small, rich in flavor and soft to the touch.
  2. Large green avocados Linda or Bacon variety. They are slightly harder and larger, smooth green on the outside.husk and slightly softer in taste.
  3. Green fruits with the name "hass". A Guatemalan-Mexican hybrid, first planted in that country in 1926 by a California postman named Rudolph Hass, this oily variety has become the standard by which most Americans now judge avocados. Thick, teardrop-shaped fruits are the staple crop of most California garden avocados. Although its exact size and oil content depends on where it is grown, its average length is up to 100 cm. Hass has creamy, pale green flesh that is springy enough to hold its shape in dishes and stretchy enough to be used in guacamole. It gives the product a nutty flavor that goes well with other seasoned ingredients such as onions.

Cold-pressed avocado oil is as valuable as olive oil. It is a heat-resistant fat containing various protective nutrients. Avocado is extremely nutritious and rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals (especially potassium) fruit.

Composition of avocado:

  • calories: 322 kcal;
  • carbs: 17.1g;
  • fiber: 13.5g;
  • sugar: 0.2g;
  • fat: 29.5g;
  • protein: 4g;
  • vitamin K: 53%;
  • folate: 41%;
  • vitamin C: 33%;
  • potassium: 28%;
  • Vitamin B5: 28%.

Today the fruit can be bought in any country in the world. Colombia is the third largest producer of avocados in the world. Currently verypopular with gourmets, "avocado toast" is a trendy breakfast in many countries around the world. In addition, there are many ways to use the fruit, such as making guacamole, avocado ice cream, chocolate mousses and many other interesting dishes.

The largest fruit in the world - jackfruit

The largest fruit in the world Jackfruit
The largest fruit in the world Jackfruit

Jackfruit is an exotic green fruit growing on huge trees reaching 30 meters in height, taller than mango and breadfruit. This is the largest fruit in the world, which can grow up to 40 kg. Inside the prickly fruits are cavities with sweet pulp, which are surrounded by smooth, round seeds. It tastes like sweet pineapple-vanilla, and the seeds are like beans when boiled.

This yellow-green fruit contains various macro and microelements. Content per 100 g of product:

  • calories: 155 kcal;
  • carbs: 39.6g;
  • fiber: 2.6g;
  • sugar: - 0;
  • fat: 0.5g;
  • protein: 2.4g;
  • vitamin C: 18%;
  • manganese: 16%;
  • magnesium: 15%;
  • copper: 15%;
  • potassium: 14%.

Jackfruit - original flavor in juicy fruit gum available in summer. When cooked, it takes on the flavor of other ingredients such as pork, which is why it is popular in the US as a vegan meat. Asian grocers usually sell groceries fresh, whole or in slices.


Garlic pudding Durian
Garlic pudding Durian

Durian - exoticgreen fruit native to Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia, where it has been known for over 600 years. Durian is a large, spiky fruit known for its pungent odor, which is equated to that of fried onions and garlic. Foreigners often do not perceive this aroma, but it is very fond of the indigenous people of Asia. The fruits are large, covered with thorns, the inside is filled with a rich creamy mass that tastes like cream cheese and onions. The best description people have come up with for its taste is "garlic pudding".

Jackfruit and durian are very similar in appearance, they differ in size. Durian is a popular culinary fruit and is commonly found in a variety of Thai, Malaysian and Indonesian dishes (both sweet and savory). The green fruit, the photo of which is presented in the article, is very useful. In fact, it is practically the only fruit that contains a balanced amount of carbohydrates and fat.

Composition of 100 g of product:

  • calories: 147 kcal;
  • carbs: 27.1 g;
  • fiber: 3.8g;
  • sugar: - 0 g;
  • fat: 5.3g;
  • protein: 1.5g;
  • vitamin C: 14%;
  • Vitamin B1: 6%;
  • Vitamin B6: 4%;
  • manganese: 4%;
  • potassium: 4%.

Which green fruit is best for smoothies? Namely durian, because its texture is similar to custard or yogurt. It's the perfect product for vegans to make non-dairy and ultra-creamy smoothies. And you can also freeze it to get ice cream or other sweet dishes.


Pear: gentle duchesse
Pear: gentle duchesse

It is believed that pears appeared in the Caucasus, from where they spread to Europe and Asia. They were first cultivated over 4,000 years ago. The ancient Greeks and Romans appreciated the fruit for its high taste and medicinal properties. The pear is native to coastal and temperate climates from Western Europe and North Africa east of Asia. This is a medium-sized tree, reaching 10-17 meters in height, often with a tall, narrow crown. The fruit is well known to residents of Russia and the CIS countries, but few people know that several types of pears grow on bushes.

