Veksha is How did they pay for purchased goods in Ancient Russia?

Veksha is How did they pay for purchased goods in Ancient Russia?
Veksha is How did they pay for purchased goods in Ancient Russia?

In the modern world, money plays one of the most important roles in human life, it actively functions and permeates all spheres of society. Now without money it is almost impossible to legally acquire the desired product. How did the ancient people of Kiev or Novgorod manage without "sparkling coins" that sometimes push people to cruel deeds?

First mention of Veksha

squirrel skin
squirrel skin

The first mention of veksha dates back to the 4th century (853-858). It was a time when the warlike Khazars seized the possessions of the peoples bordering on them and obliged them to pay tribute.

Monk Nestor in his famous "Tale of Bygone Years" initially writes about "verenitsa": "… And the Khazars took from the meadows by white and by a string."

Veveritsa, or veksha, is the name of the red squirrels. Linen meant the winter skin of a squirrel or dressed skin of any animal.

Supporters of "hairy money" claim that in those days they paid with animal skins, mostly protein,stoats or weasels.

Others, on the contrary, adhere to the theory of metallic money. The so-called metalworkers argue that vekshas are not squirrels at all, but silver coins that were round or oval in shape and were made of metal (silver, iron, gold or cast iron).

Meanings of the word "veksha"

red squirrel
red squirrel

So, from the previous paragraph, it is clear that veksha, or veveritsa, is a monetary unit that can be compared with the modern Russian kopeck. It was the smallest currency unit.

In addition to the well-known definition (veksha is a small monetary unit of Ancient Russia), the term had other meanings, and not only positive content:

  1. In a disparaging sense, a veksha was called a restless child, as well as a woman who neglects the duties of a mother and mistress in the house.
  2. Vekshay was also called a roller in a block or a block that "runs like a squirrel" in lifting shells; the rope base in two blocks was called the run. Weights were usually lifted on the veksha.
  3. Veksha is an ordinary squirrel, a rodent from the squirrel family, which is the only representative of the squirrel genus in the fauna of Russia.

How much did a cow cost in Kievan Rus?

Kyiv hryvnia
Kyiv hryvnia

The largest monetary unit of the ancient Russian state was the hryvnia. In those days, one hryvnia was equal to 150 vekshas. The silver veksha weighed about 0.3 grams.

N. M. Karamzin was one of the few historiansengaged in the analysis of "Russian Truth" - a collection of ancient Russian legislation.

The scientist found that in Ancient Russia a cow could be bought for two hryvnias. If 150 vekshas is one hryvnia, then on average 300 vekshas had to be paid for one cow.

For comparison: the price of a cow was second only to the prince's horse. A good horse cost three hryvnias according to ancient Russian money, for those times it was a lot of money.

As mentioned earlier, instead of metal money, the Rus also used bundles of skins of fur-bearing animals. However, if the fur was shabby, then it could not be exchanged for any necessary goods.

A bunch of 18 squirrel skins was equal to one silver coin.

Thus, veksha is not only a silver coin, but also a squirrel skin, which served as a way to purchase or exchange goods in Ancient Russia.
