Reading - what is this process? What is literary reading

Reading - what is this process? What is literary reading
Reading - what is this process? What is literary reading

Reading is the perfect combination of business and pleasure. On the one hand, this is a hobby, an undeniable pleasure from the process, on the other hand, knowledge in its purest form. From early childhood, we are told that reading is good. It should not be neglected, because neuroscientists have long found out that this process has the same mechanisms as writing.

reading it
reading it


If you take Dahl's dictionary as a help, you can see the following definition of an erudite person - a scientist, versatile educated, but above all well-read. “To live life is not to cross a field,” says an old proverb, punishing that many never-before-seen things can meet along the way of life, which means that you need to be prepared for everything, and here all-round development is the best helper. In turn, reading is what makes it possible to achieve this erudition.


What kind of person is interesting to communicate with? The answer to this question comes immediately, intuitively. But before answeringone can also reach it logically: communication is a dialogue, a conversation in which opinions, data and information are exchanged. Therefore, a person with whom it is interesting to communicate must have something to say. Reading books is important, because from them you can not only learn a lot of new things for yourself, but also come to new conclusions on your own. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the thought process.


reading books is
reading books is

The process of reading is an increase in vocabulary and literacy too. It is no secret that it is easier for a well-read child to subsequently write dictations, build sentences, because he memorized all these rules of the Russian language on a subconscious level, without even thinking about them. Children who love to read don't have learning problems - and not just in the humanities; stories, novellas and novels have a precise narrative plot, and it is logical, therefore reading is also a visual display of structuring, which makes it easier to understand the tasks in the end.

Life Science

The biography/autobiography genre can also be very useful. Reading about someone's non-fictional life, you experience moments that have never met in reality, but you draw conclusions, learn from the mistakes of others. That's why novelized biographies are both fiction and hard reading.

Freedom of choice is freedom of the soul

literary reading is
literary reading is

Literary reading is a tool for introducing students to various types of literature. The choice of books according to the school curriculum is alwaysis structured in such a way as to select works suitable for children according to their level of development, relevant for their age category and diverse in genres. They make it possible to cover a wide range of possible literature, so that subsequently a person himself can choose books according to spirit and mood. Literary reading guides the child, allowing him to know both the world and himself.

Development of speech and diction

It is important not only what to read, but also how to read it. At an early age, reading aloud is practiced - in the elementary school curriculum there is a subject of the same name, which further evolves, develops into "literature", in which the essence of the works comes to the fore. But expressive reading is not only the highly specialized school term that it has become at the present time. In addition to teachers who have to present fiction in the best light by reading passages aloud and emphasizing important points, it will also be useful for future speakers. How exactly? Well, declamation is the art of artistic style, and this term used to be synonymous with expressive reading, it requires sufficient preparation, good diction and oratory skills.

expressive reading is
expressive reading is


Are all these arguments not enough to conclude that reading is exciting, useful and important? But this is only the beginning: in fact, the evidence is much more, countless. We can talk for a long time about how pleasant it is to dive into the world of imagination and fantasy after a long day; how warm and cozy to sit witha book in a large armchair, wrapped in a blanket, while it is raining and cold outside; how many interesting and new things can be gleaned from huge Talmuds and large volumes; how knowledge is hidden between dusty pages, and how amazing it is to get it from there. How incredible it is to re-read your favorite book in a few years and still find something in it that you have not seen before.
