Why it is necessary to introduce extra-curricular reading from the first year of schooling

Why it is necessary to introduce extra-curricular reading from the first year of schooling
Why it is necessary to introduce extra-curricular reading from the first year of schooling

It's no secret that in recent decades, more precisely, after the collapse of the Union and a radical restructuring of not only state systems in each former Soviet republic, but also the educational system, the introduction of paid education, has fallen most seriously as the level of teaching and education, and the prestige of schools, secondary and higher educational institutions. The relationship of our citizens with the book became especially depressing. From the most reading country in the world, we are gradually becoming the wildest and most illiterate. An amazing paradox arises: modern teenagers competently talk about the pros and cons of the latest models of mobile phones, almost with their eyes closed they can assemble a sophisticated PC system unit from spare parts, but at the same time they don’t know at all who Aleksey Tolstoy is (and others - and Leo Nikolaevich!), have not read "Onegin" or "Dead Souls", have a very vague idea about the content of "War and Peace" and confuse the Patriotic War of the 12th year with the Great Patriotic War.

The role of extracurricular reading in the lives of primary school students


Children of primary school age experience books differently. Kids learn the basics of reading even in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, someone is also taught to read it at home. As a result, a first-grade student is sufficiently prepared to communicate not only with a textbook (a book for reading), but also for out-of-class reading.

What will extra-curricular reading give a child? First of all, it will help to form an interested book lover out of him. Develop reading skills. Learn to use books independently, extract the necessary information from them and gain the knowledge embedded in them. Thus, extracurricular reading from the first stages of school life should help the self-development of a small person, the transformation of a growing personality from an object of life and circumstances into an active subject of activity. We must not forget that, first of all, it is the book that makes souls work, forming from the next representative of the biological species "homo sapiens".

extracurricular reading grade 1
extracurricular reading grade 1

It doesn't occur to every first grader to pick up a book on their own. Therefore, children should be well motivated for extracurricular reading by the teacher, on the one hand, and by their family, relatives, on the other. The main goal of motivation is the development of cognitive interest in the student. In this regard, the teacher is obliged to work closely with the child's family in order to jointly guide him firmly, but unobtrusively, gradually accustoming him to independence.

Extracurricular reading cannot be unsystematic, left to chance. To him, as to any kindintellectual activity, certain criteria are attached.

Selection criteria

  • The selected artworks must be appropriate for the age and developmental level of the child.
  • extracurricular reading lessons
    extracurricular reading lessons

    The content of the works should be presented in an entertaining way and provided with bright, high-quality illustrations.

  • In extra-curricular reading of the 1st grade, the teacher should include the so-called "books-toys" (we must not forget that the beginning of studies in first-graders is based on a game basis).
  • The material recommended by the teacher should be diverse in genres and authors: riddles, fairy tales, poems about nature and the homeland, stories about animals and people, about the native land. First graders should understand that the world of books is rich, and that they can always find in this we alth something “the most interesting” for themselves.

Some recommendations

The school curriculum is serious and rich not only in the senior grades, but also in the junior ones. As a rule, hours are not always enough to master it, especially with complex topics. And therefore, extracurricular reading lessons are sometimes taken under additional mathematics, writing, or another subject. To do so is to commit a serious methodological blunder! After all, it is in extracurricular lessons that children expand their horizons, going beyond the scope of the program. They not only need to be carried out - children should be taught to keep reader diaries, write review cards, and even draw illustrations for the most striking episodes. Thus, the students will be brought up with a sensitive, attentive, thinking attitude to the word,observation, memory and true love for the book.