Homeostasis is The concept, types and properties of homeostasis

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Homeostasis is The concept, types and properties of homeostasis
Homeostasis is The concept, types and properties of homeostasis

Homeostasis is the ability of the human body to adapt to changing conditions of the external and internal environment. Stable work of homeostasis processes guarantees a person a comfortable state of he alth in any situation, maintaining the constancy of vital signs of the body.

Homeostasis from a biological and ecological point of view

In biology, the concept of homeostasis is applied to any multicellular organisms. At the same time, ecologists often pay attention to the balance of the external environment. It is believed that this is the homeostasis of the ecosystem, which also undergoes changes and is constantly rebuilt for further existence.

If the balance in any system is broken and it is not able to restore it, then this leads to a complete cessation of functioning.

The essence of homeostasis
The essence of homeostasis

Man is no exception, homeostatic mechanisms play an important role in daily life, and the permissible degree of change in the main indicators of the human body is very small. With unusual fluctuations in the external or internal environment, a malfunction in homeostasis can lead to fatal consequences.

Why do we need homeostasis andits types

Every day a person is exposed to various environmental factors, but in order for the basic biological processes in the body to continue to work stably, their conditions must not change. It is in maintaining this stability that the main role of homeostasis lies.

It is customary to distinguish three main types:

  1. Genetic.
  2. Physiological.
  3. Structural (regeneration or cellular).

For a full-fledged existence, a person needs the work of all three types of homeostasis in a complex, if one of them fails, this leads to unpleasant consequences for he alth. Well-coordinated work of processes will allow you to ignore or tolerate the most common changes with minimal inconvenience and feel confident.

Genetic homeostasis

Genetic homeostasis
Genetic homeostasis

This type of homeostasis is the ability to maintain a single genotype within one population. At the molecular-cellular level, a single genetic system is maintained, which carries a certain set of hereditary information.

The mechanism allows individuals to interbreed, while maintaining the balance and uniformity of a conditionally closed group of people (population).

Physiological homeostasis

This type of homeostasis is responsible for maintaining the main vital signs in an optimal state:

  • Body temperature.
  • Blood pressure.
  • Digestive stability.

For his correctthe immune, endocrine and nervous systems respond. In the event of an unexpected failure in the operation of one of the systems, this immediately affects the well-being of the whole organism, leads to a weakening of protective functions and the development of diseases.

Cellular homeostasis (structural)

Cellular homeostasis
Cellular homeostasis

This species is also called "regeneration", which probably best describes the functional features.

The main forces of such homeostasis are aimed at restoring and healing damaged cells of the internal organs of the human body. It is these mechanisms that, when working properly, allow the body to recover from illness or injury.

The main mechanisms of homeostasis develop and evolve together with a person, better adapting to changes in the external environment.

Functions of homeostasis

In order to correctly understand the functions and properties of homeostasis, it is best to consider its action on specific examples.

For example, when playing sports, human breathing and pulse quicken, which indicates the body's desire to maintain internal balance under changed environmental conditions.

When moving to a country with a climate that is significantly different from the usual, for some time you may feel unwell. Depending on the general he alth of a person, the mechanisms of homeostasis allow you to adapt to new living conditions. For some, acclimatization is not felt and the internal balance quickly adjusts, someone has to wait a little beforehow the body will adjust its performance.

In conditions of elevated temperature, a person becomes hot and sweating begins. Such a phenomenon is considered direct evidence of the functioning of self-regulation mechanisms.

Reaction to heat
Reaction to heat

In many ways, the work of basic homeostatic functions depends on heredity, the genetic material passed on from the older generation of the family.

Based on the examples given, the main functions can be clearly traced:

  • Energy.
  • Adaptive.
  • Reproductive.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in old age, as well as in infancy, the stable work of homeostasis requires special attention, due to the fact that the reaction of the main regulatory systems during these periods of life is slow.

Properties of homeostasis

Knowing the basic functions of self-regulation, it is also useful to understand what properties it has. Homeostasis is a complex relationship of processes and reactions. Among the properties of homeostasis are:

  • Instability.
  • Striving for balance.
  • Unpredictability.

Mechanisms are in constant change, testing conditions to choose the best option to adapt to them. This manifests the property of instability.

Self-regulation of the body
Self-regulation of the body

Balance is the main goal and property of any organism, it constantly strives for it, both structurally and functionally.

In some cases, the reaction of the body to changes in external orthe internal environment can become unexpected, lead to restructuring of vital systems. The unpredictability of homeostasis can cause some discomfort, which does not indicate a further detrimental effect on the state of the body.

How to improve the mechanisms of the homeostatic system

From the point of view of medicine, any disease is evidence of a malfunction in homeostasis. External and internal threats constantly affect the body, and only coherence in the work of the main systems will help to cope with them.

Weakened immunity does not happen for no reason. Modern medicine has a wide range of tools that can help a person maintain their he alth, regardless of what caused the failure.

Change in weather conditions, stressful situations, injuries - all this can lead to the development of diseases of varying severity.

In order for the functions of homeostasis to work correctly and as quickly as possible, you need to monitor your overall he alth. To do this, you can consult a doctor for an examination to determine your vulnerabilities and choose a set of therapy to eliminate them. Regular diagnostics will help to better control the basic processes of life.

Maintenance of the body
Maintenance of the body

At the same time, it is important to follow simple recommendations on your own:

  • Avoid stressful situations to protect the nervous system from constant overexertion.
  • Follow your diet, do not overload yourself with heavy foods, do not allowmindless fasting, which will allow the digestive system to do its job more easily.
  • Choose suitable vitamin complexes to reduce the impact of seasonal weather changes.

Being vigilant about one's own he alth will help homeostatic processes respond to any changes in a timely and correct manner.
