Funny school skits on September 1 and prom

Funny school skits on September 1 and prom
Funny school skits on September 1 and prom

September 1 is just around the corner: extracurricular educators have started preparing for the most important holiday of the year for first graders who are as excited as their first teachers. To make it easier for kids to get comfortable in the first days, high school students play funny school scenes in front of them.

They are always short, because children do not yet know how to focus on the text that their older friends say. Toddlers are more interested in costumes and songs. To pay attention to the text itself, it is better to pronounce it in verse. Funny school scenes are good because professional actors are not required for staging, expensive costumes are also not needed, and ordinary desks, teachers' tables and chairs serve as decorations.

Even the heroes of fairy tales and stories can become like first-graders if a backpack is hung on the shoulder and a white apron is put on. For example, a squirrel holding a nut of knowledge in its paws, with bows and an apron, will appeal to those who attended kindergarten a few months ago. If she also will be with an expressionread poems about how he wants to study at school, then the success of this scene is guaranteed.

Boys can be dressed up in pencils: just wrap them in white paper and put on a pointed cap made of the same paper on their heads, as it immediately becomes clear that with their help, first-graders will learn to draw straight lines and draw geometric shapes. Funny school skits on a mathematical theme are especially popular with children of six or seven years old, as all kids are happy to learn numbers.

Some schools have a school uniform fashion show. These are not products from factories that produce similar products, but a comparison of how elementary, middle and high school students dress. If two pairs of neat and sloppily dressed children are released to the court, then funny school scenes turn into a carnival of bright colors and images. It is this show that teaches first-graders that you can’t go to school the way you go to a disco or a stadium.

funny scenes
funny scenes

The graduation ball is also put on funny scenes. They reflect the most juicy details of what happened to them for 11 years. Even environmental issues can be discussed in them, as older students are well versed in the formation of ozone holes and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

sketches on the school theme
sketches on the school theme

Sketches on a school theme are always interesting: either the theme of relations between teachers and their wards sounds in them, or vices are ridiculed (especially laziness and lies), or an unsuccessful choice of clothes for physical education. Yes andan excessive load of knowledge also often becomes the main topic of the class’s response at the last call, for example, a physics teacher makes you study the structure of a nuclear reactor, while he himself quietly plays “shooters” on a phone that has just been taken from a negligent student.

school scenes
school scenes

There are many topics for school scenes. The main thing is that they should not be aimed at the attitude towards a particular teacher and student. The school teaches children about adult life, students also instill in teachers tolerance for their vices, the ability not to break loose in class, not to bring family problems to class discussion, so for the next concert it is worth preparing a program so as not to offend anyone not only with a word, but also with a gesture.
