Kholuy - who is this?

Kholuy - who is this?
Kholuy - who is this?

Kholui - who is this? Today, the word has a negative connotation and is used when they want to talk about a person in a negative way, emphasizing his servility, servility. But has it always been like this? How was this phrase interpreted before? You can learn more about who a lackey is from the article.

Literally and figuratively

servant staff
servant staff

The dictionary says the following about the meaning of the word "slack":

  • Firstly, this is a historical term that in the old days meant a servant, footman, butler, batman, butler.
  • Secondly, it is used most often in a figurative sense, with a disapproving connotation, when they mean servile people who curry favor with high ranks.
  • Thirdly, this is the name of a device designed to take off street shoes. As a rule, it is a two-pronged fork on a stand. Sometimes it is a fork on a perpendicular long handle. The heel of the boot is inserted between the prongs of the fork and fixed there, after which the foot can be taken out without damaging or soiling the shoes.
  • Fourthly, the name of the Polish writernamed Tadeusz, whose years of life were 1916-1985.

Next, other meanings of the word under study will be considered.

Geographical objects

Among them there is a river and a number of settlements.

  1. Flowing in the Perm region of Russia, in the western part of the Gainsky district, a small river.
  2. A village located in the Vologda Oblast, Vozhegodsky District.
  3. A village located in the Ivanovo region, in the Yuzhsky district.
  4. Another village in the Kirov region, in the Kumensky district.
  5. Until 1960, the studied word was a village in the Vladimir region, in the Vyaznikovsky district, which is now called Oktyabrskaya.

Continuing the consideration of the question of who this lackey is, we need to tell about the origin of the word.


Linguists failed to reliably establish the origin of the studied lexeme. There is an assumption that it is related to such nouns as:

  • sneak;
  • cheeky;
  • paholok (lad, boy).

And also the word is brought together with:

  • noun "serf";
  • adjective "idle";
  • with the verb "groom".

There is also a connection with the B altic-German chaluj, meaning "toady", "servant". The closeness with the dialect word "aluy", which means "service", is also considered.

Dialect lexemes

stone in the river
stone in the river

As for a number of dialect words, they should be discussed separately.

So, in the Arkhangelsk dialect, the term under study,this is:

  • a stone that sticks out of the water in the river;
  • a bait used to catch fish.

At the same time, the meaning “stone under water” most likely has the origin mentioned above, but “stabbing” is related to the Finnish kolu. This word refers to a pile of stones or a tool used by fishermen, consisting of rods and piles.

In the Vyatka, Perm, Kolyma, Olonets dialects, a kholuy is:

  • garbage;
  • meadow flood sediment;
  • pile of logs, alluvial forest.

In this case, the word comes from the Finnish or Estonian kalu meaning "trash".

There is a version that it is close:

  • Old Slavic "haliga", which means "fence";
  • Serbo-Croatian “haluga”, the meaning of which is “weed”, “thicket”;
  • Slovenian halȯga, which translates as "brushwood", "bush".

Some researchers suggest that the word is close:

  • dialect "khalepa" meaning "wet snowfall";
  • ancient Indian cikhallas - "swamp";
  • Ossetian xului - “dampness”.

There is one more interpretation of the studied word. In the Tver dialect, kholuy is cattle feed with bran. It is assumed that there is a connection with the Estonian kõlu, which has such meanings as "empty, light grain", "chaff", "husk". Some linguists deduce the origin from the German Kleie, which translates as "bran".


Striving for obsequiousness
Striving for obsequiousness

Among them you can find, such as:

  • slave;
  • footman;
  • servant;
  • chelyadin;
  • low worshiper;
  • sneak;
  • henchman;
  • servist;
  • servant;
  • sipping;
  • suck;
  • six;
  • servant;
  • sycophant;
  • henchman;
  • hooker;
  • errand;
  • commoner;
  • Cossack
  • lizun;
  • assistant;
  • accomplice;
  • stone;
  • sor.

In conclusion, it will be said about one of the folk crafts related to the word "kholuy".

Lacquer miniature

Kholuy miniature
Kholuy miniature

In the village, located in the Ivanovo region, which was mentioned above, there is a world-famous folk craft. According to the name of the settlement, the lacquer miniature is called Kholuy. It is performed on papier-mâché in tempera. As a rule, craftsmen paint caskets, needle cases, capsules and similar small items.

First, Sloboda craftsmen painted icons for the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the surrounding residents. In 1934 an artel for painting lacquerware was formed. In 1937, a bronze medal was received at the World Exhibition. The main difference between the Kholuy miniature is the use of such tones as bluish-green and brown-orange. Products are in great demand in England, Italy, USA, Canada, Spain.