Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU): faculties and speci alties

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Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU): faculties and speci alties
Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU): faculties and speci alties

Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) is a huge educational and scientific complex. Education in it is conducted on several hundred programs. The educational process is organized by dozens of faculties of the Russian State University for the Humanities in the speci alties provided for by the license. Highly qualified teachers not only pass on their knowledge and skills to students, but are also actively engaged in scientific activities and research work.

Introducing the university

RGGU was in the past founded on the basis of the Moscow Institute of History and Archives. For several decades, the university has developed. In the educational system, he was able to win a significant place among educational organizations. Today the Russian State University for the Humanities is a recognized center for liberal arts education. It is one of the top three institutions of higher education in our country of the same profile.

Russian University for the Humanities is also considered a modern university. It is the first innovative projecthumanitarian education in Russia. Within the walls of the RSUH faculties, new teaching methods have long been used in speci alties, information technologies have been widely introduced into the educational process, and new approaches to scientific work are used.

Russian State University for the Humanities
Russian State University for the Humanities

Visit RSUH by applicants

All those advantages of the university, which are listed in booklets for applicants and in online publications, are just words for applicants. Naturally, every person who has chosen the Russian Humanitarian University wants to make sure of their veracity or absurdity. The university annually provides such an opportunity to all applicants, holding an open day for them at the RSUH.

The event is scheduled for certain days. They are announced in advance on the official website of the university. On the day of open doors, the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, heads of structural divisions, centers and departments speak to the applicants. Useful information about admission is provided to high school students and those wishing to receive a second higher education. Those people who need a secondary vocational education can also come to the open days of the RSUH. Since 2006, the Humanitarian College has been operating on the basis of the Russian State University for the Humanities. It offers 9 majors, ranging from "banking" to "techniques and the art of photography."

Open Day at RSUH
Open Day at RSUH

Faculty of Management

There are 16 faculties in the structure of the RSUH. Some of them are university-wide, others are united into institutes. The departments are quite varied. This attracts applicants to the university with different interests. A fairly popular subdivision is the Faculty of Management. “Advertising and public relations” is the direction that he offers. In 2017, it was among the most in-demand speci alties.

"Advertising and Public Relations" is a promising and at the same time interesting direction among other speci alties of the RSUH faculties. Students on it:

  • study the theory and practice of advertising (photography in advertising, design in advertising, creativity in advertising, outdoor advertising, etc.);
  • learn to write advertising texts, scripts for audio and video advertising, television commercials;
  • study the features of the production of advertising products;
  • learn to evaluate the sales market, consumer demand.
The prestige of the Russian State University for the Humanities
The prestige of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Faculty of History and Philology

Another interesting department for applicants is the Faculty of History and Philology. It is part of the Institute of Philology and History. The faculty is in demand due to the fact that it organizes training in a very important speci alty - in "linguistics". It trains modern translators - first-class intermediaries in intercultural communication.

Linguistics offers different languages. The first foreign language can be German or French. Students choose a second foreign language from a wider list - English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish.

Faculties and speci alties of RSUH
Faculties and speci alties of RSUH

Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies

Prestigious division in the structure of the Russian University for the Humanities - the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies from the Institute of History and Archives. The faculty is in great demand, as it offers the direction of "international relations". This unit is chosen by people who dream of becoming diplomats, political analysts, consultants.

In the process of learning, students learn 2 foreign languages (English, German, French, Chinese, Swedish, Norwegian, etc.). The teachers of the departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities also teach the history of international relations, modern foreign policy of the Russian Federation, international business and other disciplines. To learn how to apply theory in practice, students are sent to specialized state institutions (Federal Assembly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), leading international companies.

Departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities

Remote learning RSUH

The Russian University for the Humanities has been implementing distance learning by correspondence for a long time. It is used at the university in order to provide people living in remote regions of Russia and other countries with the opportunity to receive a prestigious Moscow education.

Distance learning at RSUH is not possible for all speci alties. Electronic materials have been developed for only 10 areas:

  • for "economy";
  • "management";
  • "State and municipal administration";
  • "human resource management";
  • "jurisprudence";
  • "advertising and public relations";
  • “journalism”;
  • "psychological and pedagogical education";
  • "document science and archive science";
  • "culturology".
Distance learning at RSUH
Distance learning at RSUH

The future of the university

RGGU is known throughout the country, but this is not the limit for the university in development. From time to time, the university sets itself more and more new goals. The Russian University for the Humanities intends to become one of the world's leading centers for scientific humanitarian and interdisciplinary research, humanitarian expertise and innovation.

As the Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities notes, in the future the mission of the creative university will be realized. The plans include the introduction of a special approach in educational, research and other activities. The university will train professionals with not only theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities, but also developed creative thinking. The implementation of this mission will contribute to the formation of an important competitive advantage for students, which will help them in the future in the Russian or global labor market.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the faculties and speci alties of the RSUH are chosen by a huge number of applicants. More than 15 thousand people study at the university (including branches). High-quality student education is the responsibility of several hundred teachers. Among them are academicians, corresponding members of academies, doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences, associate professors.
