IELTS scores: what they mean, how to learn and how to use

IELTS scores: what they mean, how to learn and how to use
IELTS scores: what they mean, how to learn and how to use

In order to find out your level of English proficiency, it is enough to pass a regular test, but in order to get an official result, you must pass a unified international exam and receive a certificate. IELTS is one of the main English level exams, which people from all over the world aspire to successfully pass. A well-passed test opens the door to education, work, or immigration abroad. IELTS scores are recognized in many countries around the world such as Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa and many more.

Suppose that the years of preparation are over and the long-awaited day has come, the exam has been passed. How to find out the results of IELTS and what to do next? You will find the answer in the article.

What do IELTS results mean

IELTS and CEFR compliance
IELTS and CEFR compliance

Before you know your result, you need to learn to understand it.

The total score for the exam is added as the arithmetic mean of the sum of scores for all four parts:listening, writing, reading and speaking. The more points you get for each part, the higher the overall score. The maximum possible score is 9 points, while for tasks you can get both a whole point and a half point. Please note that it is impossible to pass IELTS, as the result reflects your level of English proficiency in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Even if you got the lowest score, you have proved the entry level A1. You can score 0 points in the exam only if a person does not answer a single question. However, the passing score for many overseas educational institutions or immigrant visa applications is a grade of 6-6.5 points, confirming the average level of language proficiency.

Where to find IELTS results

After passing the exam, you will have to be patient while the system processes your results and the experts calculate the points.

Traditional test results are published on the 13th day after the day of the exam and are available online for two weeks. If you passed electronic testing, the system will process your result much faster - within a week. Don't wait to be called or emailed. After the due date, you need to go to the website of the examination center where you took the test, enter the data specified during registration in the form. However, remember that online results are for reference only. The real proof of passing the exam is the original certificate given to you in the examination or mailed.

What to do next

IELTS Certificate
IELTS Certificate

So you got the results and were able to decipher them. If you are unhappy with the result, you can try to enroll in the next exam or file a fee-based appeal. If the result suits you, then you have two years to use the certificate. After two years, IELTS scores become invalid and the exam will have to be retaken.

Having a certificate in hand, you are free to use it as you wish: apply for an immigrant visa, send it to a potential employer or university, or simply place it in the archive of personal achievements. In addition, if you indicated organizations interested in taking the test when registering for the test, the examination center will notify them of your results.
