She comes to a teenager who has just been expelled from school for poor behavior and academic failure. And his older sister is crying about Gabella, mortally experiencing a breakup with another one and only lover for life.
Avid gamers are the closest to her. But a respectable businessman is not someone else's gabella. So what is it?
Gabella strangles
Those who pay taxes to the budget can withhold part of this amount from others. Suppose by including it in the price at which a product or service is sold or some work is performed.
Indirect taxes are, for example:
- value added tax,
- excise.
In Latin, these fees are called Gabella (gabella).
What is it for the French? They refer to this word as a warehouse for s alt or a specific tax on the "white death".
Well, not good at all. Because it is supposed to be about taxes either badly or not at all. Otherwise they won't understand.
How some adults can't understand some teenagers today.

Gabella S alty Tears
Youth slang, unlike other varieties of jargon, changes very quickly. Yesterday's generation of twelve-twenty-two-year-olds is taking the newly fashionable vocabulary into nostalgic dreams of stormy youth.
And the day after tomorrow these people can hardly understand the language of their own children, whose development of slang is increasingly affected by the computerization of society.
For gamers, gabella means losing a game (round, roller).
There are other options for what gabella is. This is an interjection. It carries the same message as characteristic cries:
- Everything! Finish!
- End everything!
- Come on!
- Full failure!
Although this word implies a more rigid transmission of meaning (in general, obscene).
But situations like this happen all the time. In reality, no less than in the virtual, I want to call on a desperately plump (apparently, on someone else's mountain) polar fox. Therefore, Gabella quietly migrated into the colloquial speech of various Russian-speaking strata, regardless of age. With this word, the situation is assessed as very bad, critical, threatening.

And now the “gabella” in modern slang lives like at home: it is distributed if the value of currencies on the stock exchange falls and, as a result, plans for quick profits collapse.
Innocent French s alt warehouses are also commemorated during "tension" (bordering on disaster) in strictoffices. Gabella shakes the air when they run into the police inveterate lawbreakers.
And commemorate her with an unkind word, and sprinkle with s alty tears teenagers in a difficult life situation.