Proteins are the key elements of all cells and tissues of the body. They are formed by chains of amino acids. There are more than 100 types of protein molecules in the human body. All of them provide a variety of functions. Among the molecules, fibrinogen, transferrin, immunoglobulins, lipoproteins, albumins and others are distinguished. The isolation of protein fractions is carried out in various ways, but electrophoresis has become the most popular. Consider its features in more detail.

General information
In total, blood proteins form a "total protein". It, in turn, includes components such as globulins and albumins. Electrophoresis of blood proteins separates them into these elements. This method of separation allowed us to take diagnostics to a whole new level.
Molecules acquire a negative or positive charge, which depends on the medium in which electrophoresis of blood protein fractions is performed. Their movement is affected by the magnitude of the charge. The nature of the movement is determined by the shape and size of the molecules themselves, their weight. Elements with a positive charge have better adsorption than those with a negative charge.
They are considered the largest protein molecules of any whey fraction. The number of albumins reflects the protein status of many internal organs. One of the key tasks of molecules is the preservation of osmotic colloidal pressure. It helps to keep the fluid system in the bloodstream. In accordance with this, the development of such pathological conditions as pulmonary edema, ascites, etc. can be explained.
They are divided into several groups. The method of protein electrophoresis allows their quantitative separation in the laboratory. Among the constituent globulins are:
- Alpha-1. They contain elements of alpha-1-antitrypsin, as well as thyroxin-binding globulin.
- Alpha-2. They contain parts of ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, etc.
- Beta elements. Among them are the components of complement, transferrin, beta-lipoproteins.
- Gamma part. It contains immunoglobulins A, E, M, G, D.
Protein electrophoresis with an increase in alpha-1 and alpha-2 parts indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Electrophoresis of proteins of a he althy body reflect the following indicators (in g / dl):
- Albumin 3.4-5.
- Alpha-1 globulin - from 0.1 to 0.3.
- Alpha-2 – from 0.6 to 1.
- Beta globulin - from 0.7 to 1.2.
- Gamma globulin - from 0.7 to 1.6.
- Overall scores from 6.4 to 8.3.
Diagnosis Benefits
As aboveIt is said that in medicine there are quite a lot of methods for separating protein molecules according to certain criteria. However, the most common is protein electrophoresis. Protein fractions contained in certain biological media can only be isolated in this way. In particular, it allows the detection of paraproteins. Protein electrophoresis is a special clinical method of analysis. It makes it possible to identify any changes in molecules that can act as signs of certain pathologies. Electrophoresis of protein fractions is an affordable diagnostic method. It is performed in all laboratories. As its undoubted advantages, it is worth mentioning the accuracy and speed of obtaining the result. Serum protein electrophoresis reveals changes:
- In the structure of protein molecules.
- The quantitative ratio of structural elements.

Receipt of research results
Capillary electrophoresis reveals some types of proteins. However, some molecules cannot be detected by this method. The exception is albumin. For deeper analysis, fractional electrophoresis is used. The level of certain groups can be measured by the amount of total protein, multiplied by the relative % share of each of them.
Protein electrophoresis must necessarily be performed simultaneously with the measurement of the content of immunoglobulins M, A and G. Variants with a higher concentration of the first two, which cannot be separately studied,should be sent for reanalysis. This is necessary to exclude immunofixation of minor paraprotein groups.
Clinical picture
Protein electrophoresis allows you to detect the onset of kidney and liver pathologies, genetic deformations, the formation of malignant tumors, and the activation of chronic and acute infections. In practice, a number of "syndromes" have been identified, which are shown by the decoding of the analysis:
- An increased proportion of alpha-1 and alpha-2 globulins, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, as well as a number of acute phase proteins indicates the onset of an acute inflammatory process with activation of the complement system. When conducting a simple hematological analysis in such a situation, only an increase in ESR and leukocytosis will be detected.
- Reducing the absolute concentration of albumin indicates severe liver pathology. Chronic cirrhosis and hepatitis occur with an increase in the amount of gamma globulins. If protein electrophoresis shows their excess over albumin, it is necessary to immediately repeat the study and go for a comprehensive examination.
- A moderate increase in beta-, gamma- and alpha-2-globulins with a slight decrease in albumin indicates collagenosis, chronic inflammation, malignancy of benign neoplasms, allergic reactions, autoimmune pathologies.

Nephrotic Syndrome
It is diagnosed if the transcript of the study indicates an increase in the levelfiltration of protein molecules in the renal tubules and selective proteinuria. The latter is the excretion of a large number of albumins and a small amount of low molecular weight globulins in the urine. Along with the progression of the syndrome, an intensive synthesis of large molecules of the alpha-2-globulin group in the liver is detected. They accumulate in the blood fluid. As a result, the following picture emerges. Decreases in albumin and increases in alpha-2 globulin.

Significant protein losses are not unique to nephrotic syndrome. They are also noted in Laella's disease, extensive burns, pathologies of the digestive system, etc. In case of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, the decoding of the proteinogram indicates a decrease in the content of albumin and a simultaneous increase in the percentage of all groups of globulins. You can regulate the level of protein by regularly performing electrophoresis. In this case, it is advisable to introduce drugs that replace protein elements. With a pronounced decrease in gamma globulins, a severe immunodeficiency of an acquired or congenital nature is diagnosed. In such cases, to identify the complete clinical picture, it is recommended to additionally determine the content of immunoglobulins M, A, G.
Electrophoresis is considered the only way to reveal it. Paraproteinemia is a symptom that accompanies the progressive growth of benign and malignant tumors. Accumulation in the blood of monoclonal immunoglobulins, as well as fragments of their bondscharacteristic of multiple myeloma and a number of leukemias. For the differentiation of paraproteins and the establishment of protein chains, it is recommended to perform a modified electrophoresis - immunofixation. For the study, helium plates with antiserum are used.

Characteristics of fractions on the electrophoretic curve
- Transthyretin (prealbumin). It is a kidney protein. It is located under albumin, has a short half-life. Prealbumin binds thyroid hormones, a transport protein for A-vitamin. Its content makes it possible to analyze the availability of proteins in peripheral tissues. With nutritional deficiencies and liver pathologies, a decrease in its share is noted.
- Alpha-1-lipoproteins. They are a slightly stained homogeneous area between alpha-1-globulin and albumin. The dimensions of the zone of the first are determined by the level of other elements. In particular, it is alpha-1 antitrypsin, -fetoprotein, -microglobulin. In acute inflammation, there is a visible darkening.
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin. Its genetic variability is manifested by a change in the movement of proteins, elevated liver tests, cirrhosis. Against the background of pregnancy, there is a decrease in the level.
- Alpha-1-fetoprotein. It is a marker of congenital pathologies and hepatic tumors in prenatal diagnosis.
- Gamma globulins. The zone is characterized in determining the properties of classes of immunoglobulin M andG.
- Fibrinogen. It is a protein in the blood coagulation system. Located between gamma and beta globulins. In acute inflammation, an increase in fibrinogen is noted. In severe liver failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, a decrease in its level is detected.

Monoclonal immunoglobulins are only detected in the presence of pathology.