Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) opened its doors back in 1932. Then he still bore the title of the institute. Let's take a closer look at the history of this great forge of medical personnel, which gave not only the region, but the whole country over 25 thousand competent specialists.
Medical University. How it all began
SSMU - Northern State Medical University - the largest university in the northern part of Russia. Its history dates back to the 40s of the twentieth century with the formation of the Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute. Already five years after the opening, the institute graduated the first specialists, and after 7 years ASMI becomes the winner among the medical universities of the RSFSR according to the results of the session in the spring of 1939.
In 1994, through the transformation of the Medical Institute, it becomes the Medical Academy.
The proud status of the university was received after only six years, in 2000. New status - additional opportunities, neweducational programs and even new departments and institutes.

But the hallmark of any university is not only (and not so much) its status and all sorts of ratings, but its eminent professors and graduates, who have added their achievements to medical (in this case) science and practice.
The most worthy of the worthy
Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov is one of the first graduates of ASMI. Known throughout the country as the creator of cardiac surgery.
Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Fedorov headed the Department of Ophthalmic Diseases at ASMI. Fedorov was the first in the Soviet Union to investigate the admissibility of replacing a lens with pathologies with an artificial eye.
Vasily Vasilyevich Preobrazhensky - Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A well-known experimenter in such fields as genetics, histology, anatomy.
Dmitry Vasilievich Nikitin for almost 20 years headed the Department of Infectious Diseases. Before working at the medical institute, he was a family doctor in the family of Leo Tolstoy.
SSMU today
Northern State Medical University today is first of all people. More than five hundred teachers (of which more than 60 were awarded honorary titles) conduct daily work with students. But the number of the latter is almost 10 thousand people!

The structure of the university is numerous departments (sixty),faculties (twelve), center for the preparation of applicants, institutes (eleven), Northern Science Center, Research Center. A consultative polyclinic and a sports and fitness complex are operating.
International cooperation
SSMU has been carrying out active bilateral international cooperation for many years. First of all, it concerns the attraction of foreign students. Thus, annually the Northern State Medical University accepts about 300 citizens of neighboring countries, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey and other countries.

In turn, every student of SSMU has the opportunity to take an internship abroad. Selected candidates undergo internships in the Czech Republic, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries.
In addition, university staff annually take part in various seminars and conferences on medical topics held in foreign medical centers.
Obviously, the development of international cooperation is one of the priorities facing the leadership of the SSMU.
To help a future student
In the structure of SSMU for many years there has been a special center that helps future applicants deepen their knowledge, believe in themselves and finally decide on a profession (professional orientation).
School students from the 8th grade can attend the evening courses of the Center. And for students in grades 10-11, correspondence preparatory courses are available.
SFrom October to April of each year, those who wish to study on their own can connect to the Internet School project, where, among other things, they can test their knowledge in the USE format absolutely free of charge.
Training areas
In SSMU you can get not only higher, but also secondary specialized medical education.
In 2017, students study at twelve faculties. For several years now, faculties graduating pediatricians, dentists, pharmacists, as well as social workers have been the most popular.

As you can see, the Northern State Medical University provides a worthy and difficult choice for potential applicants. Departments that train students in a particular specialization are as many as 60 independent industries.
Comprehensive development
Student life would not be complete if it consisted only of an endless series of exams and tests.

Those who want to diversify their everyday life visit the Medic sports and recreation complex with pleasure, join the Volunteer Fire Brigade, develop language skills and simply communicate with students from other countries in the International Friendship Club, and also bring their younger brothers and sisters –preschoolers to classes at the Toddler School.
Undoubtedly, every applicant faces a very difficult choice, because they have to decide not only on the profession, but also onplace of study. And we can say for sure: those who choose Northern State Medical University for their studies can have no doubt that their choice will be worthy!