Starting from the 17th century, the Sukharev Tower was considered the most famous landmark in Moscow. There are many rumors and legends associated with it. It was demolished in June 1934. According to the native Muscovites, the city was orphaned without her. According to V. A. Gilyarovsky, the pink tower - a beauty, was "… turned into a pile of ruins of the living."

Construction of Moscow
The Sukharev Tower in Moscow is inextricably linked with the history of the city. Therefore, in order to more clearly imagine what will be discussed, it is necessary to imagine where she was.
Moscow was built gradually. As the fortress walls expanded, which divided the city into parts-rings, a new territory was fenced. Initially, there was the Kremlin - it was the center, after it came the later settlement of Kitai-gorod, which, as it was built, was protected by a fortress wall. After him White City. Gradually, as unnecessary, the inner walls were dismantled.
Earth City
Earth City was being built outside the White City. Here, near the walls of Moscow, villages were located, there were landsmonasteries. At the time of the construction of the tower, there was a wall enclosing the White City. It was the city limits, beyond which the suburbs began, or, as they would say now, the suburbs. It was called Arbat, which, as scientists suggest, comes from the Arabic word "rabat", which means "suburb".
Walls with a rampart and a moat separated the city from Bely Zemlyanoy, gates were made for passage to Moscow. On the site of the Sretensky Gate, the Sukharev Tower was built. The Earthen City itself was surrounded by a rampart, which was fortified with ostrogs (pointed logs) and towers, the number of which was 57.

Prerequisites for the appearance of the tower
The Sukharev Tower was a monument in honor of the successful escape of the young Tsar Peter I from his sister, Princess Sophia, who was striving to seize the throne of Moscow with the help of archers. Moscow was captured by the rebels, and the young tsar and his mother decided to take refuge in the Sergius Lavra. To get there, it was necessary to go outside the White City through the gate.
The Sretensky Gate was guarded by a regiment of archers under the command of Lavrenty Sukharev, who released the retinue of Peter I through the gate, and he safely reached the Sergius Lavra. In gratitude for his salvation, the future emperor ordered the construction of stone gates with a tower instead of wooden ones, which was named after Lavrenty Sukharev. This is the beginning of the history of the Sukharev Tower.
But there are no reliable sources confirming this story. In Moscow, there are many names associated with archers,most likely, here was the settlement of the archers of Colonel Sukharev, so the street and the tower on it were named after his last name. Therefore, the version of the grateful emperor is considered to be an urban legend.
Gate building construction
The construction was started in 1692 and completed in 1695. The project was developed by the outstanding architect of that time M. I. Choglokov. In 1698, reconstruction began, as a result of which the building with the tower took on its final form, in which it reached the beginning of the 20th century without significant changes.
The building was large, massive and, according to her contemporaries, heavy. However, Byzantine vaults, many unique architectural details gave it extraordinary lightness and originality. The decoration of the building was a high tower with a hipped roof and a double-headed eagle on the spire. The tower was decorated with a clock. It resembled a European town hall, standing on a hill, and gave the appearance of a huge building.
In recent years, the tower has been painted pink. With white stone architraves, carved details and balusters, she gave the impression of an elegant and majestic beauty. It was the Sukharev Tower that M. Yu. Lermontov, Yu. Olesha, V. A. Gilyarovsky.
Photos of the Sukharev Tower in Moscow have survived to this day. These black and white photographs give you an idea of the beauty and majesty of this enigmatic structure.

What was located in the Sukharev Tower?
Since the construction of this building, it has housed a lot of different institutions. With her nameassociated with many rumors and legends. The Sukharev Tower in Moscow was initially chosen by F. Lefort and J. Bruce, whom Muscovites called the sorcerer. Meetings of the secret Neptune Society, of which they were chairmen, were held here. It was no coincidence that a building was built next to the tower, which is associated with the Masons, now the Sklifosovsky Institute is located here. Its facade is decorated with Masonic signs.
In the early years of the 18th century, the Nautical School of Navigation was located here, which was later transferred to St. Petersburg. J. Bruce had a hand in equipping the school, equipping classrooms, an observatory, a laboratory for conducting physical and chemical experiments, living quarters for students, as well as a fencing hall where the Neptune Society supposedly gathered here.
Later, the tower housed the office of the Moscow branch of the Admir alty Board. In subsequent years, the tower building was used for various purposes. There were barracks and warehouses here.
Water Tower
Taking advantage of the fact that the masonry of the walls of the Sukharev Tower was very powerful and durable, a water tower of the Mytishchi water pipeline was built here. There were two tanks here. One had a capacity of 6, the other 7 thousand buckets. From the aqueduct itself, the aqueduct remained.

