If we were given $5 every time we talked about the importance of patience, we would be millionaires. And this happens with every generation. When you look at a baby who is learning to walk, you understand the true meaning and meaning of the word "patience". That's what we'll talk about today.

Why is the lesson about patience so popular with every generation? Because nothing works the first time. And many fantastic stories tell that a person has no barrier between a desire and its implementation. For example, I wanted ice cream - and now it is already in my hand. In life, of course, not so. And one could say “what a pity”, but this is a moot point. If any desire were immediately realized, then the world would quickly perish or such chaos would begin that it is even difficult to imagine. What is all this for? To the fact that between the possibility and reality lies a valley of patience, which must be passed. So let's find out the meaning of the word "patience":
- The ability to endure (in the first meaning).
- Perseverance, perseverance and endurance in business or work.
Yes, stamina and endurance are generally important in life. Not a day goes by without them, many things are endured courageously. They are also important for the meaning of the word "patience".
However, in addition to the noun, we need to reveal the meaning of the verb. But we will not tire the reader too much, but only fulfill the necessary minimum, discuss the meaning that is the first: “Uncomplainingly and steadfastly endure something.”
There is a feeling that the object of study is absolutely irreplaceable. That is, it is clear that one cannot do without endurance in life. But even in the linguistic sense, the meaning of the word "patience" has no analogues, is it? No, the dictionary tells us that the feeling is false and suggests substitutions:
- excerpt;
- fortitude;
- perseverance;
- perseverance.
Yes, there are not so many synonyms, but they are, and quite harmonious. Sometimes it happens that analogues noticeably lose to the word that they are intended to replace. This is not the case.
Can patience be trained?

When the word "patience" has already been considered from all sides, we can talk about an issue that worries no less. In order not to repeat it, let the reader look at the title. The impatient always want a little more of what they lack. It is probably impossible to artificially train patience. But if you choose the appropriate hobby or profession, then another matter. For example, a philologist does not alwaysinterpretation of literary texts, sometimes he has to teach at school, and only there he will need patience. Life, profession can change a person quite a lot. Age can also help in this difficult matter. Therefore, to those who are impatient now, we can say: do not despair, perhaps events will line up in a certain way, and life will teach you endurance.