Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, born in 1931 in the outback of the Sverdlovsk region, made a dizzying career, going from a foreman at a construction plant to the first President of the Russian Federation.
His political activities were ambiguously assessed by contemporaries, but global discussions began when Yeltsin died. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of the legitimacy of his decisions, but one thing is certain - Boris Nikolayevich led our country along a completely new road that opens up great prospects.

Life after retirement
After seven years in the presidency, Boris Yeltsin signed the decree on his resignation with particular joy. Now he could fully and without reserve devote his time to his beloved wife Naina, children and grandchildren.
First time after the official retirement, Boris Yeltsin participated in the public life of the country. Including at the inauguration ceremony of V. V. Putin after the electionsin March 2000.
Yeltsin's dacha was often visited by ministers and politicians, according to whose testimonies, Boris Nikolaevich was not always pleased with the actions of his successor. But these visits soon ended, and the former president began a quiet life away from politics.

Yeltsin came to the Kremlin several times for the awards ceremony. In 2006, the President of Latvia awarded Boris Nikolayevich with the Order of the Three Stars.
A few months before he died, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin visited Jordan and Israel. Visited the Dead Sea.
Sickness and death
According to some doctors, a trip abroad could provoke a deterioration in he alth. A few days after returning to his native land, Yeltsin was hospitalized in a clinical hospital with an acute viral infection. It was she who caused the failure of some internal organs.
The ex-president spent almost two weeks in the hospital. According to his doctor, there were no signs of death. However, on April 23, 2007, his heart stopped and Yeltsin died. In 1996, cardiac surgeon R. Achkurin performed a heart bypass on the president and, in his opinion, it should not have failed.
For all relatives, friends and compatriots, April 23, when Boris Yeltsin died, became a day of mourning.
Funeral preparations
In the recent history of Russia, the funeral of the head of state has not yet been held. Yeltsin's burial was the first of its kind. Of course, there were no traditions and rituals. Therefore, when Yeltsin died, Russian President V. V. Putin instructed to develop the appropriate stages of the ceremony.
The Commission for the organization of the funeral was urgently created, headed by Sergei Sobyanin.
The funeral of the first president of Russia was not at all like the resting place of the first persons of the Soviet state. For the first time, it was decided to hold a funeral service in the main church of the country, since Boris Nikolayevich was a believer.
The funeral was to be held by Metropolitan Yuvenaly with the help of Metropolitans Cyril and Clement. Alexy II, Metropolitan of All Russia, was unable to attend the ceremony as he was undergoing medical treatment abroad.
A simple oak coffin with the body of the former president was delivered to the temple on April 24th. Every inhabitant of the country could say goodbye to Boris Yeltsin. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was open all night. The flow of people was not very stormy, but by noon the next day there were those who did not have time to get to say goodbye and pay tribute to the deceased.

On the day of the funeral, April 25, 2007, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was closed for the funeral of Boris Yeltsin.
Funeral Service
The official farewell ceremony began on April 25 at around 1pm. It was attended by the highest ranks of the state, Yeltsin's associates, his closest friends and relatives, and some artists. This day has been declared a day of mourning throughout the country.
It is noteworthy that the State Duma has not stopped its work. And the deputies of the Communist Party faction refused to honor the memory of Yeltsin with a minute of silence.
Among foreign politicians, former US presidents Clinton and Bush Sr., former prime ministers of Great Britain, Canada, Italy, as well as the presidents of Poland, Finland, Bulgaria and many others were present at the farewell to Yeltsin. It is noteworthy that Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and last President of the USSR, arrived at the funeral of Boris Nikolaevich.

When Yeltsin died, it was decided to hold a farewell ceremony in accordance with Orthodox canons, so the Ps alter was read over the coffin all night, then a funeral liturgy was performed and the funeral itself, which lasted about two hours.
After the ceremony at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the coffin with the body of the ex-president was moved to a hearse and taken to Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery. Yeltsin's body was delivered to the right place along the central alley on a gun carriage to the sound of bells.
The Russian flag was removed from the closed coffin of Boris Yeltsin and handed over to Naina Yeltsina, his wife. The family was given another chance to say goodbye to the deceased, while the women's choir of the monastery performed "Eternal Memory".

Yeltsin was buried at 17.00 to the sound of artillery salvos and the anthem of the Russian Federation.
Walk for the former president of Russia was held in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin. They were attended by about five hundred people. The only people to speak were Vladimir Putin and Yeltsin's wife, Naina Iosifovna.

When Yeltsin died, the president of Russia wasa proposal was put forward to name the St. Petersburg Library after the ex-president.
A street in Yekaterinburg bears the name of Boris Yeltsin.
A year after the funeral, a monument in the form of the Russian flag by G. Frangulyan was solemnly erected on Yeltsin's grave.
Many monuments and memorial plaques are open not only in Russia but also abroad. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan.
A number of documentaries have been shot about Boris Yeltsin, as well as several feature films, such as “Yeltsin. Three days in August.”
In what year did Yeltsin die?
There is a theory put forward by the publicist Y. Mukhin, according to which the real Yeltsin died in 1996, during a heart operation or due to another heart attack, and a double ruled the country.
As evidence, the journalist used photographs taken before and after 1996.
The result of the publication of articles in the newspaper "Duel" was a great public outcry. The State Duma even put forward a draft on checking the president's capacity, but was not accepted for execution.
The history of the Soviet Union knows cases when the highest party leaders really had doubles who went to potentially dangerous events with large crowds of people.
However, the theory of Yeltsin's twins did not find any official confirmation, and the question "In what year did Yeltsin die?" there is only one answer - in 2007.