I would go to saddlers. What is a saddler

I would go to saddlers. What is a saddler
I would go to saddlers. What is a saddler

Studying the rules of the Russian language, you can find examples from dictionaries and textbooks that use rare words. For example, what is a "sledger"? The expression "blinders on the eyes" means to think narrowly, not seeing prospects. “You are blinded by prejudice,” the heroine of the film “Pokrovsky Gates” printed her husband. The literal blinders cover the horse's eyes so that he is not distracted while moving. There is even such a profession - a saddler. Almost everyone has forgotten about her now, and once upon a time, not a single owner of a horse riding could do without such a master.

What the dictionaries say

Explanatory dictionaries shed some light on this question. Ushakov and Efremova simply indicate that this is a saddlery manufacturer. Kuznetsov's dictionary adds that he makes a harness. Ozhegov gives a synonym - the saddler.

Blinkers on the eyes of horses
Blinkers on the eyes of horses

Dal slightly expands the concept of "sadler". Meaning of the word: "one who works the harness." He cites as an example a proverb calling a saddler a colonel. Apparently, he was a very respected person in his time. What about today?

Are there saddlers now

As inin the twenty-first century do they make a harness for a horse? Maybe there are some industrial technologies? No, this is how it was, and remains the profession of artisans. In order to make a comfortable harness, measurements of a particular horse may be required. Then it will be easy to control it.

Only by seeing a workshop full of all kinds of tools, many of which are associated with the application of physical effort, one can understand what a saddler is. Leather stretched on a wooden hoop, straps with bits, blinders, saddles, blanks and finished products, sewing machines of various types, machines … Such workshops are in large sports clubs involved in equestrian sports.


The value of blinkers for sports can hardly be overestimated: they are put on so that the animal is not frightened and does not suffer. If you forget to put on blinders, trouble can happen. But the saddle is an equally important part of the harness. An improperly made saddle can cripple the animal and hurt the rider's back.

Where they teach to be a saddler

In Moscow there is the Academy of Crafts, where for several years there have been courses for saddlers. The curriculum is approved by the Ministry of Labor and includes everything that may be required from the master. Learning begins with familiarity with the material. This is a skin of certain characteristics. Although it is made under industrial conditions, the saddler must be able to prepare it, and for this he must understand the technology of dressing. Craftsmen are also taught how to work leather on their own, using modern equipment.

The saddler profession includes technologies that have been passed down from century to century. For example, skillroll up a straw bundle, which will be used to make a collar, make a solution for washing the skin and separate the flesh and bristles, make pack equipment and even shoe a horse. There are also modern disciplines: climbing equipment, making harnesses and belts, cavalry and sports saddles.

Saddler's workshop
Saddler's workshop

After completing the course, the master must be able to saddle a horse, tuck in girths, repair all types of harness. All this is taught for two months twice a week.

Good harness is the key to winning competitions

Good equipment for equestrian sports is fabulously expensive. French firms are known in the sports world. Slightly behind in price, but not in quality, Italian. German craftsmen make solid, reliable harnesses. But how to check the quality of the product if it is made by a domestic master?

An experienced rider will fold the wrap around the center a few times to check if the leather strap is sewn inside or plain cardboard. A poor-quality thing after twenty flexion-extension will become suspiciously easy to bend. So it's cardboard inside. If you buy such ammunition, it will last for a month.

Sports harness
Sports harness

A reliable master is sought, his contacts are passed on like a treasure. Not only victory, but also the life of the rider depends on the work of a professional. That's what a saddler is for an athlete.


How good it is that in the age of nanotechnology, crafts such as saddlery are still needed! Now they are engaged in people in love with the profession. ToUnfortunately, there are not many of them, and even courses do not save the situation, because a real master is formed over the years. In addition to professional skills, such a person must love and understand horses, be aware of the specifics of their service to people and be aware of his responsibility for the quality of the harness. This is what a saddler is, or rather, who is.
