What is force? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation

What is force? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation
What is force? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Almost no one likes external effect people. Because it seems that nothing is hidden behind the latter. But how difficult it is not to succumb to this charm of people who can present themselves, deceive others, pretend to be who they are not. Let's talk about the force that makes them do all this. The main question today is: what is force?


We do not get tired every time it is appropriate to talk about the well-known ties between Russia and France. It is the latter that is to blame for the fact that in our country they know about the object of study. Those who understand foreign languages can easily tell from which word the concept of "force" comes from. English and French have the word force. It means about the same thing - strength. True, there is also the German forsch - "young", "dashing". In this case, perhaps, the German influence is more palpable than the French. However, the etymological dictionary is silent about this and insists on the French roots of the concept.

But to understand what force really is,you need to open an explanatory dictionary and see the meaning that a noun is endowed with on our earth. There is no other way.


Man in a plaid sweater
Man in a plaid sweater

Now you rarely hear the word. Maybe because today it is considered colloquial? In any case, it's a pity, because it has some charm. But we are getting ahead of ourselves and do not let the dictionary speak. This oversight needs to be corrected. So, the smart book says that the meaning of the word "force" is: "Importance, arrogance, boastful panache."

For some reason, every time people hear about importance, it immediately seems that all this is empty. Therefore, one who forks without measure, I want to throw him off his throne and put him in his place. It can even be said that the satisfaction of bloodthirsty instincts in this regard is an international need, because in many films of Russian and foreign villains are completely set, and as a result the heroes put them in their place, and the viewer triumphs, because his sense of justice is satisfied.


Man pretends to be drinking coffee
Man pretends to be drinking coffee

What is force is clear, but the word is colloquial at the moment, and this creates additional difficulties for understanding, so we need semantic analogues to dispel the last doubts. So the list goes like this:

  • pride;
  • megalomania;
  • star fever;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • foppery;
  • swagger;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance.

10 is a good number, let's dwell on it. There may be more synonyms, but those nouns that are given are enough for understanding. As you can see, dictionaries took up arms against the object of study and do not want to recognize at least some value behind it. We will act as a kind of devil's advocate, especially since there is a suitable example - a film with the same name. Great is the temptation to seize the opportunity.

Tendency to force and personality traits

Shot from the film "Devil's Advocate"
Shot from the film "Devil's Advocate"

Of course, since the time of Gogol, or rather Khlestakov, it seems that those people who like to force are not smart, but is it?

Successful hero Keanu Reeves in the film "The Devil's Advocate" (1997) refutes this truth. He dresses in expensive suits, not because he has no mind, but because he lived in poverty for quite a long time. And when the proposal of John Milton fell on him, he, of course, could not resist, but who could?

Therefore, in the column "intellectual qualities" we put "plus", but what about moral ones? Here, unfortunately, "minus". Kevin Lomax could not resist the temptation: a large apartment, beautiful women in the company, parties, almost unlimited financial opportunities. What to do, the devil is treacherous and skillfully uses human weaknesses, and people always lack money. In other words, if you're struggling and wondering what force is, watch the movie. Kevin's boss lives in stunning luxury.

But John Milton also criticizes Kevin's tendency to overspend, to dress expensively. The head of the firm notices that the young lawyer is too simple, there is no riddle in him. He is the embodiment of the obvious. John Milton has a completely different strategy. In the movie, Kevin manages to escape, but in the book, the ending is sadder. And in the end, force is to blame.

So, we have analyzed the meaning of the word "force", its origin, picked up synonyms and a memorable example.
