What is a vacation? A sweet word for every student and not only. Because every person dreams of rest. Of course, the names of the latter may change, but the essence remains the same. Let's talk about the meaning of the word "vacation", the origin, make sentences and highlight synonyms for the noun.

Oddly enough, but in this section there will even be a little bit about Harry Potter. Or rather, not about him, but about his godfather. However, everything is in order.
Do you know that vacations are “dog days”, and both the Germans and the British agree on this. And it all started with the ancient Romans. Canicula, that is, "dog", they called the star Sirius, considering it the hunting dog of the celestial hunter Orion. When the star Sirius first appeared above the horizon, the hottest days came in Rome and a break was announced for all work and activities. And since Sirius is a canicula, such days were called dies caniculares, that is, "dog days." That is why the concept has been preserved in the German-speaking and English-speaking world, because the connection with Latin in themstronger than ours.
And the mention of Harry Potter now suggests itself. And the reader, probably, is able to guess about it. Sirius Black turned into a big black dog because it was encrypted in his name.

And now let's go from the other side to the question of what holidays are, and look at the interpretation in the dictionary: "A break in classes (in educational institutions; and in some countries in the work of parliament) for a holiday or summer time." Parliamentarians are lucky. You can also envy teachers: they have long holidays, corresponding to the holidays of children.
As for the deputies, they generally have a good life, if we take into account their salary. On the other hand, what to envy? After all, creating and adopting laws is not an easy task, it requires all your strength.
However, let's leave the deputies and teachers, who suddenly found a common topic for conversation. It is better to find out if there are holidays (what kind of phenomenon this is already clear) in an adult state. Let's turn to another dictionary.
I would like to say that, of course, there are holidays! But perhaps the dictionary does not share our optimism. Let's look at the synonyms of the word:
- break;
- vacation;
- vacations.
The last word can be completely incomprehensible. But it is in Dahl's dictionary and is defined as "walking, idle time." The noun has its roots in Latin and is used, as a rule, in the plural, which we see. Also to the listthe noun "vacation" is added. Since the holidays are time free from study or work, then a vacation will not be superfluous. This is a more or less complete answer to the question, what is a vacation.