Slurry is The meaning of the word

Slurry is The meaning of the word
Slurry is The meaning of the word

The Russian language is incredibly diverse: it organically intertwines high literary speech, slang vocabulary, professionalism, many dialects, borrowed vocabulary and obsolete words. And even the most enthusiastic and sophisticated Russian specialist cannot know the meaning of every word. Sometimes the question of meaning can arise even in relation to the simplest words, and if they are ambiguous, then the task becomes even more difficult. This article will talk about several meanings of the word "slurry".

Deprecated value

The word "slurry" originally meant "heterogeneous, viscous liquid interspersed with solids." So, this word in its first meaning was called dirt on the road, slush and just liquid mud. The word in this meaning can still be found now, but it is rather narrowly distributed and is already obsolete. Example of use in a speech: "Today there was an incredible slush on the road due to rain" or "When water was pumped out of the well, a fetid slurry appeared at the bottom."

swamp goo
swamp goo

Colloquial meaning

Word"slurry" has always had a colloquial color, but one of the meanings is absolutely colloquial. Also, this word can be found marked "slang". Thus, a slurry is the liquid part of a soup or stew. This value actually leaves the original meaning, because it is a broth with pieces of vegetables, and as already mentioned, the slurry is a heterogeneous, viscous liquid interspersed with solid matter. It is noteworthy that this word has a negative meaning. An example of use in a speech: "Well, who will eat this slurry?" or "What kind of goo did you make?".

Modern meaning

The new meaning of the word "slurry" is completely unrelated to the original meaning. Now it is especially common among young people. It appeared due to the spread of electronic cigarettes. The fact is that a special liquid is filled inside the electronic cigarette, it is called liquid.

Liquid for electronic cigarettes
Liquid for electronic cigarettes

It's just that Russian speakers tend to simplify their language, shorten words. Having shortened the word "liquid", we came to the already existing word "slurry". So in the modern sense, e-liquid is a liquid for refilling electronic cigarettes. Example of use in a speech: "Do you know where you can buy low-cost liquid?" or "How does your goo taste?".

So let's sum it up. This article introduced you to several meanings of this word. In these meanings, the word "slurry" is most often used in everyday speech. After reading you havethere should be no question about the meaning of this word.