There are many different types of this green fruit, photos and names of which are presented in the article. Some of the more common varieties available for purchase in the United States are: Anjou, Bartlett, Bosc, Comic, Concorde, and in Russia: Lada, Chizhovskaya, Michurinsk Early Maturing, Rogneda. Each variety has its own characteristic color and taste.

For those who decide to change their carbohydrate intake, it is recommended to use pears. You can combine them with a serving of protein, for example, by preparing Greek yogurt, low-fat cheese.

Pears are a good source of vitamin C, with one medium-sized fruit containing approximately 7 mg, which is 10% of the daily value.

Pears are an excellent source of fiber, containing almost 6g per medium sized fruit. Fiber is the indigestible part of carbohydrates that helps increase work regularityintestines and can reduce excess cholesterol. Studies have shown that people who eat fiber-rich foods tend to maintain a he althier weight and normalize their blood sugar levels.

It is recommended to eat the peel of pears, as it contains most of the fibers, as well as a high concentration of nutrients. Research shows that a particular combination of phytonutrients in pears may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Composition of pears:

  • medium: 178g;
  • calories per 100g of product: 101g;
  • total fat: 0.2g;
  • cholesterol: 0 mg;
  • sodium: 2 mg;
  • potassium: 206 mg;
  • carbs: 27.3g;
  • dietary fiber: 5.5g;
  • sugar: 17.3g;
  • protein: 0.6g;
  • vitamin A: 1%;
  • vitamin: C: 10%;
  • calcium: 1%;
  • iron: 2%.

One medium pear has about 100 calories and 27 grams of carbs, the same amount as two slices of bread. Pears also contain about 22% fiber by weight, making them a very dense fruit.

20 million apple years

Twenty million apple years
Twenty million apple years

Apples are believed to have originated in Central Asia and Western China. As new DNA studies show, this happened about 20 million years ago, at the time when the first people evolved in the Tertiary period. Apples are associated with roses, berries, peaches, almonds and many other fruits.plants.

They were grown for thousands of years in Asia, Europe, Russia, they were taken to America to people from the Old World. Everyone knows the importance of the apple in the epic of many peoples of the world. It is mentioned in the myths of various countries, including Norway, Greece, Russia and many European countries.

There are more than 7,000 varieties of this fruit in the world. All types of apples are good, but green apples contain a unique combination of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers.

One small green apple contains:

  • carbs: 21g;
  • dietary fiber: 4g;
  • protein: 4g;
  • iron: 4 mg;
  • vitamin C: 6mg;
  • vitamin A: 4 mg.

They help prevent digestive problems, regulate blood glucose and lower cholesterol. Dietary fiber reduces the chance of colon cancer. Apples also ease digestion and reduce problems with the liver and digestive tract. Green apples are rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols. Because of this, they may prevent various forms of cancer and DNA damage.

Kiwi - Chinese gooseberry

Chinese gooseberry Kiwi
Chinese gooseberry Kiwi

These are small green colored fruits with a very sweet taste, great for salads or jellies.

Kiwi appeared in southwestern China, where they experimented with different breeds for a long time. In the 1930s, the first commercial fields appeared. It took another 30 years for kiwifruit to become popular and in demand around the world.

Kiwi's botanical name is Actinidia deliciosa. It is also known as Chinese stingray or Chinese gooseberry. The name "kiwi" was given to the fruit in 1959. Approximately half of the world's imports of this fruit come from Italy.

Kiwi is the fruit of a shrub that stretches to the trees with the help of meter tendrils. The fruit can weigh up to 100 g. The shell changes from green to brown, covered with hairs. The green flesh of the elongated oval fruit is very juicy and provided with many small black grains around the white center in the cut.

Kiwis are among the ripening fruits. It can be stored in a cold place for several weeks. At room temperature, they ripen quickly.

Kiwi is a green exotic fruit that contains a large amount of vitamin C. 100 g of kiwi contains 45 mg of vitamin C. If an adult eats 2 kiwi a day, he completely covers his daily level of vitamin C. Experts say that protein- the enzyme actinidan in kiwi helps with digestion but can also lead to allergic reactions.

Here are the nutrition details for one little kiwi:

  • calories: 46.4 kcal;
  • carbs: 11.1g;
  • fiber: 2.3g;
  • sugar: 6.8g;
  • fat: 0.4g;
  • protein: 0.9g;
  • vitamin C: 117%;
  • vitamin K: 38%;
  • potassium: 7%;
  • vitamin E: 6%;
  • copper: 4%.