Moscow Communal Museum
After repairs in 1926, the Moscow Communal Museum was opened here. Its founder P. V. Sytin, who put a lot of effort into opening the museum, planned to create a corner of old Moscow around the Sukharev Tower. According to himaccording to the plan, ancient lanterns were to be located here, various bridge masonry was arranged.
It was planned to open an observation deck on the tower itself, since the height of the tower was 60 meters, and it was located on the highest hill of the city. But all these dreams were not destined to come true.
The story of the demolition of the tower
The fact that this is not a simple tower, say the events that unfolded around it. Take at least the story of its demolition. A whole "battle" broke out around this building. The entire advanced public of Moscow opposed the demolition.
Famous architects, historians, writers and others have petitioned to cancel the demolition of the tower, which allegedly interfered with the expansion of the movement. Their opponent was Koganovich, who subsequently led this process. Petitions were written to Stalin himself, but he, having read all the letters, decided to demolish the tower.
But the amazing thing is that the place where the beautiful tower once stood is free to this day. There is a park on it. What is hidden behind the unconditional demolition - class adherence to principles or is there really a secret of the Sukharev Tower? After all, it is not without reason that for several hundred years, conversations connected with a close associate of Peter I, Yakov Bruce, who was nicknamed the sorcerer, have not ceased.
Also, a lot of talk was caused by the fact that the building was dismantled literally “brick by brick”. It looked like they were looking for something important.

Neptune Society
The name of Yakov Bruce is closely connected with the Sukharev Tower. Exactlythe Neptune Society met here, initially under the leadership of F. Lefort, after his death - J. Bruce. It studied astrology and magic. It included 9 people, including: F. Lefort, J. Bruce, Peter I, A. Menshikov, P. Gordon - Russian general, rear admiral.
As the researchers suggest, it was a secret Masonic society. Although there is no documentary evidence of the Freemasonry of Peter I, there are enough documents about connections with the lodge of masons J. Bruce. The assumption that the Russian tsar was involved in Freemasonry is based on the symbolism of St. Petersburg, which is questioned by serious historians.
Jakov Bruce
An associate of Peter I, a descendant of the Scottish kings, Field Marshal General, scientist, student of Newton and Leibniz, was born in Moscow and was in the service of the Russian Tsar. In 1698, for more than a year, he trained in England. His hobbies were the exact sciences, in particular astronomy.
He was just an extraordinary person. He is the author of the first scientific work on astronomy and gravitation published in Russia, The Theory of Planetary Motion. Bruce was greatly influenced by communication with I. Newton, who belonged to the English Masons. According to documents, the great scientist brought the Russian Scot closer to the first Freemasons of England.
As the most educated person, he hated court fuss, sycophants, which made him many enemies. He was selflessly devoted to Peter I, loved him. He remained faithful to his emperor and refused Catherine I's offer of service, as he could not stand the mouse fuss around the throne.
HisA. I. himself sought patronage. Osterman, but was left with nothing. The retired field marshal lived out the end of his days in Moscow, working in the office of the Sukharev Tower. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the incredible rumors around his person that outlived him and his ill-wishers.

Legend of the White Paper
All the legends about the Sukharev tower in Moscow are connected with the name of Bruce. There are very few facts on which historians would rely. Basically, they confirm his connections with the secret societies of Europe. His passion for books is well known. Only on astronomy, which he revered, he had more than 200 books. Part of the huge library was in his office, located in the Sukharev Tower.
The first legend says that Bruce was the owner of the oldest manuscripts, including the so-called "White Book", which belonged to King Solomon himself. According to this book, it was possible to predict the future and fate of any person. But she had one "whim", she was given into the hands of only the initiates. According to legend, Peter I, being in Bruce's office, could not even pick it up.
Legend of the Black Book
According to legend, the most valuable copy of the Bryusov library in the Sukharev Tower was the Black Book. It has been sought after for hundreds of years. Legend has it that Empress Catherine II ordered to explore all the walls of the magician's office in the tower. The analysis of the building itself in the Stalin years is also associated with the search for the Black Book.
What is the mystery of this mysterious tome? Legend has it that the owner of it will rule the world. Jacob Bruce to thistreated the book with trepidation. Knowing the time of his departure from this life, he made sure that it did not fall into the hands of random people, and hid it securely. It was believed that she was walled up in the walls of the tower, which surprised everyone with their incredible massiveness.
After the tower was dismantled, all searches moved to the preserved dungeons. Some seekers of the mysterious book disappeared without a trace. Some have come across mysterious ghosts or black crows while searching.

Secrets of the Sukharev Tower
After Jacob Bruce passed away, fear of him did not leave Muscovites. The light of candles lit at night in his office, located in the tower, frightened Muscovites for a long time. It was believed that he died during his witchcraft experiments, and his ashes did not find peace after death.
So, during the reconstruction of old Moscow in the early 30s of the last century, a crypt presumably of J. Bruce was discovered on Radio Street during the demolition of the old church. The remains were transferred to the laboratory of the anthropologist Gerasimov, from where they strangely disappeared.
Do I need to restore the tower?
We have to regret the irretrievably lost Sukharev tower. Photos, drawings and plans of it have survived to our time.
There are proposals to restore it. Powerful foundations were preserved, and the place remained unoccupied. But it will be something similar to the scenery, there will be a feeling of fake.
Should we redo the past and make our own adjustments to it? The tower was demolishedThis city has existed for almost a hundred years. The demolition of the tower gave rise to new legends, which some believe. The new tower will still remain as such. The old one can't be returned. Therefore, let everything remain as it is.