Kiwis are eaten fresh, halving them and pouring out the pulp. The fruits are also delicious in fruit salads, ice cream andcakes.

Guide to Tropical Green Fruits

Tropical Green Fruit Guide
Tropical Green Fruit Guide

Asian Guavas are available all year round and look like a large textured pear. It is used either hard or soft according to personal preference. It tastes like a very sweet apple.

Annona fruit is something like a sour apple. It is eaten when put soft, it tastes like pineapple cotton candy. Available for consumption most of the year.

Monstera Deliciosa looks like a giant green corn. The fruit must be fully ripe before consumption. The green kernels fall off on their own, starting from the stem. You need to peel the kernels and eat the white part of the fruit, which tastes like sweet pineapple and banana. It can be purchased from July to November.

Spanish lime is a small green citrus fruit with a sweet cake flavor and candy aroma. To taste it, you need to break the shell and eat the orange part of the pulp. Available in July and August.

Bilimbi is a rare tropical green fruit popular in India, Malaya, Singapore and Thailand. Outside of its native habitat, it is difficult to detect, and it is also difficult to grow it. Bilimbi is similar to carambola, but differs in fruiting shape, taste and cooking methods. In the agricultural areas of the Philippines, where it is commonly found (as a vegetable product), it is eaten raw with s alt as a snack. In cooking, these dried green fruits are often used. Bilimbi can either be finely chopped before consumption or added as a flavoring. In the Far East, it is added to curry. Bilimbi juice with an acidity of pH=4.47 is used as a cooling drink.

Variety of Colombian fruits

Colombia fruit variety
Colombia fruit variety

Colombia is known for its diversity of plants, especially in the Amazon region. In addition to common fruits such as pineapple, bananas, apples, grapes, berries and papayas, there are:

  1. Cherimoya. The flesh is whitish, sweet, soft and has a sorbet-like texture. The taste is a bit like banana, pineapple and papaya. The fruit has a very sweet taste, reminiscent of chewing gum.
  2. Guanabana is a very large fruit, reaching the size of a watermelon in volume. Dark green on the outside with small spines and similar to a cactus fruit. The shell is heavy and cannot be eaten. Inside the fruit is white, with dark and large nuclei. They are removed before use. Most often, these fruits are used to make juices, because the taste is reminiscent of strawberries and pineapple. Guanabana has an acidic citrus flavor and a small amount of sugar.
  3. Pitahaya. The pulp can be scooped out, including the small crunchy seeds, with a spoon and eaten or used in fruit drinks.
  4. Mamoncillo - This fruit is called "Spanish lime". It is a small round dark green fruit with a hard shell. Before use, remove the peel, and then suck out the contents. You have to be careful not to swallow the bone. She's pretty bigslightly larger than cherry so can easily get stuck in the throat.
  5. Feige - pear-shaped fruits. The color of the thin shell varies from yellow and green to dark purple. The darker the skin of the fruit, the sweeter and softer the creamy light pink flavored flesh. The fruits are rich in valuable fructose and contain vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
  6. Carambola is an elongated fruit about 7-12 cm long with sharp longitudinal ribs. Its color is translucent, greenish-yellow, with ripe, yellow, smooth and waxy flesh. It is a soft and juicy product with an intense aroma. Carambola is rich in beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, provitamin A and vitamin C.

Cooking exotic dishes

Cooking exotic dishes
Cooking exotic dishes

Ulu breadfruit is a rare tropical green fruit popular in India, Malaya, Singapore and Thailand. Outside of its native habitat, it is difficult to detect, so it is difficult to grow it.

To make ulu pancakes you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (or gluten-free rice flour);
  • 1 cup ulu (soft, ripe, peeled);
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 1/2 teaspoon s alt;
  • 1 big egg;
  • 3/4 - 1 glass of milk.

All ingredients are mixed together, and if the dough is too tight, dilute with milk until it becomes like thick sour cream. Pour the mixture into a hot pan, smooth with a spoon. Bake on both sides, turning overpancakes with a wooden spatula. Served with butter and fruit syrup.

Ulu can be baked in the oven, for this you need to prepare:

  • 1 large ripe ulu;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices: olive oil, herbs of choice, s alt and pepper, s alt, garlic, curry powder.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Cut off the caps at both ends so that the ulu does not explode in the oven. Bake for about an hour until the peel turns dark, check the readiness with a toothpick, it should easily penetrate the flesh. Cut the fruit in half and clean it, starting from the central seed, remove the skin. Cut the ulu into cubes, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with spices to taste. Place back in the oven at 220°C for 5-10 minutes until the fruit is slightly brown.
